path: root/inst/GUI/gmkin.R
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inst/GUI/gmkin.R')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/inst/GUI/gmkin.R b/inst/GUI/gmkin.R
index 8aeddaa..72631b8 100644
--- a/inst/GUI/gmkin.R
+++ b/inst/GUI/gmkin.R
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ if (exists("win.metafile", "package:grDevices", inherits = FALSE)) {
plot_formats = c("wmf", plot_formats)
plot_format <- plot_formats[[1]]
+# Options (will be reset in the end) {{{2
+old_options <<- options()
+options(width = 90) # For summary
# Set the GUI title and create the basic widget layout {{{1
# Three panel layout {{{2
window_title <- paste0("gmkin ", packageVersion("gmkin"),
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ update_m.df <- function() {
# Update dataframe with fits {{{2
update_f.df <- function() {
- f.df <- f.df.empty
+ f.df <- data.frame(Name = ws$ftmp$Name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is.na(ws$f[1])) {
f.df.ws <- data.frame(Name = sapply(ws$f, function(x) x$name),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
@@ -141,8 +143,9 @@ m.empty$spec <- list()
m.cur <- m.empty
m.df <- m.df.empty <- data.frame(Name = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Fits {{{2
-f.df <- f.df.empty <- data.frame(Name = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-ftmp <- stmp <- NA
+f.df <- data.frame(Name = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ws$ftmp <- list(Name = "") # For storing the current configured fit
+ftmp <- stmp <- NA # For storing the currently active fit
# left: Explorer tables {{{1
# Frames {{{2
p.gf <- gframe("Projects", cont = left, horizontal = FALSE)
@@ -246,11 +249,10 @@ f.switcher <- function(h, ...) {
- update_f_conf()
- update_f_results()
+ update_f_conf()
- svalue(center) <- 5
+ update_f_results()
f.gtable <- gtable(f.df, cont = f.gf, width = left_width - 10, height = 160)
addHandlerClicked(f.gtable, f.switcher)
@@ -279,6 +281,9 @@ update_f_conf <- function() { # {{{3
update_f_results <- function() { # {{{3
svalue(r.name) <- ftmp$name
+ svalue(f.gg.summary.filename) <- paste(ftmp$ds$title, "_", ftmp$mkinmod$name, ".txt", sep = "")
+ svalue(f.gg.summary.listing) <- c("<pre>", capture.output(summary(ftmp)), "</pre>")
+ svalue(center) <- 5
update_plot_obssel <- function() {
delete(f.gg.plotopts, f.gg.po.obssel)
@@ -293,7 +298,9 @@ configure_fit_handler <- function(h, ...) { # Configure fit button {{{3
control.modFit = list(maxiter = 0)))
ftmp$optimised <<- FALSE
ftmp$ds <<- ds.cur
- f.gtable[1, "Name"] <- c("Temporary (not fitted)")
+ ws$ftmp <- ftmp
+ ws$ftmp$Name = "Temporary (not fitted)"
+ update_f.df()
svalue(f.gg.opts.method.modFit) <<- "Port"
@@ -349,6 +356,7 @@ p.save.action <- gaction("Save project to project file", parent = w,
handler = function(h, ...) {
filename <- paste0(svalue(p.name), ".gmkinws")
try_to_save <- function (filename) {
+ ws$clear_compiled()
if (!inherits(try(save(ws, file = filename)),
"try-error")) {
svalue(sb) <- paste("Saved project to file", filename,
@@ -816,7 +824,7 @@ show_m_spec()
f.config <- gframe("", horizontal = FALSE, cont = center,
label = "Configuration")
# Handler functions {{{2
-run_fit <- function() { #{{{3
+run_fit_handler <- function(h, ...) { #{{{3
Parameters <- f.gg.parms[,]
Parameters.de <- subset(Parameters, Type == "deparm")
deparms <- Parameters.de$Initial
@@ -854,19 +862,22 @@ run_fit <- function() { #{{{3
maxit.modFit = svalue(f.gg.opts.maxit.modFit)
ftmp$optimised <<- TRUE
- f.gtable[1, "Name"] <<- c("Temporary (fitted)")
ftmp$ds <<- ds.cur
+ ws$ftmp <<- ftmp
+ ws$ftmp$Name <<- "Temporary (fitted)"
+ ftmp$name <<- paste(m.cur$name, "-", ds.cur$title)
+ update_f.df()
stmp <<- summary(ftmp)
f.gg.parms[,] <- get_Parameters(stmp, TRUE)
- svalue(center) <- 5
- svalue(r.name) <- paste(m.cur$name, "-", ds.cur$title)
svalue(f.gg.opts.st) <- ftmp$solution_type
svalue(f.gg.opts.weight) <- ftmp$weight.ini
-# svalue(f.gg.summary.filename) <<- paste(ftmp$ds$title, "_", ftmp$mkinmod$name, ".txt", sep = "")
-# svalue(f.gg.summary.listing) <<- c("<pre>", capture.output(stmp), "</pre>")
+ update_f_results()
delete_fit_handler <- function(h, ...) { # {{{3
f.i <- svalue(f.gtable, index = TRUE)
@@ -881,6 +892,7 @@ delete_fit_handler <- function(h, ...) { # {{{3
keep_fit_handler <- function(h, ...) { # {{{3
ftmp$name <<- svalue(r.name)
+ ws$ftmp <- list(Name = "")
@@ -930,7 +942,7 @@ show_plot <- function(type) {
# Widget setup {{{2
# Line 1 with buttons {{{3
-f.run <- gbutton("Run fit", cont = f.config, handler = function(h, ...) run_fit(),
+f.run <- gbutton("Run fit", cont = f.config, handler = run_fit_handler,
ext.args = list(disabled = TRUE))
@@ -973,8 +985,9 @@ f.gg.opts.reweight.max.iter <- gedit(10, label = "reweight.max.iter",
f.gg.plotopts <- ggroup(cont = f.gg.opts.g, horizontal = FALSE)
-f.gg.po.format <- gcombobox(plot_formats, selected = 1, label = "File format",
- cont = f.gg.plotopts, width = 150,
+f.gg.po.format <- gcombobox(plot_formats, selected = 1,
+ #label = "File format",
+ cont = f.gg.plotopts, width = 50,
handler = function(h, ...) {
plot_format <<- svalue(h$obj)
svalue(plot.ftmp.savefile) <<- gsub("...$", plot_format,
@@ -1037,7 +1050,25 @@ r.line.name <- ggroup(cont = r.viewer, horizontal = TRUE)
r.name <- gedit("", label = "<b>Result name</b>",
width = 50, cont = r.line.name)
+# Summary {{{2
+f.gg.summary <- gframe("Summary", height = 400, use.scrollwindow = TRUE, cont = r.viewer, horizontal = FALSE)
+f.gg.summary.topline <- ggroup(cont = f.gg.summary, horizontal = TRUE)
+f.gg.summary.filename <- gedit("", width = 40, cont = f.gg.summary.topline)
+f.gg.summary.savebutton <- gbutton("Save summary", cont = f.gg.summary.topline,
+ handler = function(h, ...) {
+ filename <- svalue(f.gg.summary.filename)
+ if (file.exists(filename))
+ {
+ gconfirm(paste("File", filename, "exists. Overwrite?"),
+ parent = w,
+ handler = function(h, ...) {
+ capture.output(stmp, file = filename)
+ })
+ } else {
+ capture.output(summary(ftmp), file = filename)
+ }
+ })
+f.gg.summary.listing <- ghtml("", cont = f.gg.summary)
svalue(center) <- 1
# right: Viewing area {{{1
@@ -1134,28 +1165,6 @@ plot.ftmp.savebutton <- gbutton("Save plot", cont = plot.ftmp.saveline,
plot.space <- ggroup(cont = plot.gg, horizontal = TRUE, height = 18)
plot.confint.gi <- gimage(NA, container = plot.gg, width = 400, height = 400)
-# Summary {{{2
-oldwidth <- options()$width
-options(width = 90)
-f.gg.summary <- ggroup(label = "Summary", cont = right, horizontal = FALSE)
-f.gg.summary.topline <- ggroup(cont = f.gg.summary, horizontal = TRUE)
-f.gg.summary.filename <- gedit("", width = 40, cont = f.gg.summary.topline)
-f.gg.summary.savebutton <- gbutton("Save summary", cont = f.gg.summary.topline,
- handler = function(h, ...) {
- filename <- svalue(f.gg.summary.filename)
- if (file.exists(filename))
- {
- gconfirm(paste("File", filename, "exists. Overwrite?"),
- parent = w,
- handler = function(h, ...) {
- capture.output(stmp, file = filename)
- })
- } else {
- capture.output(summary(ftmp), file = filename)
- }
- })
-f.gg.summary.listing <- ghtml("", cont = f.gg.summary)
-options(width = oldwidth)
# Manual {{{2
gmkin_manual <- readLines(system.file("GUI/gmkin_manual.html", package = "gmkin"))
gmb_start <- grep("<body>", gmkin_manual)
@@ -1219,8 +1228,9 @@ changes.gh <- ghtml(label = "Changes", paste0("<div class = 'news' style = 'marg
", gmkin_news, "
</div>"), width = 460, cont = right)
-# Things to do in the end
+# Things to do in the end {{{1
# Update meta objects and their depending widgets
svalue(right) <- 1
# vim: set foldmethod=marker ts=2 sw=2 expandtab: {{{1

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