\name{mkin_wide_to_long} \alias{mkin_wide_to_long} \title{ Convert a dataframe with observations over time into long format. } \usage{ mkin_wide_to_long(wide_data, time = "t") } \description{ This function simply takes a dataframe with one independent variable and several dependent variable and converts it into the long form as required by \code{\link{modCost}}. } \arguments{ \item{wide_data}{ The dataframe must contain one variable with the time values specified by the \code{time} argument and usually more than one column of observed values. } \item{time}{ The name of the time variable. } } \value{ Dataframe in long format as needed for \code{\link{modCost}}. } \author{ Johannes Ranke } \examples{ wide <- data.frame(t = c(1,2,3), x = c(1,4,7), y = c(3,4,5)) mkin_wide_to_long(wide) } \keyword{ manip }