\name{checkexperiment} \alias{checkexperiment} \alias{checkplate} \title{Check raw data from a specified experiment or microtiter plate} \description{ Report metadata from a specified experiment or microtiter plate from a specified database, box plot controls, and plot the dose-response data. } \usage{ checkplate(id, db = c("cytotox", "enzymes")) checkexperiment(id, db = c("ecotox", "cytotox", "enzymes"), endpoint = "\%", whereClause = "1") } \arguments{ \item{id}{ The id of the experiment or the plate identifying it within the database.} \item{db}{ The database to be used. Currently, the microtiter plate databases "cytotox", "enzymes" of the UFT Department of Bioorganic Chemistry are supported, as well as the database of ecotoxicity experiments "ecotox".} \item{endpoint}{ The endpoint that should be used for selecting the data. Only important if the database "ecotox" is used. Defaults to "\%".} \item{whereClause}{ With this argument, additional conditions for the SQL query can be set, e.g. "duration = 48" (i.e. "Only retrieve data with duration 48"). The default is 1 (in SQL syntax this means TRUE).} } \value{ The function lists a report and shows two graphs. } \examples{ # Check plate number 3 in the cytotox database \dontrun{checkplate(3)} # Check data from experiment 1517 with duration 48 hours \dontrun{checkexperiment(1517, whereClause = "duration = 48")} } \author{ Johannes Ranke \email{jranke@uni-bremen.de} } \keyword{database}