#$Id$ # Generates fitted curves so the GUI can plot them # Based on code in IRLSkinfit # Modifications developed by Tessella for Syngenta: Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Syngenta # Tessella Project Reference: 6245, 7247, 8361, 7414, 10091 # # The CAKE R modules are free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . CakeDoPlot <- function(fit, xlim = range(fit$data$time), ...) { original_fit <- fit t.map.names <- names(fit$map) metabolites <- grep("[A-Z]\\d", t.map.names, value = TRUE) t.map.rest <- setdiff(t.map.names, metabolites) # Generate the normal graphs. final <- CakeSinglePlot(fit, xlim) if (length(metabolites) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(metabolites)) { metabolite <- metabolites[i] fit_method = names(fit$map[[metabolite]])[1] if (fit_method != "SFO" && fit_method != "DFOP") { # Only SFO and DFOP are current compatible with the process below # so skip this metabolite. next } fixed <- fit$fixed$value names(fixed) <- rownames(fit$fixed) parms.all <- c(fit$par, fixed) ininames <- c( rownames(subset(fit$start, type == "state")), rownames(subset(fit$fixed, type == "state"))) odeini <- parms.all[ininames] metabolite0Parameter <- metabolite if (!(metabolite %in% names(odeini))) { metabolite0Parameter <- paste0(metabolite, "_0") } # If the metabolite is DFOP, we should find a k2_ decay variable, # otherwise we can fall back to the SFO k_ variant decay_var <- paste("k2", metabolite, sep="_") if (!(decay_var %in% names(fit$par)) && !(decay_var %in% rownames(fit$fixed))) { decay_var <- paste("k", metabolite, sep="_") } # Generate the curve for DT50=1000 and ffm as fitted. if (decay_var %in% names(fit$par)) { fit$par[decay_var] <- log(2)/1000 } else { # If decay_var was fixed, need to modify it there. fit$fixed[decay_var,"value"] <- log(2)/1000 } new_col_name <- paste(metabolite, "DT50_1000_FFM_FITTED", sep="_") final[, new_col_name] <- CakeSinglePlot(fit, xlim)[metabolite] ffm1_fit <- SetFormationFractionsToOne(fit, metabolite) if (!is.null(ffm1_fit)) { # It was possible to set the formation fractions to 1, so generate the curves new_col_name <- paste(metabolite, "DT50_1000_FFM_1", sep="_") final[, new_col_name] <- CakeSinglePlot(ffm1_fit, xlim)[metabolite] # Reset the k values back to their originals # Then we can generate the curve for DT50 as fitted and ffm=1 if (decay_var %in% names(ffm1_fit$par)) { ffm1_fit$par[decay_var] <- original_fit$par[decay_var] } else { ffm1_fit$fixed[decay_var,"value"] <- original_fit$fixed[decay_var,"value"] } new_col_name <- paste(metabolite, "DT50_FITTED_FFM_1", sep="_") final[, new_col_name] <- CakeSinglePlot(ffm1_fit, xlim)[metabolite] } # Finally reset the fit for the next metabolite fit <- original_fit } } cat("\n") write.table(final, quote=FALSE) cat("\n") # View(final) } # Get the immediate parents of a metabolite in a topology GetParents <- function(topology, metabolite) { parents <- NULL for (topo_metab in names(topology)) { if (metabolite %in% topology[[topo_metab]]$to) { parents <- append(parents, topo_metab) } } return (parents) } # Get all the ancestors of a metabolite in a topology GetAncestors <- function(topology, metabolite, ancestors = NULL) { for (parent in GetParents(topology, metabolite)) { if (!(parent %in% ancestors)) { ancestors <- GetAncestors(topology, parent, append(ancestors, parent)) } } return (ancestors) } # Set the formation leading to the metabolite to 1 from each parent # Returns the updated fit or NULL if the metabolite can't be updated for FFM=1 SetFormationFractionsToOne <- function(fit, metabolite) { parents <- GetParents(fit$topology, metabolite) for (parent in parents) { if (any(GetAncestors(fit$topology, parent) %in% parents)) { # Reject metabolites where any parent is also an ancestor of another parent return (NULL) } # Try to find the formation fraction in the fitted and fixed parameters ffm_var <- paste("f", parent, "to", metabolite, sep="_") updated_fit <- SetFfmVariable(fit, ffm_var, 1) if (!is.null(updated_fit)) { # Formation fraction was found and set to 1 fit <- updated_fit next } # The formation fraction for this metabolite is implicitly 1 minus all the others from this parent # We need to iterate other formation fractions from the parent and set them to zero for (other_metabolite in fit$topology[[parent]]$to) { if (other_metabolite == metabolite) { # Skip the metabolite itself because we know there isn't a formation fraction for it next } other_ffm_var <- paste("f", parent, "to", other_metabolite, sep="_") updated_fit <- SetFfmVariable(fit, other_ffm_var, 0) # The updated fit shouldn't be able to be null because otherwise the topology was invalid # or didn't match the parameters in the fit. If it does, we'll throw an error. if (is.null(updated_fit)) { stop(paste("The updated fit was NULL. The formation fraction '", other_ffm_var, "' doesn't exist in the fit.", sep="")) } fit <- updated_fit } } return (fit) } # Set the value of ffm_var in the fit, looking in both fitted and fixed parameters # Returns the updated fit or NULL if the ffm_var couldn't be found SetFfmVariable <- function(fit, ffm_var, value) { if (ffm_var %in% names(fit$par)) { # The ffm_var was found as a fitted parameter fit$par[ffm_var] <- value return (fit) } if (ffm_var %in% rownames(fit$fixed)) { # The ffm_var was found as a fixed parameter fit$fixed[ffm_var,"value"] <- value return (fit) } # ffm_var was not found in the fit return (NULL) } CakeSinglePlot <- function(fit, xlim = range(fit$data$time), scale_x = 1.0, ...) { solution <- fit$solution if ( is.null(solution) ) { solution <- "deSolve" } atol <- fit$atol if ( is.null(atol) ) { atol <- 1.0e-5 } outtimes <- seq(0, xlim[2], length.out=CAKE.plots.resolution) * scale_x # Solve the system odeResult <- CakeOdeSolve(fit, outtimes, solution, atol) odeResult_transformed <- PostProcessOdeOutput(odeResult, fit, atol) # Replace values that are incalculably small with 0. for (compartment.name in names(fit$map)) { if (length(odeResult_transformed[, compartment.name][!is.nan(odeResult_transformed[, compartment.name])]) > 0) { odeResult_transformed[, compartment.name][is.nan(odeResult_transformed[, compartment.name])] <- 0 } odeResult_transformed[, compartment.name][odeResult_transformed[, compartment.name] < 0] <- 0 } return (odeResult_transformed) }