\name{checkcontrols} \alias{checkcontrols} \title{Check raw data from range of plates or experiments} \description{ Report control data from a specified range of microtiter plates or experiments from a specified database. } \usage{ checkcontrols(last = 10, id = NULL, db = "cytotox", celltype = "IPC-81", enzymetype = "AChE", organism = "Vibrio fischeri", endpoint = "\%", qcc = c("R", "xbar")) } \arguments{ \item{last}{ If \code{id} is not specified, this argument specifies the number of plates/experiments that should be evaluated. The plates/experiments with the hightest numbers are selected. } \item{id}{ A numeric vector of integers, specifying the plates or experiments explicitly. } \item{db}{ The database to be used. Currently, the microtiter plate databases "cytotox", "enzymes" of the UFT Department of Bioorganic Chemistry are supported, as well as the database of ecotoxicity experiments "ecotox". } \item{celltype}{ Only important if database "cytotox" is used. Data for "IPC-81", "C6", "NB4", "HeLa", "Jurkat" and "U937" are available. } \item{enzymetype}{ Only important if database "enzymes" is used. Data for "AChE", "GR" and "GST" are available. } \item{organism}{ Only important if database "ecotox" is used. } \item{endpoint}{ The endpoint that should be used for selecting the data. Only important if the database "ecotox" is used. Defaults to "\%".} \item{qcc}{ The type of quality control charts to be plotted. By default, an R chart (showing ranges of control values within plates/experiments), and an xbar chart (showing means) are generated. } } \value{ The function lists a report and shows two graphs. } \examples{ \dontrun{checkcontrols(15)} } \author{ Johannes Ranke \email{jranke@uni-bremen.de} \url{http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke} } \keyword{database}