\name{multical} \alias{multical} \title{Calculation of results in a dataframe} \description{ This function provides the possibility to perform the calibration of multiple components simultaneously, and to provide the results including confidence intervals in a dataframe. } \usage{ multical(cf,df,intercept=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{cf}{ A data frame containig the data for the calibration standards. } \item{df}{ A data frame with the measured sample data. } \item{intercept}{ Logical value determining if an intercept is to be fitted or not. Default is FALSE. } } \value{ A data frame containig the measurement results with a confidence interval. } \examples{ data(pahCalibration) data(pahMeasurements) result <- multical(pahCalibration,pahMeasurements) } \author{ Johannes Ranke \email{jranke@uni-bremen.de} \url{http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke} } \keyword{regression}