\name{calplot} \alias{calplot} \title{Plot calibration graphs} \description{ Produce graphics of calibration data, the fitted model as well as prediction and confidence intervals. } \usage{ calplot(x,y,intercept=FALSE,measurand="substance x",xunit="mg/L",yunit="Area",level=0.95) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A vector of x values. } \item{y}{ A vector of y values. } \item{intercept}{ A boolean describing if the calibration curve is to be forced through zero. } \item{measurand}{ The name of what is being measured as a character vector. } \item{xunit}{ The unit of the given values on the x axis as a character vector. } \item{yunit}{ The unit of the y axis as a character vector. Defaults to "Area". } \item{level}{ The confidence level of the confidence and prediction bands. Defaults to 0.95. } } \value{ A linear model object for y ~ x. You will also get a plot of the calibration data, of your fitted model as well as lines showing the confidence limits and the prediction limits. } \examples{ data(pahCalibration) attach(pahCalibration) \dontrun{calplot(conc,phenanthrene,"Phenanthrene","mg/L")} detach(pahCalibration) } \author{ Johannes Ranke \email{jranke@uni-bremen.de} \url{http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke} } \keyword{regression}