$(function() { // register a handler to move the focus to the search bar // upon pressing shift + "/" (i.e. "?") $(document).on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 191) { e.preventDefault(); $("#search-input").focus(); } }); $(document).ready(function() { // do keyword highlighting /* modified from https://jsfiddle.net/julmot/bL6bb5oo/ */ var mark = function() { var referrer = document.URL ; var paramKey = "q" ; if (referrer.indexOf("?") !== -1) { var qs = referrer.substr(referrer.indexOf('?') + 1); var qs_noanchor = qs.split('#')[0]; var qsa = qs_noanchor.split('&'); var keyword = ""; for (var i = 0; i < qsa.length; i++) { var currentParam = qsa[i].split('='); if (currentParam.length !== 2) { continue; } if (currentParam[0] == paramKey) { keyword = decodeURIComponent(currentParam[1].replace(/\+/g, "%20")); } } if (keyword !== "") { $(".contents").unmark({ done: function() { $(".contents").mark(keyword); } }); } } }; mark(); }); }); /* Search term highlighting ------------------------------*/ function matchedWords(hit) { var words = []; var hierarchy = hit._highlightResult.hierarchy; // loop to fetch from lvl0, lvl1, etc. for (var idx in hierarchy) { words = words.concat(hierarchy[idx].matchedWords); } var content = hit._highlightResult.content; if (content) { words = words.concat(content.matchedWords); } // return unique words var words_uniq = [...new Set(words)]; return words_uniq; } function updateHitURL(hit) { var words = matchedWords(hit); var url = ""; if (hit.anchor) { url = hit.url_without_anchor + '?q=' + escape(words.join(" ")) + '#' + hit.anchor; } else { url = hit.url + '?q=' + escape(words.join(" ")); } return url; }