\name{predictx} \alias{predictx} \title{Predict x from y values for calibration models} \description{ This function predicts x values from y values, as in classical calibration, including a confindence interval. } \usage{ predictx(m,yobs,level=0.95) } \arguments{ \item{m}{ A calibration model of type \code{\link{calm}}. } \item{yobs}{ A vector of observed y values for one sample. } \item{level}{ The confidence level for the confidence interval to be reported. } } \value{ A vector containing the estimate (\code{estimate}), its estimated standard deviation (\code{sdxpred}), its estimated confidence (\code{confxpred}). } \examples{ data(din32645) m <- calm(din32645) r <- predictx(m,3500,level=0.95) cat("\nThe confidence interval is",r[["estimate"]],"+-",r[["confxpred"]],"\n") } \author{ Johannes Ranke \email{jranke@uni-bremen.de} \url{http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke} } \keyword{regression}