Package: drfit Version: 0.03-26 Date: 2005-07-07 Title: Dose-response data evaluation Author: Johannes Ranke Maintainer: Johannes Ranke Depends: R,stats,RODBC Description: drfit provides basic functions for fitting dose-response curves to dose-response data, calculating some (eco)toxicological parameters and plotting the results. Functions that are fitted are the cumulative densitiy function of the lognormal distribution, of the logistic distribution and a linear-logistic model, derived from the latter, which is used to describe data showing stimulation at low doses (hormesis). In addition, functions checking, plotting and retrieving dose-response data of the UFT Bremen, Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, are provided. I would be delighted if you would join in this effort of creating useful and useable tools for dealing with dose-response data from biological testing. License: GPL version 2 or newer URL:,,