path: root/vignettes/web_only/mkin_benchmarks.rda
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2025-02-13Axis legend formatting, update vignettesJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-11-16Update pkgdown docs to bootstrap 5 with searchJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-11-02Benchmarks on new CPU with current versionsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-10-30Update static docsRanke Johannes1-0/+0
2023-05-19Prepare release of v1.2.4v1.2.4Johannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-04-20Fix and rebuild documentation, see NEWSJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-04-16Complete rebuild of static docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-02-17Update online docs, fix bug that surfacedJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-02-17Update benchmark results for 7950XJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-02-17Rethink versioning and remove 7950X benchmarksJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-02-17Finish adapting to upcoming deSolveJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-02-13WIP adapting to new deSolve with faster lsodaJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2023-01-09Prebuilt PDF vignettes, summary_listingJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-11-24Start online docs of the development versionJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-11-17Complete update of online docs for v1.2.0Johannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-11-15Import saemix for easier profiling, update online docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-11-14Update online docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-11-01Update online docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-09-16Improve docs and update pkgdownJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-08-10Change dev branch used for docs, update static docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-22Update static docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-14Improve readability of benchmark code shown in vignetteJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-12Rerun benchmarks on desktop computerJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-08Store DLL info in mkinmod objects for performanceJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-01Sensitivity of AIC values in DMTA vignette to BLAS versionJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-01Rerun benchmarks with R 4.2.1 and openblas-serialJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-01Update benchmark article in online docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-01Add benchmarks on laptop with R 4.1.3 and 4.2.1Johannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-07-01Add R version to data in benchmark vignetteJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-05-18Remove outdated comment in FOCUS L vignette, update docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2022-03-02Make tests more platform independent, update docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2021-03-31Bug fix in plot.mkinfitJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2021-02-15Correct grant numbers in README, update docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2021-02-15Improve README, introductory vignette and some other docsv1.0.3Johannes Ranke1-0/+0
2021-02-03Prepare for v1.0.0v1.0.0Johannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-11-30Complete rebuild of static docs of dev versionJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-11-19Depend on parallel, doc improvementsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-11-06Update benchmarks for dev versionJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-10-15Update online docs for release versionJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-10-08Fix issues for releaseJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-05-27Change dev version label to info colorJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-05-27Create up to date pkgdown docs in development modeJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-05-14Test markdown link, article update due to .rmd extensionJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-05-13Further formatting improvement of benchmark vignetteJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-05-12Update pkgdownJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-05-12Improve formatting of benchmark vignetteJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2020-05-12Update vignettes and docsJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2019-05-02Prepare for CRAN releaseJohannes Ranke1-0/+0

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