\name{checksubstance} \alias{checksubstance} \title{Check raw data for a specified substance} \description{ Report metadata for a specified substance from a specified database, and plot the data. } \usage{ checksubstance(substance,db="cytotox",experimentator="\%",celltype="\%",enzymetype="\%",whereClause="1",ok="\%") } \arguments{ \item{substance}{ The name of the substance identifying it within the database.} \item{db}{ The database to be used. Currently, the databases "cytotox" and "enzymes" of the UFT Department of Bioorganic Chemistry are supported (default is "cytotox").} \item{experimentator}{ The name of the experimentator whose data is to be used. Default is "\%", which means that data from all experimentators are shown.} \item{celltype}{ Currently, only data for IPC-81, C6, NB4, HeLa, Jurkat and U937 are supported. Default is "\%", i.e. data for any cell type will be displayed.} \item{enzymetype}{ Currently, only data for AChE, GR and GST are supported. The default value is "\%", i.e. data for any enzyme type will be displayed.} \item{whereClause}{ With this argument, additional conditions for the SQL query can be set, e.g. "where plate != 710". The default is 1 (in SQL syntax this means TRUE).} \item{ok}{ With the default value "\%", all data in the database is retrieved for the specified substance.} } \value{ The function lists a report and shows one graph. } \examples{ # Check substance IM14 BF4 in the cytotox database \dontrun{checksubstance("IM14 BF4")} } \author{ Johannes Ranke \email{jranke@uni-bremen.de} \url{http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke} } \keyword{database} \keyword{internal}