path: root/DESCRIPTION
blob: a2c760cb00ef9fff02dd104fca31d07b92ed02eb (plain) (tree)



Package: mkin
Type: Package
Title: Routines for fitting kinetic models with one or more state
  variables to chemical degradation data
Version: 0.8-11
Date: 2011-05-19
Author: Johannes Ranke, Katrin Lindenberger
Maintainer: Johannes Ranke <jranke@users.berlios.de>
Description: Calculation routines based on the FOCUS Kinetics Report (2006).
  Includes a function for conveniently defining differential equation models,
  model solution based on eigenvalues if possible or using numerical solvers
  and a choice of the optimisation methods made available by the FME package
  (default is a Levenberg-Marquardt variant).  Please note that no warranty is
  implied for correctness of results or fitness for a particular purpose.
Depends: FME, deSolve, kinfit
Suggests: RUnit
License: GPL
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
URL: http://cran.r-project.org, http://developer.berlios.de/projects/mkin/

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