if(getRversion() >= '2.15.1') utils::globalVariables(c("type", "conc")) checkcontrols <- function(last = 10, id = NULL, db = "cytotox", celltype = "IPC-81", enzymetype = "AChE", organism = "Vibrio fischeri", endpoint = "%", qcc = c("R", "xbar")) { if (!(db %in% c("cytotox", "ecotox", "enzymes"))) stop("Database is not supported") if (requireNamespace("RODBC")) { channel <- RODBC::odbcConnect(db, uid="cytotox", pwd="cytotox", case="tolower") } else { stop("For this function, the RODBC package has to be installed and configured.") } if (db %in% c("cytotox","enzymes")) { if (is.null(id[1])) { platequery <- "SELECT plate FROM" if (db == "cytotox") { platequery <- paste0(platequery, " cytotox WHERE celltype like '", celltype, "'") } if (db == "enzymes") { platequery <- paste0(platequery, " enzymes WHERE enzyme like '", enzymetype, "'") } platequery <- paste(platequery, "GROUP BY plate ORDER BY plate DESC LIMIT", last) plates <- RODBC::sqlQuery(channel, platequery)$plate } else { plates <- id } controlquery <- paste("SELECT plate, type, location, response FROM controls", "WHERE plate IN (", paste(plates, collapse = ", "), ")") controldata <- RODBC::sqlQuery(channel,controlquery) } else { if (is.null(id[1])) { lastquery = paste0("SELECT experiment, type FROM ecotox ", "WHERE organism LIKE '", organism, "'", "AND type LIKE '", endpoint, "' ", "GROUP BY experiment ORDER BY experiment DESC LIMIT ", last) res <- RODBC::sqlQuery(channel, lastquery) if (nrow(res) == 0) { stop("No results for endpoint", endpoint) } else { if (nlevels(res$type) > 1) { stop("Found more than one endpoint type:\n", paste(levels(res$type), collapse = ", "), "\n", "Please specify an endpoint in your call to checkcontrols()") } experiments <- res$experiment } } else { experiments <- id } expquery <- paste0("SELECT ", "experimentator, experiment, substance, organism, type, conc, unit, raw_response, ", "performed, ok ", "FROM ecotox ", "WHERE experiment IN (", paste(experiments, collapse = ", "), ") ", "AND organism LIKE '", organism, "' ", "AND type LIKE '", endpoint, "'") expdata <- RODBC::sqlQuery(channel, expquery) if (nlevels(expdata$type) > 1) { stop("Found more than one endpoint type:\n", paste(levels(expdata$type), collapse = ", "), "\n", "Please specify an endpoint in your call to checkcontrols()") } # Use the raw response for QA expdata$response <- expdata$raw_response } RODBC::odbcClose(channel) if (db %in% c("cytotox","enzymes")) { blinds <- subset(controldata, type == "blind") controls <- subset(controldata, type == "control") QA <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 4, dimnames = list(c("Blind", "Control (conc = 0)"), c("Number", "Mean", "Std. Dev.", "% Std. Dev"))) QA[1, 1] <- length(blinds$response) QA[1, 2] <- signif(mean(blinds$response), 2) QA[1, 3] <- signif(sd(blinds$response), 2) QA[1, 4] <-signif(QA[1, 3] * 100 / QA[1, 2],2) } else { controls <- subset(expdata, conc == 0) QA <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 4, dimnames = list(c("Control (conc = 0)"), c("Number", "Mean", "Std. Dev.", "% Std. Dev"))) } numberOfControls <- length(controls$response) QA["Control (conc = 0)", 1] <- numberOfControls if (numberOfControls > 0) { QA["Control (conc = 0)", 2] <- signif(mean(controls$response),2) QA["Control (conc = 0)", 3] <- signif(sd(controls$response),2) QA["Control (conc = 0)", 4] <- signif(QA["Control (conc = 0)", 3] * 100 / QA["Control (conc = 0)", 2],2) } # The report cat("\nDatabase", db, "\n") if (db == "ecotox") { cat("Organism", organism, "\n") cat("Endpoint", unique(expdata$type), "\n") cat("\nExperiments ", paste(experiments, collapse = ", "), "\n\n") } else { if (db == "cytotox") cat ("Cell type", celltype, "\n") if (db == "enzymes") cat ("Enzyme type", enzymetype, "\n") cat("\nPlates", paste(plates, collapse = ", "), "\n\n") } print(QA) if (!is.na(qcc[1])) { op <- par(ask=TRUE) on.exit(par(op)) requireNamespace("reshape2") if (db == "ecotox") { controls$row <- rownames(controls) controls_molten <- melt(controls[c("experiment", "row", "response")], id = c("experiment", "row")) controls_wide <- acast(controls_molten, formula = experiment ~ row) } else { controls_molten <- melt(controls[c("plate", "location", "response")], id = c("plate", "location")) controls_wide <- acast(controls_molten, formula = plate ~ location) } if ("R" %in% qcc) { qcc(controls_wide, type = "R", nsigmas = 3, title = "Range chart", data.name = "Controls (conc = 0)") } if ("xbar" %in% qcc) { qcc(controls_wide, type = "xbar", nsigmas = 3, title = "Mean chart", data.name = "Controls (conc = 0)") } } invisible(controls) } # vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: