path: root/man
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
6 files changed, 3 insertions, 426 deletions
diff --git a/man/endpoints.Rd b/man/endpoints.Rd
index a37ff98d..75fa9503 100644
--- a/man/endpoints.Rd
+++ b/man/endpoints.Rd
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ with mkinfit}
-\item{fit}{An object of class \link{mkinfit}, \link{nlme.mmkin}, \link{saem.mmkin} or
-\link{nlmixr.mmkin}. Or another object that has list components
+\item{fit}{An object of class \link{mkinfit}, \link{nlme.mmkin} or \link{saem.mmkin},
+or another object that has list components
mkinmod containing an \link{mkinmod} degradation model, and two numeric vectors,
bparms.optim and bparms.fixed, that contain parameter values
for that model.}
diff --git a/man/intervals.nlmixr.mmkin.Rd b/man/intervals.nlmixr.mmkin.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index e6da8901..00000000
--- a/man/intervals.nlmixr.mmkin.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/intervals.R
-\title{Confidence intervals for parameters in nlmixr.mmkin objects}
-\method{intervals}{nlmixr.mmkin}(object, level = 0.95, backtransform = TRUE, ...)
-\item{object}{The fitted saem.mmkin object}
-\item{level}{The confidence level.}
-\item{backtransform}{Should we backtransform the parameters where a one to
-one correlation between transformed and backtransformed parameters exists?}
-\item{\dots}{For compatibility with the generic method}
-An object with 'intervals.saem.mmkin' and 'intervals.lme' in the
-class attribute
-Confidence intervals for parameters in nlmixr.mmkin objects
diff --git a/man/nlmixr.mmkin.Rd b/man/nlmixr.mmkin.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index c1a203eb..00000000
--- a/man/nlmixr.mmkin.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/nlmixr.R
-\title{Fit nonlinear mixed models using nlmixr}
- object,
- data = NULL,
- est = NULL,
- control = list(),
- table = tableControl(),
- error_model = object[[1]]$err_mod,
- test_log_parms = TRUE,
- conf.level = 0.6,
- degparms_start = "auto",
- eta_start = "auto",
- ...,
- save = NULL,
- envir = parent.frame()
-\method{print}{nlmixr.mmkin}(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
- object,
- est = c("saem", "focei"),
- degparms_start = "auto",
- eta_start = "auto",
- test_log_parms = TRUE,
- conf.level = 0.6,
- error_model = object[[1]]$err_mod,
- add_attributes = FALSE
-nlmixr_data(object, ...)
-\item{object}{An \link{mmkin} row object containing several fits of the same
-\link{mkinmod} model to different datasets}
-\item{data}{Not used, as the data are extracted from the mmkin row object}
-\item{est}{Estimation method passed to \link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr}}
-\item{control}{Passed to \link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr}}
-\item{table}{Passed to \link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr}}
-\item{error_model}{Optional argument to override the error model which is
-being set based on the error model used in the mmkin row object.}
-\item{test_log_parms}{If TRUE, an attempt is made to use more robust starting
-values for population parameters fitted as log parameters in mkin (like
-rate constants) by only considering rate constants that pass the t-test
-when calculating mean degradation parameters using \link{mean_degparms}.}
-\item{conf.level}{Possibility to adjust the required confidence level
-for parameter that are tested if requested by 'test_log_parms'.}
-\item{degparms_start}{Parameter values given as a named numeric vector will
-be used to override the starting values obtained from the 'mmkin' object.}
-\item{eta_start}{Standard deviations on the transformed scale given as a
-named numeric vector will be used to override the starting values obtained
-from the 'mmkin' object.}
-\item{\dots}{Passed to \link{nlmixr_model}}
-\item{save}{Passed to \link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr}}
-\item{envir}{Passed to \link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr}}
-\item{x}{An nlmixr.mmkin object to print}
-\item{digits}{Number of digits to use for printing}
-\item{add_attributes}{Should the starting values used for degradation model
-parameters and their distribution and for the error model parameters
-be returned as attributes?}
-An S3 object of class 'nlmixr.mmkin', containing the fitted
-\link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr} object as a list component named 'nm'. The
-object also inherits from 'mixed.mmkin'.
-An function defining a model suitable for fitting with \link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr}.
-An dataframe suitable for use with \link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr}
-This function uses \code{\link[nlmixr:nlmixr]{nlmixr::nlmixr()}} as a backend for fitting nonlinear mixed
-effects models created from \link{mmkin} row objects using the Stochastic Approximation
-Expectation Maximisation algorithm (SAEM) or First Order Conditional
-Estimation with Interaction (FOCEI).
-An mmkin row object is essentially a list of mkinfit objects that have been
-obtained by fitting the same model to a list of datasets using \link{mkinfit}.
-ds <- lapply(experimental_data_for_UBA_2019[6:10],
- function(x) subset(x$data[c("name", "time", "value")]))
-names(ds) <- paste("Dataset", 6:10)
-f_mmkin_parent <- mmkin(c("SFO", "FOMC", "DFOP", "HS"), ds, quiet = TRUE, cores = 1)
-f_mmkin_parent_tc <- mmkin(c("SFO", "FOMC", "DFOP"), ds, error_model = "tc",
- cores = 1, quiet = TRUE)
-f_nlmixr_sfo_saem <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent["SFO", ], est = "saem",
- control = saemControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_sfo_focei <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent["SFO", ], est = "focei",
- control = foceiControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_fomc_saem <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent["FOMC", ], est = "saem",
- control = saemControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_fomc_focei <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent["FOMC", ], est = "focei",
- control = foceiControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_dfop_saem <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent["DFOP", ], est = "saem",
- control = saemControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_dfop_focei <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent["DFOP", ], est = "focei",
- control = foceiControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_hs_saem <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent["HS", ], est = "saem",
- control = saemControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_hs_focei <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent["HS", ], est = "focei",
- control = foceiControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_fomc_saem_tc <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent_tc["FOMC", ], est = "saem",
- control = saemControl(print = 0))
-f_nlmixr_fomc_focei_tc <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_parent_tc["FOMC", ], est = "focei",
- control = foceiControl(print = 0))
- f_nlmixr_sfo_saem$nm, f_nlmixr_sfo_focei$nm,
- f_nlmixr_fomc_saem$nm, f_nlmixr_fomc_focei$nm,
- f_nlmixr_dfop_saem$nm, f_nlmixr_dfop_focei$nm,
- f_nlmixr_hs_saem$nm, f_nlmixr_hs_focei$nm,
- f_nlmixr_fomc_saem_tc$nm, f_nlmixr_fomc_focei_tc$nm)
-AIC(nlme(f_mmkin_parent["FOMC", ]))
-AIC(nlme(f_mmkin_parent["HS", ]))
-# The FOCEI fit of FOMC with constant variance or the tc error model is best
-sfo_sfo <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("SFO", "A1"),
- A1 = mkinsub("SFO"), quiet = TRUE)
-fomc_sfo <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("FOMC", "A1"),
- A1 = mkinsub("SFO"), quiet = TRUE)
-dfop_sfo <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("DFOP", "A1"),
- A1 = mkinsub("SFO"), quiet = TRUE)
-f_mmkin_const <- mmkin(list(
- "SFO-SFO" = sfo_sfo, "FOMC-SFO" = fomc_sfo, "DFOP-SFO" = dfop_sfo),
- ds, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "const")
-f_mmkin_obs <- mmkin(list(
- "SFO-SFO" = sfo_sfo, "FOMC-SFO" = fomc_sfo, "DFOP-SFO" = dfop_sfo),
- ds, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "obs")
-f_mmkin_tc <- mmkin(list(
- "SFO-SFO" = sfo_sfo, "FOMC-SFO" = fomc_sfo, "DFOP-SFO" = dfop_sfo),
- ds, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "tc")
-nlmixr_model(f_mmkin_const["SFO-SFO", ])
-# A single constant variance is currently only possible with est = 'focei' in nlmixr
-f_nlmixr_sfo_sfo_focei_const <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_const["SFO-SFO", ], est = "focei")
-f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_focei_const <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_const["FOMC-SFO", ], est = "focei")
-f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei_const <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_const["DFOP-SFO", ], est = "focei")
-# Variance by variable is supported by 'saem' and 'focei'
-f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_saem_obs <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_obs["FOMC-SFO", ], est = "saem")
-f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_focei_obs <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_obs["FOMC-SFO", ], est = "focei")
-f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_saem_obs <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_obs["DFOP-SFO", ], est = "saem")
-f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei_obs <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_obs["DFOP-SFO", ], est = "focei")
-# Identical two-component error for all variables is only possible with
-# est = 'focei' in nlmixr
-f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_focei_tc <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_tc["FOMC-SFO", ], est = "focei")
-f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei_tc <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_tc["DFOP-SFO", ], est = "focei")
-# Two-component error by variable is possible with both estimation methods
-# Variance by variable is supported by 'saem' and 'focei'
-f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_saem_obs_tc <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_tc["FOMC-SFO", ], est = "saem",
- error_model = "obs_tc")
-f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_focei_obs_tc <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_tc["FOMC-SFO", ], est = "focei",
- error_model = "obs_tc")
-f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_saem_obs_tc <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_tc["DFOP-SFO", ], est = "saem",
- error_model = "obs_tc")
-f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei_obs_tc <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_tc["DFOP-SFO", ], est = "focei",
- error_model = "obs_tc")
- f_nlmixr_sfo_sfo_focei_const$nm,
- f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_focei_const$nm,
- f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei_const$nm,
- f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_saem_obs$nm,
- f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_focei_obs$nm,
- f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_saem_obs$nm,
- f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei_obs$nm,
- f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_focei_tc$nm,
- f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei_tc$nm,
- f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_saem_obs_tc$nm,
- f_nlmixr_fomc_sfo_focei_obs_tc$nm,
- f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_saem_obs_tc$nm,
- f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei_obs_tc$nm
-# Currently, FOMC-SFO with two-component error by variable fitted by focei gives the
-# lowest AIC
-# Two parallel metabolites
-dmta_ds <- lapply(1:7, function(i) {
- ds_i <- dimethenamid_2018$ds[[i]]$data
- ds_i[ds_i$name == "DMTAP", "name"] <- "DMTA"
- ds_i$time <- ds_i$time * dimethenamid_2018$f_time_norm[i]
- ds_i
-names(dmta_ds) <- sapply(dimethenamid_2018$ds, function(ds) ds$title)
-dmta_ds[["Elliot"]] <- rbind(dmta_ds[["Elliot 1"]], dmta_ds[["Elliot 2"]])
-dmta_ds[["Elliot 1"]] <- NULL
-dmta_ds[["Elliot 2"]] <- NULL
-sfo_sfo2 <- mkinmod(
- DMTA = mkinsub("SFO", c("M23", "M27")),
- M23 = mkinsub("SFO"),
- M27 = mkinsub("SFO"),
- quiet = TRUE
-f_dmta_sfo_sfo2 <- mmkin(
- list("SFO-SFO2" = sfo_sfo2),
- dmta_ds, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "obs")
-nlmixr_focei_dmta_sfo_sfo2 <- nlmixr(f_dmta_sfo_sfo2, est = "focei")
-\link{summary.nlmixr.mmkin} \link{plot.mixed.mmkin}
diff --git a/man/reexports.Rd b/man/reexports.Rd
index dfbb76a7..43d27ac1 100644
--- a/man/reexports.Rd
+++ b/man/reexports.Rd
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/intervals.R, R/lrtest.mkinfit.R,
-% R/nlme.mmkin.R, R/nlmixr.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/intervals.R, R/lrtest.mkinfit.R, R/nlme.mmkin.R
\title{Objects exported from other packages}
@@ -18,7 +16,5 @@ below to see their documentation.
\item{nlme}{\code{\link[nlme]{intervals}}, \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}}
- \item{nlmixr}{\code{\link[nlmixr]{nlmixr}}}
diff --git a/man/summary.nlmixr.mmkin.Rd b/man/summary.nlmixr.mmkin.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8abd5d..00000000
--- a/man/summary.nlmixr.mmkin.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/summary.nlmixr.mmkin.R
-\title{Summary method for class "nlmixr.mmkin"}
-\method{summary}{nlmixr.mmkin}(object, data = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, distimes = TRUE, ...)
-\method{print}{summary.nlmixr.mmkin}(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), verbose = x$verbose, ...)
-\item{object}{an object of class \link{nlmixr.mmkin}}
-\item{data}{logical, indicating whether the full data should be included in
-the summary.}
-\item{verbose}{Should the summary be verbose?}
-\item{distimes}{logical, indicating whether DT50 and DT90 values should be
-\item{\dots}{optional arguments passed to methods like \code{print}.}
-\item{x}{an object of class \link{summary.nlmixr.mmkin}}
-\item{digits}{Number of digits to use for printing}
-The summary function returns a list obtained in the fit, with at
-least the following additional components
-\item{nlmixrversion, mkinversion, Rversion}{The nlmixr, mkin and R versions used}
-\item{date.fit, date.summary}{The dates where the fit and the summary were
-\item{diffs}{The differential equations used in the degradation model}
-\item{use_of_ff}{Was maximum or minimum use made of formation fractions}
-\item{data}{The data}
-\item{confint_back}{Backtransformed parameters, with confidence intervals if available}
-\item{ff}{The estimated formation fractions derived from the fitted
-\item{distimes}{The DT50 and DT90 values for each observed variable.}
-\item{SFORB}{If applicable, eigenvalues of SFORB components of the model.}
-The print method is called for its side effect, i.e. printing the summary.
-Lists model equations, initial parameter values, optimised parameters
-for fixed effects (population), random effects (deviations from the
-population mean) and residual error model, as well as the resulting
-endpoints such as formation fractions and DT50 values. Optionally
-(default is FALSE), the data are listed in full.
-# Generate five datasets following DFOP-SFO kinetics
-sampling_times = c(0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 60, 90, 120)
-dfop_sfo <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("DFOP", "m1"),
- m1 = mkinsub("SFO"), quiet = TRUE)
-k1_in <- rlnorm(5, log(0.1), 0.3)
-k2_in <- rlnorm(5, log(0.02), 0.3)
-g_in <- plogis(rnorm(5, qlogis(0.5), 0.3))
-f_parent_to_m1_in <- plogis(rnorm(5, qlogis(0.3), 0.3))
-k_m1_in <- rlnorm(5, log(0.02), 0.3)
-pred_dfop_sfo <- function(k1, k2, g, f_parent_to_m1, k_m1) {
- mkinpredict(dfop_sfo,
- c(k1 = k1, k2 = k2, g = g, f_parent_to_m1 = f_parent_to_m1, k_m1 = k_m1),
- c(parent = 100, m1 = 0),
- sampling_times)
-ds_mean_dfop_sfo <- lapply(1:5, function(i) {
- mkinpredict(dfop_sfo,
- c(k1 = k1_in[i], k2 = k2_in[i], g = g_in[i],
- f_parent_to_m1 = f_parent_to_m1_in[i], k_m1 = k_m1_in[i]),
- c(parent = 100, m1 = 0),
- sampling_times)
-names(ds_mean_dfop_sfo) <- paste("ds", 1:5)
-ds_syn_dfop_sfo <- lapply(ds_mean_dfop_sfo, function(ds) {
- add_err(ds,
- sdfunc = function(value) sqrt(1^2 + value^2 * 0.07^2),
- n = 1)[[1]]
-# Evaluate using mmkin and nlmixr
-f_mmkin_dfop_sfo <- mmkin(list(dfop_sfo), ds_syn_dfop_sfo,
- quiet = TRUE, error_model = "tc", cores = 5)
-f_saemix_dfop_sfo <- mkin::saem(f_mmkin_dfop_sfo)
-f_nlme_dfop_sfo <- mkin::nlme(f_mmkin_dfop_sfo)
-f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_saem <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_dfop_sfo, est = "saem")
-# The following takes a very long time but gives
-f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_dfop_sfo, est = "focei")
-AIC(f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_saem$nm, f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei$nm)
-summary(f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_sfo, data = TRUE)
-Johannes Ranke for the mkin specific parts
-nlmixr authors for the parts inherited from nlmixr.
diff --git a/man/tffm0.Rd b/man/tffm0.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 89bee7d9..00000000
--- a/man/tffm0.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/tffm0.R
-\title{Transform formation fractions as in the first published mkin version}
-\item{ff}{Vector of untransformed formation fractions. The sum
-must be smaller or equal to one}
-\item{ff_trans}{Vector of transformed formation fractions that can be
-restricted to the interval from 0 to 1}
-A vector of the transformed formation fractions
-A vector of backtransformed formation fractions for natural use in degradation models
-This transformation was used originally in mkin, in order to implement a
-constraint for the sum of formation fractions to be smaller than 1. It was
-later replaced by the \link{ilr} transformation because the ilr transformed
-fractions can assumed to follow normal distribution. As the ilr
-transformation is not available in \link{RxODE} and can therefore not be used in
-the nlmixr modelling language, the original transformation is currently used
-for translating mkin models with formation fractions to more than one target
-compartment for fitting with nlmixr in \link{nlmixr_model}. However, this
-implementation cannot be used there, as it is not accessible from RxODE.
-If the transformed formation fractions are restricted to the interval
-between 0 and 1, the sum of backtransformed values is restricted
-to this interval.
-ff_example <- c(
- 0.10983681, 0.09035905, 0.08399383
-ff_example_trans <- tffm0(ff_example)

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