Plot model fits (observed and fitted) and the residuals for a row or column of an mmkin object
When x is a row selected from an mmkin object (\code{\link{[.mmkin}}), the same model
fitted for at least one dataset is shown. When it is a column, the fit of at least one model
to the same dataset is shown.
\method{plot}{mmkin}(x, main = "auto", legends = 1, errmin_var = "All data", errmin_digits = 2,
cex = 0.7, rel.height.middle = 0.9, ...)
An object of class \code{\link{mmkin}}, with either one row or one column.
The main title placed on the outer margin of the plot.
An index for the fits for which legends should be shown.
The variable for which the FOCUS chi2 error value should be shown.
The number of digits for rounding the FOCUS chi2 error percentage.
Passed to the plot functions and \code{\link{mtext}}.
The relative height of the middle plot, if more than two rows of plots are shown.
Further arguments passed to \code{\link{plot.mkinfit}} and \code{\link{mkinresplot}}.
The function is called for its side effect.
Johannes Ranke
# Only use one core not to offend CRAN checks
fits <- mmkin(c("FOMC", "HS"), list("FOCUS B" = FOCUS_2006_B, "FOCUS C" = FOCUS_2006_C),
cores = 1, quiet = TRUE)
plot(fits[, "FOCUS C"])
plot(fits["FOMC", ])
# We can also plot a single fit, if we like the way mmkin works, but then the plot
# height should be smaller than the plot width (this is not possible for the html pages
# generated by staticdocs, as far as I know).
plot(fits["FOMC", "FOCUS C"]) # same as plot(fits[1, 2])