path: root/vignettes/mkin.Rmd
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-title: Introduction to mkin
-author: Johannes Ranke
-date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
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- fig_retina: null
-bibliography: references.bib
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{mkin - Kinetic evaluation of chemical degradation data}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-[Wissenschaftlicher Berater, Kronacher Str. 12, 79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany](http://www.jrwb.de)<br />
-[Privatdozent at the University of Bremen](http://chem.uft.uni-bremen.de/ranke)
-```{r, include = FALSE}
-opts_chunk$set(engine='R', tidy=FALSE)
-# Abstract
-In the regulatory evaluation of chemical substances like plant protection
-products (pesticides), biocides and other chemicals, degradation data play an
-important role. For the evaluation of pesticide degradation experiments,
-detailed guidance has been developed, based on nonlinear optimisation.
-The `R` add-on package `mkin` implements fitting some of the models
-recommended in this guidance from within R and calculates some statistical
-measures for data series within one or more compartments, for parent and
-```{r, echo = TRUE, cache = TRUE, fig = TRUE, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 7}
-library("mkin", quietly = TRUE)
-# Define the kinetic model
-m_SFO_SFO_SFO <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("SFO", "M1"),
- M1 = mkinsub("SFO", "M2"),
- M2 = mkinsub("SFO"),
- use_of_ff = "max", quiet = TRUE)
-# Produce model predictions using some arbitrary parameters
-sampling_times = c(0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 60, 90, 120)
-d_SFO_SFO_SFO <- mkinpredict(m_SFO_SFO_SFO,
- c(k_parent = 0.03,
- f_parent_to_M1 = 0.5, k_M1 = log(2)/100,
- f_M1_to_M2 = 0.9, k_M2 = log(2)/50),
- c(parent = 100, M1 = 0, M2 = 0),
- sampling_times)
-# Generate a dataset by adding normally distributed errors with
-# standard deviation 3, for two replicates at each sampling time
-d_SFO_SFO_SFO_err <- add_err(d_SFO_SFO_SFO, reps = 2,
- sdfunc = function(x) 3,
- n = 1, seed = 123456789 )
-# Fit the model to the dataset
-f_SFO_SFO_SFO <- mkinfit(m_SFO_SFO_SFO, d_SFO_SFO_SFO_err[[1]], quiet = TRUE)
-# Plot the results separately for parent and metabolites
-plot_sep(f_SFO_SFO_SFO, lpos = c("topright", "bottomright", "bottomright"))
-# Background
-Many approaches are possible regarding the evaluation of chemical degradation
-The `mkin` package [@pkg:mkin] implements the approach recommended in the
-kinetics report provided by the FOrum for Co-ordination of pesticide fate
-models and their USe [@FOCUS2006; -@FOCUSkinetics2014]
-for simple decline data series, data series with transformation products,
-commonly termed metabolites, and for data series for more than one compartment.
-It is also possible to include back reactions, so equilibrium reactions and
-equilibrium partitioning can be specified, although this oftentimes leads to an
-overparameterisation of the model.
-When the first `mkin` code was published in 2010, the most commonly used tools for
-fitting more complex kinetic degradation models to experimental data were
-KinGUI [@schaefer2007], a MATLAB based tool with a graphical user
-interface that was specifically tailored to the task and included some output
-as proposed by the FOCUS Kinetics Workgroup, and ModelMaker, a general purpose
-compartment based tool providing infrastructure for fitting dynamic simulation
-models based on differential equations to data.
-The code was first uploaded to the BerliOS platform. When this was taken down,
-the version control history was imported into the R-Forge site (see *e.g.*
-[the initial commit on 11 May 2010](http://cgit.jrwb.de/mkin/commit/?id=30cbb4092f6d2d3beff5800603374a0d009ad770)),
-where the code is still occasionally updated.
-At that time, the R package `FME` (Flexible Modelling Environment)
-[@soetaert2010] was already available, and provided a good basis for
-developing a package specifically tailored to the task. The remaining challenge
-was to make it as easy as possible for the users (including the author of this
-vignette) to specify the system of differential equations and to include the
-output requested by the FOCUS guidance, such as the relative standard deviation
-that has to be assumed for the residuals, such that the $\chi^2$
-goodness-of-fit test as defined by the FOCUS kinetics workgroup would pass
-using an significance level $\alpha$ of 0.05. This relative error, expressed
-as a percentage, is often termed $\chi^2$ error level or similar.
-Also, `mkin` introduced using analytical solutions for parent only kinetics for
-improved optimization speed. Later, Eigenvalue based solutions were
-introduced to `mkin` for the case of linear differential equations (*i.e.*
-where the FOMC or DFOP models were not used for the parent compound), greatly
-improving the optimization speed for these cases. This, however, has become
-somehow obsolete, as the use of compiled code described below gives even
-smaller execution times.
-The possibility to specify back-reactions and a biphasic model (SFORB) for
-metabolites were present in `mkin` from the very beginning.
-## Derived software tools
-Soon after the publication of `mkin`, two derived tools were published, namely
-KinGUII (available from Bayer Crop Science) and CAKE (commissioned to Tessella
-by Syngenta), which added a graphical user interface (GUI), and added fitting by
-iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) and characterisation of likely
-parameter distributions by Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling.
-CAKE focuses on a smooth use experience, sacrificing some flexibility in the model
-definition, originally allowing only two primary metabolites in parallel.
-The current version 3.3 of CAKE release in March 2016 uses a basic scheme for
-up to six metabolites in a flexible arrangement, but does not support
-back-reactions (non-instantaneous equilibria) or biphasic kinetics for metabolites.
-KinGUI offers an even more flexible widget for specifying complex kinetic
-models. Back-reactions (non-instantaneous equilibria) were supported early on,
-but until 2014, only simple first-order models could be specified for
-transformation products. Starting with KinGUII version 2.1, biphasic modelling
-of metabolites was also available in KinGUII.
-A further graphical user interface (GUI) that has recently been brought to a decent
-degree of maturity is the browser based GUI named `gmkin`. Please see its
-[documentation page](https://pkgdown.jrwb.de/gmkin) and
-for further information.
-A comparison of scope, usability and numerical results obtained with these
-tools has been recently been published by @ranke2018.
-## Recent developments
-Currently (July 2019), the main features available in `mkin` which are not
-present in KinGUII or CAKE, are the speed increase by using compiled code when
-a compiler is present, parallel model fitting on multicore machines using the
-`mmkin` function, and the estimation of parameter confidence intervals based on
-transformed parameters.
-In addition, the possibility to use two alternative error models to constant
-variance have been integrated. The variance by variable error model introduced
-by @gao11 has been available via an iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS)
-procedure since mkin
-[version 0.9-22](https://pkgdown.jrwb.de/mkin/news/index.html#mkin-0-9-22-2013-10-26).
-With [release](https://pkgdown.jrwb.de/mkin/news/index.html#mkin-0-9-49-5-2019-07-04),
-the IRLS algorithm has been replaced by direct or step-wise maximisation of
-the likelihood function, which makes it possible not only to fit the
-variance by variable error model but also a
-[two-component error model](https://pkgdown.jrwb.de/mkin/reference/sigma_twocomp.html)
-inspired by error models developed in analytical chemistry.
-# Internal parameter transformations
-For rate constants, the log
-transformation is used, as proposed by Bates and Watts [-@bates1988, p. 77,
-149]. Approximate intervals are constructed for the transformed rate
-constants [compare @bates1988, p. 135], *i.e.* for their logarithms.
-Confidence intervals for the rate constants are then obtained using the
-appropriate backtransformation using the exponential function.
-In the first version of `mkin` allowing for specifying models using
-formation fractions, a home-made reparameterisation was used in order to ensure
-that the sum of formation fractions would not exceed unity.
-This method is still used in the current version of KinGUII (v2.1 from April
-2014), with a modification that allows for fixing the pathway to sink to zero.
-CAKE uses penalties in the objective function in order to enforce this
-In 2012, an alternative reparameterisation of the formation fractions was
-proposed together with René Lehmann [@ranke2012], based on isometric
-logratio transformation (ILR). The aim was to improve the validity of the
-linear approximation of the objective function during the parameter
-estimation procedure as well as in the subsequent calculation of parameter
-confidence intervals.
-## Confidence intervals based on transformed parameters
-In the first attempt at providing improved parameter confidence intervals
-introduced to `mkin` in 2013, confidence intervals obtained from
-FME on the transformed parameters were simply all backtransformed one by one
-to yield asymmetric confidence intervals for the backtransformed parameters.
-However, while there is a 1:1 relation between the rate constants in the model
-and the transformed parameters fitted in the model, the parameters obtained by the
-isometric logratio transformation are calculated from the set of formation
-fractions that quantify the paths to each of the compounds formed from a
-specific parent compound, and no such 1:1 relation exists.
-Therefore, parameter confidence intervals for formation fractions obtained with
-this method only appear valid for the case of a single transformation product, where
-only one formation fraction is to be estimated, directly corresponding to one
-component of the ilr transformed parameter.
-The confidence intervals obtained by backtransformation for the cases where a
-1:1 relation between transformed and original parameter exist are considered by
-the author of this vignette to be more accurate than those obtained using a
-re-estimation of the Hessian matrix after backtransformation, as implemented
-in the FME package.
-## Parameter t-test based on untransformed parameters
-The standard output of many nonlinear regression software packages includes
-the results from a test for significant difference from zero for all parameters.
-Such a test is also recommended to check the validity of rate constants in the
-FOCUS guidance [@FOCUSkinetics2014, p. 96ff].
-It has been argued that the precondition for this test, *i.e.* normal distribution
-of the estimator for the parameters, is not fulfilled in the case of nonlinear regression
-[@ranke2015]. However, this test is commonly used by industry, consultants and
-national authorities in order to decide on the reliability of parameter estimates, based
-on the FOCUS guidance mentioned above. Therefore, the results of this one-sided
-t-test are included in the summary output from `mkin`.
-As it is not reasonable to test for significant difference of the transformed
-parameters (*e.g.* $log(k)$) from zero, the t-test is calculated based on the
-model definition before parameter transformation, *i.e.* in a similar way as in
-packages that do not apply such an internal parameter transformation. A note
-is included in the `mkin` output, pointing to the fact that the t-test is based
-on the unjustified assumption of normal distribution of the parameter
-# References
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