path: root/docs/reference/synthetic_data_for_UBA.html
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diff --git a/docs/reference/synthetic_data_for_UBA.html b/docs/reference/synthetic_data_for_UBA.html
index 1f8bc914..b3da0016 100644
--- a/docs/reference/synthetic_data_for_UBA.html
+++ b/docs/reference/synthetic_data_for_UBA.html
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@
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@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ Compare also the code in the example section to see the degradation models." />
@@ -131,6 +134,7 @@ Compare also the code in the example section to see the degradation models." />
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<div class="row">
@@ -170,7 +174,9 @@ Compare also the code in the example section to see the degradation models." />
each containing, among others, the following components</p><dl class='dl-horizontal'>
<dt><code>title</code></dt><dd><p>The name of the dataset, e.g. <code>SFO_lin_a</code></p></dd>
<dt><code>data</code></dt><dd><p>A data frame with the data in the form expected by <code><a href='mkinfit.html'>mkinfit</a></code></p></dd>
- </dl>
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="source"><a class="anchor" href="#source"></a>Source</h2>
@@ -181,109 +187,7 @@ Compare also the code in the example section to see the degradation models." />
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="examples"><a class="anchor" href="#examples"></a>Examples</h2>
- <pre class="examples"><div class='input'># The data have been generated using the following kinetic models
-m_synth_SFO_lin <- mkinmod(parent = list(type = "SFO", to = "M1"),
- M1 = list(type = "SFO", to = "M2"),
- M2 = list(type = "SFO"), use_of_ff = "max")
-m_synth_SFO_par <- mkinmod(parent = list(type = "SFO", to = c("M1", "M2"),
- sink = FALSE),
- M1 = list(type = "SFO"),
- M2 = list(type = "SFO"), use_of_ff = "max")
-m_synth_DFOP_lin <- mkinmod(parent = list(type = "DFOP", to = "M1"),
- M1 = list(type = "SFO", to = "M2"),
- M2 = list(type = "SFO"), use_of_ff = "max")
-m_synth_DFOP_par <- mkinmod(parent = list(type = "DFOP", to = c("M1", "M2"),
- sink = FALSE),
- M1 = list(type = "SFO"),
- M2 = list(type = "SFO"), use_of_ff = "max")
-# The model predictions without intentional error were generated as follows
-sampling_times = c(0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 60, 90, 120)
-d_synth_SFO_lin <- mkinpredict(m_synth_SFO_lin,
- c(k_parent = 0.7, f_parent_to_M1 = 0.8,
- k_M1 = 0.3, f_M1_to_M2 = 0.7,
- k_M2 = 0.02),
- c(parent = 100, M1 = 0, M2 = 0),
- sampling_times)
-d_synth_DFOP_lin <- mkinpredict(m_synth_DFOP_lin,
- c(k1 = 0.2, k2 = 0.02, g = 0.5,
- f_parent_to_M1 = 0.5, k_M1 = 0.3,
- f_M1_to_M2 = 0.7, k_M2 = 0.02),
- c(parent = 100, M1 = 0, M2 = 0),
- sampling_times)
-d_synth_SFO_par <- mkinpredict(m_synth_SFO_par,
- c(k_parent = 0.2,
- f_parent_to_M1 = 0.8, k_M1 = 0.01,
- f_parent_to_M2 = 0.2, k_M2 = 0.02),
- c(parent = 100, M1 = 0, M2 = 0),
- sampling_times)
-d_synth_DFOP_par <- mkinpredict(m_synth_DFOP_par,
- c(k1 = 0.3, k2 = 0.02, g = 0.7,
- f_parent_to_M1 = 0.6, k_M1 = 0.04,
- f_parent_to_M2 = 0.4, k_M2 = 0.01),
- c(parent = 100, M1 = 0, M2 = 0),
- sampling_times)
-# Construct names for datasets with errors
-d_synth_names = paste0("d_synth_", c("SFO_lin", "SFO_par",
- "DFOP_lin", "DFOP_par"))
-# Function for adding errors. The add_err function now published with this
-# package is a slightly generalised version where the names of secondary
-# compartments that should have an initial value of zero (M1 and M2 in this
-# case) are not hardcoded any more.
-add_err = function(d, sdfunc, LOD = 0.1, reps = 2, seed = 123456789)
- set.seed(seed)
- d_long = mkin_wide_to_long(d, time = "time")
- d_rep = data.frame(lapply(d_long, rep, each = 2))
- d_rep$value = rnorm(length(d_rep$value), d_rep$value, sdfunc(d_rep$value))
- d_rep[d_rep$time == 0 & d_rep$name <!-- %in% c("M1", "M2"), "value"] &lt;- 0 -->
- d_NA <- transform(d_rep, value = ifelse(value < LOD, NA, value))
- d_NA$value <- round(d_NA$value, 1)
- return(d_NA)
-# The following is the simplified version of the two-component model of Rocke
-# and Lorenzato (1995)
-sdfunc_twocomp = function(value, sd_low, rsd_high) {
- sqrt(sd_low^2 + value^2 * rsd_high^2)
-# Add the errors.
-for (d_synth_name in d_synth_names)
- d_synth = get(d_synth_name)
- assign(paste0(d_synth_name, "_a"), add_err(d_synth, function(value) 3))
- assign(paste0(d_synth_name, "_b"), add_err(d_synth, function(value) 7))
- assign(paste0(d_synth_name, "_c"), add_err(d_synth,
- function(value) sdfunc_twocomp(value, 0.5, 0.07)))
-d_synth_err_names = c(
- paste(rep(d_synth_names, each = 3), letters[1:3], sep = "_")
-# This is just one example of an evaluation using the kinetic model used for
-# the generation of the data
-fit <- mkinfit(m_synth_SFO_lin, synthetic_data_for_UBA_2014[[1]]$data,
- quiet = TRUE)
-</div><div class='output co'>#&gt; <span class='error'>Error: &lt;text&gt;:67:43: Unerwartete(s) SPECIAL</span>
-#&gt; <span class='error'>66: </span>
-#&gt; <span class='error'>67: d_rep[d_rep$time == 0 &amp; d_rep$name &lt;!-- %in%</span>
-#&gt; <span class='error'> ^</span></div></pre>
+ <pre class="examples"></pre>
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@@ -299,19 +203,23 @@ summary(fit)
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<p>Developed by Johannes Ranke.</p>
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- <p>Site built with <a href="https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/">pkgdown</a> 1.3.0.</p>
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