\name{calplot} \alias{calplot} \alias{calplot.default} \alias{calplot.lm} \title{Plot calibration graphs from univariate linear models} \description{ Produce graphics of calibration data, the fitted model as well as confidence, and, for unweighted regression, prediction bands. } \usage{ calplot(object, xlim = c("auto", "auto"), ylim = c("auto", "auto"), xlab = "Concentration", ylab = "Response", alpha=0.05, varfunc = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ A univariate model object of class \code{\link{lm}} or \code{\link[MASS:rlm]{rlm}} with model formula \code{y ~ x} or \code{y ~ x - 1}. } \item{xlim}{ The limits of the plot on the x axis. } \item{ylim}{ The limits of the plot on the y axis. } \item{xlab}{ The label of the x axis. } \item{ylab}{ The label of the y axis. } \item{alpha}{ The error tolerance level for the confidence and prediction bands. } \item{varfunc}{ The variance function for generating the weights in the model. Currently, this argument is ignored (see note below). } } \value{ A plot of the calibration data, of your fitted model as well as lines showing the confidence limits. Prediction limits are only shown for models from unweighted regression. } \note{ Prediction bands for models from weighted linear regression require weights for the data, for which responses should be predicted. Prediction intervals using weights e.g. from a variance function are currently not supported by the internally used function \code{\link{predict.lm}}, therefore, \code{calplot} does not draw prediction bands for such models. } \examples{ data(massart97ex3) m <- lm(y ~ x, data = massart97ex3) calplot(m) } \author{ Johannes Ranke \email{jranke@uni-bremen.de} \url{http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke} } \keyword{regression}