\name{transform_odeparms} \alias{transform_odeparms} \alias{backtransform_odeparms} \title{ Functions to transform and backtransform kinetic parameters for fitting } \description{ The transformations are intended to map parameters that should only take on restricted values to the full scale of real numbers. For kinetic rate constants and other paramters that can only take on positive values, a simple log transformation is used. For compositional parameters, such as the formations fractions that should always sum up to 1 and can not be negative, the \code{\link{ilr}} transformation is used. } \usage{ transform_odeparms(parms, mod_vars) backtransform_odeparms(transparms, mod_vars) } \arguments{ \item{parms}{ Parameters of kinetic models as used in the differential equations. } \item{transparms}{ Transformed parameters of kinetic models as used in the fitting procedure. } \item{mod_vars}{ Names of the state variables in the kinetic model. These are used for grouping the formation fractions before \code{\link{ilr}} transformation. } } \value{ A vector of transformed or backtransformed parameters with the same names as the original parameters. } \author{ Johannes Ranke } \examples{ SFO_SFO <- mkinmod( parent = list(type = "SFO", to = "m1", sink = TRUE), m1 = list(type = "SFO")) # Fit the model to the FOCUS example dataset D using defaults fit <- mkinfit(SFO_SFO, FOCUS_2006_D) summary(fit, data=FALSE) # See transformed and backtransformed parameters initials <- fit$start$initial transformed <- fit$start$transformed names(initials) <- names(transformed) <- rownames(fit$start) transform_odeparms(initials, c("parent", "m1")) backtransform_odeparms(transformed, c("parent", "m1")) } \keyword{ manip }