\name{kinreport} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{kinreport} \title{ Creates a report of the kinetic fits } \description{ Function to create a report for a set of fitted models, passing it to the console as well as to a file, if specified. } \usage{ kinreport(kinobject, file = NA, vcov = FALSE, endpoint.digits = 1) } \arguments{ \item{kinobject}{ A list containing the following elements: The name of the parent compound to be output (\code{parent}), the type of the test system (\code{type}), the name of the specific test system used for generating this dataset (\code{system}), the list of fitted kinetic models (\code{fits}), as returned by \code{\link{kinfit}}, and the list of results (\code{results}) as returned by \code{\link{kinresults}}. Optionally also the label position of the test compound (\code{label}) and the source of the data (\code{source}). } \item{file}{ The name of the file to which to write. } \item{vcov}{ Should the variance-covariance matrix/matrices be reported? } \item{endpoint.digits}{ How many digits should be reported for DT50 and DT90 values? } } \value{ The function is called for its side effect, namely the report being passed to the R console as well as to a text file. } \author{ Johannes Ranke } \examples{ data(FOCUS_2006_A) kinfits <- kinfit(FOCUS_2006_A) kinobject <- list( parent = "Compound XY", type = "Degradation in the environment", system = "System 1", source = "Synthetic example data from FOCUS kinetics", fits = kinfits, results = kinresults(kinfits)) kinreport(kinobject) } \keyword{ manip }