path: root/inst/GUI
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inst/GUI')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/inst/GUI/gmkin.R b/inst/GUI/gmkin.R
index 5cdf22c..1655505 100644
--- a/inst/GUI/gmkin.R
+++ b/inst/GUI/gmkin.R
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ update_p.df <- function() {
# Update dataframe with datasets {{{2
update_ds.df <- function() {
if (is.na(ws$ds[1])) ds.df <<- ds.df.empty
- else ds.df <<- data.frame(Title = sapply(ws$ds, function(x) x$title))
+ else ds.df <<- data.frame(Title = sapply(ws$ds, function(x) x$title), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ds.gtable[,] <- ds.df
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ update_ds.df <- function() {
# Update dataframe with models {{{2
update_m.df <- function() {
if (is.na(ws$m[1])) m.df <<- m.df.empty
- else m.df <<- data.frame(Name = sapply(ws$m, function(x) x$name))
+ else m.df <<- data.frame(Name = sapply(ws$m, function(x) x$name), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m.gtable[,] <- m.df
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ ds.switcher <- function(h, ...) {
+ if (!is.na(svalue(m.gtable))) c.conf$call_Ext("enable")
svalue(center) <- 2
svalue(right) <- 2
@@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ m.switcher <- function(h, ...) {
+ if (!is.na(svalue(ds.gtable))) c.conf$call_Ext("enable")
svalue(center) <- 3
svalue(right) <- 3
@@ -227,13 +229,15 @@ addHandlerClicked(m.gtable, m.switcher)
f.switcher <- function(h, ...) {
f.cur <<- h$row_index - 1
if (f.cur > 0) {
- ftmp <<- ws$f[[ws$f.cur]]
- stmp <<- ws$s[[ws$f.cur]]
+ ftmp <<- ws$f[[f.cur]]
paste0("<font color='gray'>", ftmp$ds$title, "</font>"), FALSE)
- paste0("<font color='gray'>", ftmp$m$name, "</font>"), FALSE)
+ paste0("<font color='gray'>", ftmp$mkinmod$name, "</font>"), FALSE)
+ c.conf$call_Ext("disable")
+ ds.gtable$clear_selection()
+ m.gtable$clear_selection()
svalue(center) <- 5
@@ -241,10 +245,16 @@ f.switcher <- function(h, ...) {
f.gtable <- gtable(f.df, cont = f.gf, width = left_width - 10, height = 160)
addHandlerClicked(f.gtable, f.switcher)
# Configuration {{{2
+configure_fit_handler <- function(h, ...) {
+ svalue(center) <- 4
empty_conf_labels <- paste0("<font color='gray'>Current ", c("dataset", "model"), "</font>")
c.ds <- glabel(empty_conf_labels[1], cont = c.gf)
c.m <- glabel(empty_conf_labels[2], cont = c.gf)
-c.conf <- gbutton("Configure fit", cont = c.gf, handler = function(h, ...) svalue(center) <- 4)
+c.conf <- gbutton("Configure fit", cont = c.gf, handler = configure_fit_handler,
+ ext.args = list(disabled = TRUE))
# center: Project editor {{{1
p.editor <- gframe("", horizontal = FALSE, cont = center,
label = "Project")
@@ -755,6 +765,127 @@ show_m_spec()
# center: Fit configuration {{{1
f.config <- gframe("", horizontal = FALSE, cont = center,
label = "Configuration")
+# Handler functions {{{2
+run_fit <- function() { #{{{3
+# Parameters <- f.gg.parms[,]
+# Parameters.de <- subset(Parameters, Type == "deparm")
+# deparms <- Parameters.de$Initial
+# names(deparms) <- Parameters.de$Name
+# defixed <- names(deparms[Parameters.de$Fixed])
+# Parameters.ini <- subset(Parameters, Type == "state")
+# iniparms <- Parameters.ini$Initial
+# names(iniparms) <- sub("_0", "", Parameters.ini$Name)
+# inifixed <- names(iniparms[Parameters.ini$Fixed])
+# weight <- svalue(f.gg.opts.weight)
+# if (weight == "manual") {
+# err = "err"
+# } else {
+# err = NULL
+# }
+# reweight.method <- svalue(f.gg.opts.reweight.method)
+# if (reweight.method == "none") reweight.method = NULL
+# ftmp <<- mkinfit(ftmp$mkinmod, override(ds[[ds.i]]$data),
+# state.ini = iniparms,
+# fixed_initials = inifixed,
+# parms.ini = deparms,
+# fixed_parms = defixed,
+# plot = svalue(f.gg.opts.plot),
+# solution_type = svalue(f.gg.opts.st),
+# atol = as.numeric(svalue(f.gg.opts.atol)),
+# rtol = as.numeric(svalue(f.gg.opts.rtol)),
+# transform_rates = svalue(f.gg.opts.transform_rates),
+# transform_fractions = svalue(f.gg.opts.transform_fractions),
+# weight = weight,
+# err = err,
+# reweight.method = reweight.method,
+# reweight.tol = as.numeric(svalue(f.gg.opts.reweight.tol)),
+# reweight.max.iter = as.numeric(svalue(f.gg.opts.reweight.max.iter)),
+# method.modFit = svalue(f.gg.opts.method.modFit),
+# maxit.modFit = svalue(f.gg.opts.maxit.modFit)
+# )
+# ftmp$ds.index <<- ds.i
+# ftmp$ds <<- ds[[ds.i]]
+# stmp <<- summary(ftmp)
+# show_plot("Optimised")
+# svalue(f.gg.opts.st) <- ftmp$solution_type
+# svalue(f.gg.opts.weight) <- ftmp$weight.ini
+# f.gg.parms[,] <- get_Parameters(stmp, TRUE)
+# svalue(f.gg.summary.filename) <<- paste(ftmp$ds$title, "_", ftmp$mkinmod$name, ".txt", sep = "")
+# svalue(f.gg.summary.listing) <<- c("<pre>", capture.output(stmp), "</pre>")
+delete_fit_handler <- function(h, ...) { # {{{3
+ f.i <- svalue(f.gtable, index = TRUE)
+ ws$delete_f(f.i)
+ update_f.df()
+ p.modified <<- TRUE
+keep_fit_handler <- function(h, ...) { # {{{3
+# f.cur <<- as.character(length(f) + 1)
+# f[[f.cur]] <<- ftmp
+# s[[f.cur]] <<- stmp
+# update_f.df()
+# f.gtable[,] <<- f.df
+# delete(f.gg.plotopts, f.gg.po.obssel)
+# f.gg.po.obssel <<- gcheckboxgroup(names(ftmp$mkinmod$spec),
+# cont = f.gg.plotopts,
+# checked = TRUE)
+# delete(f.gg.buttons, get.initials.gc)
+# get.initials.gc <<- gcombobox(paste("Fit", f.df$Fit),
+# cont = f.gg.buttons)
+get_Parameters <- function(stmp, optimised) # {{{3
+# pars <- rbind(stmp$start[1:2], stmp$fixed)
+# pars$fixed <- c(rep(FALSE, length(stmp$start$value)),
+# rep(TRUE, length(stmp$fixed$value)))
+# pars$name <- rownames(pars)
+# Parameters <- data.frame(Name = pars$name,
+# Type = pars$type,
+# Initial = pars$value,
+# Fixed = pars$fixed,
+# Optimised = as.numeric(NA))
+# Parameters <- rbind(subset(Parameters, Type == "state"),
+# subset(Parameters, Type == "deparm"))
+# rownames(Parameters) <- Parameters$Name
+# if (optimised) {
+# Parameters[rownames(stmp$bpar), "Optimised"] <- stmp$bpar[, "Estimate"]
+# }
+# return(Parameters)
+show_plot <- function(type, default = FALSE) {
+# Parameters <- f.gg.parms[,]
+# Parameters.de <- subset(Parameters, Type == "deparm", type)
+# stateparms <- subset(Parameters, Type == "state")[[type]]
+# deparms <- as.numeric(Parameters.de[[type]])
+# names(deparms) <- rownames(Parameters.de)
+# if (type == "Initial" & default == FALSE) {
+# ftmp <<- suppressWarnings(mkinfit(ftmp$mkinmod,
+# override(ds[[ds.i]]$data),
+# parms.ini = deparms,
+# state.ini = stateparms,
+# fixed_parms = names(deparms),
+# fixed_initials = names(stateparms),
+# err = "err",
+# method.modFit = "Marq",
+# control.modFit = list(maxiter = 0)))
+# ftmp$ds.index <<- ds.i
+# ftmp$ds <<- ds[[ds.i]]
+# }
+# svalue(plot.ftmp.gi) <<- plot_ftmp_png()
+# svalue(plot.confint.gi) <<- plot_confint_png()
+# Widget setup {{{2
+# Line 1 with buttons {{{3
+f.buttons <- ggroup(cont = f.config, horizontal = TRUE)
+f.run <- gbutton("Run fit", cont = f.buttons, handler = function(h, ...) run_fit(),
+ ext.args = list(disabled = TRUE))
+f.delete <- gbutton("Delete fit", cont = f.buttons,
+ handler = delete_fit_handler, ext.args = list(disabled = TRUE))
+f.keep <- gbutton("Keep fit", cont = f.buttons, handler = keep_fit_handler)
+tooltip(f.keep) <- "Store the optimised model with all settings and the current dataset in the fit list"
# center: Results viewer {{{1
r.viewer <- gframe("", horizontal = FALSE, cont = center,
label = "Result")

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