context("LOD and LOQ") library(chemCal) test_that("lod is stable across chemCal versions", { m <- lm(y ~ x, data = din32645) lod_1 <- lod(m) expect_equal(signif(lod_1$x, 7), 0.08655484) expect_equal(signif(lod_1$y, 7), 3317.154) # Critical value (decision limit, Nachweisgrenze) lod_2 <- lod(m, alpha = 0.01, beta = 0.5) expect_equal(signif(lod_2$x, 7), 0.0698127) expect_equal(signif(lod_2$y, 7), 3155.393) }) test_that("loq is stable across chemCal versions", { # Actually it was not stable between chemCal <0.2 and # chemCal > 0.2, so we needed to adapt the test # to work on a model on the means massart97ex3_means <- aggregate(y ~ x, massart97ex3, mean) m2 <- lm(y ~ x, data = massart97ex3_means) loq_1 <- loq(m2) expect_equal(signif(loq_1$x, 7), 13.97764) expect_equal(signif(loq_1$y, 7), 30.6235) loq_2 <- loq(m2, n = 3) expect_equal(signif(loq_2$x, 7), 9.971963) expect_equal(signif(loq_2$y, 7), 22.68539) })