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R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) -- "Roasted Marshmallows"
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> library(drfit)
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: RODBC
> data(IM1xVibrio)
> rIM1xVibrio <- drfit(IM1xVibrio)
IM13 BF4: Fitting data...
Waiting for profiling to be done...
IM14 BF4: Fitting data...
Waiting for profiling to be done...
IM15 BF4: Fitting data...
Waiting for profiling to be done...
IM16 BF4: Fitting data...
Waiting for profiling to be done...
IM17 BF4: Fitting data...
Waiting for profiling to be done...
IM18 BF4: Fitting data...
Waiting for profiling to be done...
IM19 BF4: Fitting data...
Waiting for profiling to be done...
IM1-10 BF4: Fitting data...
Waiting for profiling to be done...
> print(rIM1xVibrio,digits=4)
Substance ndl n lld lhd mtype logED50 2.5% 97.5% unit sigma
1 IM13 BF4 13 22 -5.301 4.699 probit 3.9399 3.8636 4.0160 microM 0.06303
2 IM14 BF4 12 57 -4.301 4.699 probit 3.5442 3.5030 3.5855 microM 0.05905
3 IM15 BF4 7 20 -0.301 4.699 probit 3.1398 3.1136 3.1662 microM 0.02695
4 IM16 BF4 13 30 -4.301 4.699 probit 3.1804 3.1436 3.2176 microM 0.04514
5 IM17 BF4 10 20 -1.301 4.699 probit 2.4317 2.3681 2.4951 microM 0.04773
6 IM18 BF4 10 17 -2.301 2.699 probit 1.4015 1.3147 1.4881 microM 0.05611
7 IM19 BF4 13 22 -5.301 2.699 probit 0.7158 0.6704 0.7592 microM 0.02956
8 IM1-10 BF4 11 20 -6.301 2.699 probit -0.1790 -0.2569 -0.1037 microM 0.04099
a b
1 3.9399 0.5763
2 3.5442 0.6561
3 3.1398 0.5527
4 3.1804 0.4882
5 2.4317 0.6387
6 1.4015 0.8009
7 0.7158 0.6969
8 -0.1790 0.8019
> proc.time()
user system elapsed
0.864 0.024 0.879