path: root/docs/articles/prebuilt
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2025-02-13Axis legend formatting, update vignettesJohannes Ranke72-2043/+3305
2023-11-16Update pkgdown docs to bootstrap 5 with searchJohannes Ranke32-711/+785
2023-10-30Update static docsRanke Johannes31-597/+342
2023-10-14Update static docs and build logv1.2.6Johannes Ranke1-18/+20
2023-08-10Add a link to the new vignette in online docsJohannes Ranke1-13/+15
2023-08-09Update static docsv1.2.5Johannes Ranke6-0/+2560
2023-05-19Prepare release of v1.2.4v1.2.4Johannes Ranke18-1862/+1574
- Update DESCRIPTION - Update Makefile to document how to use R-patched - Remove markup from two URLs to avoid CRAN NOTE - Switch two vignettes from html_document to html_vignette to save space in the docs directory, also avoiding a CRAN NOTE - Complete rebuild of pkgdown docs for release
2023-04-20Fix and rebuild documentation, see NEWSJohannes Ranke31-0/+9933
I had to fix the two pathway vignettes, as they did not work with the released version any more. So they and the multistart vignette which got some small fixes as well were rebuilt. Complete rebuild of the online docs with the released version. The documentation of the 'hierarchial_kinetics' format had to be fixed as well.

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