path: root/R/multistart.R
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Diffstat (limited to 'R/multistart.R')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/R/multistart.R b/R/multistart.R
index a3afa08b..94292e82 100644
--- a/R/multistart.R
+++ b/R/multistart.R
@@ -14,7 +14,12 @@
#' @param n How many different combinations of starting parameters should be
#' used?
#' @param cores How many fits should be run in parallel?
-#' @param \dots Passed to the update function.
+#' @param \dots Passed to the update function, or to the basic plotting
+#' function in the case of the graphical function.
+#' @param x The multistart object to print
+#' @param breaks Passed to [hist]
+#' @param main title of the plot
+#' @param lpos Positioning of the legend.
#' @return A list of [saem.mmkin] objects, with class attributes
#' 'multistart.saem.mmkin' and 'multistart'.
@@ -39,6 +44,7 @@ multistart.saem.mmkin <- function(object, n = 50, cores = 1, ...) {
res <- parallel::mclapply(1:n, function(x) {
update(object, degparms_start = start_parms[x, ], ...)
}, mc.cores = cores)
+ attr(res, "orig") <- object
attr(res, "start_parms") <- start_parms
class(res) <- c("multistart.saem.mmkin", "multistart")
@@ -53,8 +59,53 @@ print.multistart <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname multistart
#' @export
-summary.multistart.saem.mmkin <- function(object) {
+parms.multistart <- function(object, ...) {
+ t(sapply(object, parms))
+#' @rdname multistart
+#' @importFrom stats median
+#' @export
+parhist <- function(object, lpos = "topleft", ...) {
+ orig <- attr(object, "orig")
+ orig_parms <- parms(orig)
+ start_parms <- orig$mean_dp_start
+ all_parms <- parms(object)
+ median_parms <- apply(all_parms, 2, median)
+ all_scaled_parms <- t(apply(all_parms, 1, function(x) x / median_parms))
+ orig_scaled_parms <- orig_parms / median_parms
+ start_scaled_parms <- rep(NA_real_, length(orig_parms))
+ names(start_scaled_parms) <- names(orig_parms)
+ start_scaled_parms[names(start_parms)] <-
+ start_parms / median_parms[names(start_parms)]
+ boxplot(all_scaled_parms, log = "y", ...)
+ points(orig_scaled_parms, col = 2, cex = 2)
+ points(start_scaled_parms, col = 3, cex = 3)
+ legend(lpos, inset = c(0.05, 0.05), bty = "n",
+ pch = 1, col = 3:1, lty = c(NA, NA, 1),
+ legend = c(
+ "Starting parameters",
+ "Converged parameters",
+ "Multistart runs"))
+#' @rdname multistart
+#' @importFrom KernSmooth bkde
+#' @export
+llhist <- function(object, breaks = "Sturges", main = "", lpos = "topleft", ...) {
+ ll <- sapply(object, logLik)
+ kde <- KernSmooth::bkde(ll)
+ h <- hist(ll, freq = TRUE,
+ xlim = range(kde$x),
+ xlab = "", main = main,
+ ylab = "Frequency of log likelihoods", breaks = breaks, ...)
- parm_matrix <- sapply(object, parms)
- parm_matrix
+ freq_factor <- h$counts[1] / h$density[1]
+ lines(kde$x, freq_factor * kde$y)
+ abline(v = logLik(attr(object, "orig")), col = 2)
+ legend(lpos, inset = c(0.05, 0.05), bty = "n",
+ lty = 1, col = c(2, 1),
+ legend = c("original log likelihood",
+ "kernel density estimate"))

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