2013-11-04 Johannes Ranke <jranke@uni-bremen.de> for mkin (0.9-24) * Bugfix re-enabling the fixing of initial values for state variables 2013-10-30 Johannes Ranke <jranke@uni-bremen.de> for mkin (0.9-23) * Backtransform fixed ODE parameters for the summary 2013-10-21 Johannes Ranke <jranke@uni-bremen.de> for mkin (0.9-22) * Get rid of the optimisation step in mkinerrmin - this was unnecessary Thanks to KinGUII for the inspiration - actually this is equation 6-2 in FOCUS kinetics p. 91 that I had overlooked originally * Fix plot.mkinfit as it passed graphical arguments like main to the solver * Do not use plot=TRUE in mkinfit example * The first successful fits in the not so simple GUI * Fix iteratively reweighted least squares for the case of many metabolites * Unify naming of initial values of state variables * Unify naming in dataframes of optimised and fixed parameters in the summary * Show the weighting method for residuals in the summary * Correct the output of the data in the case of manual weighting * Implement IRLS assuming different variances for observed variables * Do not use 0 values at time zero for chi2 error level calculations. This is the way it is done in KinGUII and it makes sense. It does impact the chi2 error levels in the output. Generally they seem to be lower for metabolites now, presumably because the mean of the observed values is higher Changes performed in earlier versions are documented in the subversion log files on R-Forge http://www.r-forge.r-project.org/scm/?group_id=615