path: root/tests/testthat/summary_DFOP_FOCUS_C.txt
blob: fb8051c50723bf59a1e2dbc29cec5a306110426e (plain) (tree)









mkin version used for fitting:    Dummy 0.0 for testing 
R version used for fitting:       Dummy R version for testing 
Date of fit:     Dummy date for testing 
Date of summary: Dummy date for testing 

d_parent/dt = - ((k1 * g * exp(-k1 * time) + k2 * (1 - g) * exp(-k2 *
           time)) / (g * exp(-k1 * time) + (1 - g) * exp(-k2 * time)))
           * parent

Model predictions using solution type analytical 

Fitted using test 0 model solutions performed in test time 0 s

Error model:
Constant variance 

Starting values for parameters to be optimised:
             value   type
parent_0 85.100000  state
k1        0.100000 deparm
k2        0.010000 deparm
g         0.500000 deparm
sigma     0.696237  error

Starting values for the transformed parameters actually optimised:
             value lower upper
parent_0 85.100000  -Inf   Inf
log_k1   -2.302585  -Inf   Inf
log_k2   -4.605170  -Inf   Inf
g_ilr     0.000000  -Inf   Inf
sigma     0.696237     0   Inf

Fixed parameter values:

Optimised, transformed parameters with symmetric confidence intervals:
         Estimate Std. Error   Lower   Upper
parent_0  85.0000    0.66620 83.1500 86.8500
log_k1    -0.7775    0.03380 -0.8713 -0.6836
log_k2    -4.0260    0.13100 -4.3890 -3.6620
g_ilr      1.2490    0.05811  1.0870  1.4100
sigma      0.6962    0.16410  0.2406  1.1520

Parameter correlation:
         parent_0 log_k1 log_k2  g_ilr  sigma
parent_0    1e+00  4e-01  9e-02 -3e-02  5e-07
log_k1      4e-01  1e+00  5e-01 -7e-01  4e-07
log_k2      9e-02  5e-01  1e+00 -8e-01 -1e-07
g_ilr      -3e-02 -7e-01 -8e-01  1e+00 -2e-08
sigma       5e-07  4e-07 -1e-07 -2e-08  1e+00

Backtransformed parameters:
Confidence intervals for internally transformed parameters are asymmetric.
t-test (unrealistically) based on the assumption of normal distribution
for estimators of untransformed parameters.
         Estimate t value    Pr(>t)    Lower    Upper
parent_0 85.00000 127.600 1.131e-08 83.15000 86.85000
k1        0.45960  29.580 3.887e-06  0.41840  0.50480
k2        0.01785   7.636 7.901e-04  0.01241  0.02568
g         0.85390  83.310 6.221e-08  0.82310  0.88020
sigma     0.69620   4.243 6.618e-03  0.24060  1.15200

FOCUS Chi2 error levels in percent:
         err.min n.optim df
All data   2.661       4  5
parent     2.661       4  5

Estimated disappearance times:
        DT50  DT90 DT50_k1 DT50_k2
parent 1.887 21.25   1.508   38.83

 time variable observed predicted residual
    0   parent     85.1    85.003  0.09726
    1   parent     57.9    58.039 -0.13912
    3   parent     29.9    30.054 -0.15351
    7   parent     14.6    13.866  0.73388
   14   parent      9.7     9.787 -0.08657
   28   parent      6.6     7.532 -0.93205
   63   parent      4.0     4.033 -0.03269
   91   parent      3.9     2.447  1.45348
  119   parent      0.6     1.484 -0.88424

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