R : Copyright 2006, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24) ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(drfit) Loading required package: RODBC > data(pyrithione) > rpyr <- drfit(pyrithione,linlogit=TRUE,linlogitWrong=c("MSPT","MSPHI")) Na Pyrithion: Fitting data... Pyridin: Fitting data... PyNO: Fitting data... (PT)2: Fitting data... MSO2P: Fitting data... MSPHI: Fitting data... PyS: Fitting data... Error in nls(response ~ linlogitf(dose, 1, f, logED50, b), data = tmp, : step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562 Zn Pyrithion: Fitting data... Cu Pyrithion: Fitting data... Fe Pyrithion: Fitting data... (PyS)2: Fitting data... Error in nls(response ~ linlogitf(dose, 1, f, logED50, b), data = tmp, : singular gradient MSPT: Fitting data... TBT: Fitting data... NaJ: Fitting data... > rpyr Substance ndl n lld lhd mtype logED50 std unit 1 Na Pyrithion 20 108 -2.107210 2.00000 linlogit -0.3461318 0.04237833 然 2 Pyridin 19 161 0.591760 3.69897 inactive NA NA 然 3 PyNO 19 81 0.591760 3.69897 no fit NA NA 然 4 (PT)2 19 81 -2.408240 2.00000 linlogit -0.4197031 0.05030460 然 5 MSO2P 28 108 -1.709271 3.69897 inactive NA NA 然 6 MSPHI 19 81 0.591760 3.69897 probit 3.6625025 0.06724673 然 7 PyS 18 80 -0.408240 3.00000 probit 2.6817944 0.02031252 然 8 Zn Pyrithion 27 81 -2.107210 2.00000 linlogit -0.4132885 0.06234927 然 9 Cu Pyrithion 19 79 -2.408240 2.00000 linlogit -0.3074717 0.07918130 然 10 Fe Pyrithion 19 81 -2.408240 2.00000 linlogit -0.3534572 0.07263386 然 11 (PyS)2 20 81 -0.408240 3.00000 probit 1.7840499 0.05230663 然 12 MSPT 18 108 -0.408240 3.00000 probit 2.1384811 0.03379904 然 13 TBT 38 135 -2.709271 2.39794 linlogit -0.1580954 0.05474371 然 14 NaJ 10 108 0.591760 3.30103 inactive NA NA 然 sigma a b c 1 0.20857751 -0.3461318 2.1188272 -0.26698979 2 NA NA NA NA 3 0.09188853 NA NA NA 4 0.20509070 -0.4197031 1.8466994 -0.51508088 5 NA NA NA NA 6 0.12943273 3.6625025 0.4387540 NA 7 0.13401920 2.6817944 0.1250523 NA 8 0.22877916 -0.4132885 1.7424846 0.61078660 9 0.24494451 -0.3074717 1.0150649 -0.04897422 10 0.23383185 -0.3534572 1.1823558 0.02510613 11 0.23298721 1.7840499 0.4098018 NA 12 0.22881257 2.1384811 0.2112625 NA 13 0.19264079 -0.1580954 1.0406576 -0.02416104 14 NA NA NA NA >