From ce73c044b949154e3bc3e715b9b79e1360b3f794 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Ranke
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2019 15:34:28 +0100
Subject: Make the 'quadratic' the default for 'confint'
Also the documentation was improved here and there
DESCRIPTION | 2 +- | 4 +
R/AIC.mmkin.R | 8 +-
R/confint.mkinfit.R | 64 ++++---
R/parms.mkinfit.R | 6 +-
R/residuals.mkinfit.R | 2 +-
R/update.mkinfit.R | 8 +-
docs/404.html | 2 +-
docs/articles/index.html | 2 +-
docs/authors.html | 2 +-
docs/index.html | 2 +-
docs/news/index.html | 11 +-
docs/reference/AIC.mmkin.html | 17 +-
docs/reference/confint.mkinfit.html | 109 ++++++-----
docs/reference/index.html | 2 +-
docs/reference/parms.html | 19 +-
docs/reference/residuals.mkinfit.html | 4 +-
docs/reference/update.mkinfit-1.png | Bin 0 -> 28678 bytes
docs/reference/update.mkinfit-2.png | Bin 0 -> 28541 bytes
docs/reference/update.mkinfit.html | 350 +---------------------------------
man/AIC.mmkin.Rd | 8 +-
man/confint.mkinfit.Rd | 66 ++++---
man/parms.Rd | 5 +
man/residuals.mkinfit.Rd | 2 +-
man/update.mkinfit.Rd | 8 +-
25 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 471 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 docs/reference/update.mkinfit-1.png
create mode 100644 docs/reference/update.mkinfit-2.png
index d204bdd3..b0bcc39d 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: mkin
Type: Package
Title: Kinetic Evaluation of Chemical Degradation Data
Date: 2019-11-01
Authors@R: c(person("Johannes", "Ranke", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"),
email = "",
diff --git a/ b/
index 78423592..b9d58a27 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# mkin (unreleased)
+- 'confint.mkinfit': Make the quadratic approximation the default, as the likelihood profiling takes too much time for any with more than three parameters
# mkin (2019-11-01)
- Fix a bug introduced in that occurred if the direct optimisation yielded a higher likelihood than the three-step optimisation in the d_3 algorithm, which caused the fitted parameters of the three-step optimisation to be returned instead of the parameters of the direct optimisation
diff --git a/R/AIC.mmkin.R b/R/AIC.mmkin.R
index 7d405c4a..f1a66998 100644
--- a/R/AIC.mmkin.R
+++ b/R/AIC.mmkin.R
@@ -17,15 +17,21 @@
#' f <- mmkin(c("SFO", "FOMC", "DFOP"),
#' list("FOCUS A" = FOCUS_2006_A,
#' "FOCUS C" = FOCUS_2006_C), cores = 1, quiet = TRUE)
-#' AIC(f[1, "FOCUS A"]) # We get a single number for a single fit
+#' # We get a warning because the FOMC model does not converge for the
+#' # FOCUS A dataset, as it is well described by SFO
+#' AIC(f["SFO", "FOCUS A"]) # We get a single number for a single fit
+#' AIC(f[["SFO", "FOCUS A"]]) # or when extracting an mkinfit object
#' # For FOCUS A, the models fit almost equally well, so the higher the number
#' # of parameters, the higher (worse) the AIC
#' AIC(f[, "FOCUS A"])
#' AIC(f[, "FOCUS A"], k = 0) # If we do not penalize additional parameters, we get nearly the same
+#' BIC(f[, "FOCUS A"]) # Comparing the BIC gives a very similar picture
#' # For FOCUS C, the more complex models fit better
#' AIC(f[, "FOCUS C"])
+#' BIC(f[, "FOCUS C"])
#' }
#' @export
diff --git a/R/confint.mkinfit.R b/R/confint.mkinfit.R
index 5e1703d6..07614306 100644
--- a/R/confint.mkinfit.R
+++ b/R/confint.mkinfit.R
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
#' Confidence intervals for parameters of mkinfit objects
-#' The default method 'profile' is based on the profile likelihood for each
-#' parameter. The method uses two nested optimisations. The speed of the method
-#' could likely be improved by using the method of Venzon and Moolgavkar (1988).
+#' The default method 'quadratic' is based on the quadratic approximation of
+#' the curvature of the likelihood function at the maximum likelihood parameter
+#' estimates.
+#' The alternative method 'profile' is based on the profile likelihood for each
+#' parameter. The method uses two nested optimisations and can take a very long
+#' time, even if parallelized by specifying 'cores' on unixoid platforms. The
+#' speed of the method could likely be improved by using the method of Venzon
+#' and Moolgavkar (1988).
#' @param object An \code{\link{mkinfit}} object
#' @param parm A vector of names of the parameters which are to be given
@@ -12,11 +17,11 @@
#' @param cutoff Possibility to specify an alternative cutoff for the difference
#' in the log-likelihoods at the confidence boundary. Specifying an explicit
#' cutoff value overrides arguments 'level' and 'alpha'
-#' @param method The 'profile' method searches the parameter space for the
+#' @param method The 'quadratic' method approximates the likelihood function at
+#' the optimised parameters using the second term of the Taylor expansion,
+#' using a second derivative (hessian) contained in the object.
+#' The 'profile' method searches the parameter space for the
#' cutoff of the confidence intervals by means of a likelihood ratio test.
-#' The 'quadratic' method approximates the likelihood function at the
-#' optimised parameters using the second term of the Taylor expansion, using
-#' a second derivative (hessian) contained in the object.
#' @param transformed If the quadratic approximation is used, should it be
#' applied to the likelihood based on the transformed parameters?
#' @param backtransform If we approximate the likelihood in terms of the
@@ -46,19 +51,26 @@
#' \dontrun{
#' confint(f, method = "profile")
+#' # Set the number of cores for the profiling method for further examples
+#' if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) {
+#' n_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
+#' } else {
+#' n_cores <- 1
+#' }
+#' if (Sys.getenv("TRAVIS") != "") n_cores = 1
+#' if (["sysname"] == "Windows") n_cores = 1
#' SFO_SFO <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("SFO", "m1"), m1 = mkinsub("SFO"), quiet = TRUE)
#' SFO_SFO.ff <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("SFO", "m1"), m1 = mkinsub("SFO"),
#' use_of_ff = "max", quiet = TRUE)
#' f_d_1 <- mkinfit(SFO_SFO, subset(FOCUS_2006_D, value != 0), quiet = TRUE)
-#' system.time(ci_profile <- confint(f_d_1, cores = 1, quiet = TRUE))
-#' # The following does not save much time, as parent_0 takes up most of the time
-#' # system.time(ci_profile <- confint(f_d_1, cores = 5))
-#' # system.time(ci_profile <- confint(f_d_1,
-#' # c("k_parent_sink", "k_parent_m1", "k_m1_sink", "sigma"), cores = 1))
-#' # If we exclude parent_0 (the confidence of which is often of minor interest), we get a nice
-#' # performance improvement from about 30 seconds to about 12 seconds
-#' # system.time(ci_profile_no_parent_0 <- confint(f_d_1,
-#' # c("k_parent_sink", "k_parent_m1", "k_m1_sink", "sigma"), cores = 4))
+#' system.time(ci_profile <- confint(f_d_1, method = "profile", cores = 1, quiet = TRUE))
+#' # Using more cores does not save much time here, as parent_0 takes up most of the time
+#' # If we additionally exclude parent_0 (the confidence of which is often of
+#' # minor interest), we get a nice performance improvement from about 50
+#' # seconds to about 12 seconds if we use at least four cores
+#' system.time(ci_profile_no_parent_0 <- confint(f_d_1, method = "profile",
+#' c("k_parent_sink", "k_parent_m1", "k_m1_sink", "sigma"), cores = n_cores))
#' ci_profile
#' ci_quadratic_transformed <- confint(f_d_1, method = "quadratic")
#' ci_quadratic_transformed
@@ -70,21 +82,14 @@
#' # interval based on the untransformed fit for k_m1_sink
#' rel_diffs_transformed <- abs((ci_quadratic_transformed - ci_profile)/ci_profile)
#' rel_diffs_untransformed <- abs((ci_quadratic_untransformed - ci_profile)/ci_profile)
-#' rel_diffs_transformed
-#' rel_diffs_untransformed
+#' rel_diffs_transformed < rel_diffs_untransformed
+#' signif(rel_diffs_transformed, 3)
+#' signif(rel_diffs_untransformed, 3)
-#' # Set the number of cores for further examples
-#' if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) {
-#' n_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
-#' } else {
-#' n_cores <- 1
-#' }
-#' if (Sys.getenv("TRAVIS") != "") n_cores = 1
-#' if (["sysname"] == "Windows") n_cores = 1
#' # Investigate a case with formation fractions
#' f_d_2 <- mkinfit(SFO_SFO.ff, subset(FOCUS_2006_D, value != 0), quiet = TRUE)
-#' ci_profile_ff <- confint(f_d_2, cores = n_cores)
+#' ci_profile_ff <- confint(f_d_2, method = "profile", cores = n_cores)
#' ci_profile_ff
#' ci_quadratic_transformed_ff <- confint(f_d_2, method = "quadratic")
#' ci_quadratic_transformed_ff
@@ -94,8 +99,9 @@
#' rel_diffs_untransformed_ff <- abs((ci_quadratic_untransformed_ff - ci_profile_ff)/ci_profile_ff)
#' # While the confidence interval for the parent rate constant is closer to
#' # the profile based interval when using the internal parameter
-#' # transformation, the intervals for the other parameters are 'better
+#' # transformation, the interval for the metabolite rate constant is 'better
#' # without internal parameter transformation.
+#' rel_diffs_transformed_ff < rel_diffs_untransformed_ff
#' rel_diffs_transformed_ff
#' rel_diffs_untransformed_ff
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@
#' @export
confint.mkinfit <- function(object, parm,
level = 0.95, alpha = 1 - level, cutoff,
- method = c("profile", "quadratic"),
+ method = c("quadratic", "profile"),
transformed = TRUE, backtransform = TRUE,
cores = round(detectCores()/2), quiet = FALSE, ...)
diff --git a/R/parms.mkinfit.R b/R/parms.mkinfit.R
index 0628cb92..281d06de 100644
--- a/R/parms.mkinfit.R
+++ b/R/parms.mkinfit.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#' This function always returns degradation model parameters as well as error
#' model parameters, in order to avoid working with a fitted model without
#' considering the error structure that was assumed for the fit.
#' @param object A fitted model object
#' @param \dots Not used
#' @return A numeric vector of fitted model parameters
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ parms <- function(object, ...)
#' @param transformed Should the parameters be returned
#' as used internally during the optimisation?
#' @rdname parms
+#' @examples
+#' fit <- mkinfit("SFO", FOCUS_2006_C)
+#' parms(fit)
+#' parms(fit, transformed = TRUE)
#' @export
parms.mkinfit <- function(object, transformed = FALSE, ...)
diff --git a/R/residuals.mkinfit.R b/R/residuals.mkinfit.R
index 96bcf01c..2a508fc3 100644
--- a/R/residuals.mkinfit.R
+++ b/R/residuals.mkinfit.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#' Extract residuals from an mkinfit model
-#' @param object An \code{\link{mkinfit}} object
+#' @param object A \code{\link{mkinfit}} object
#' @param standardized Should the residuals be standardized by dividing by the
#' standard deviation obtained from the fitted error model?
#' @param \dots Not used
diff --git a/R/update.mkinfit.R b/R/update.mkinfit.R
index 2f0814e0..dde7f810 100644
--- a/R/update.mkinfit.R
+++ b/R/update.mkinfit.R
@@ -12,8 +12,12 @@
#' @param evaluate Should the call be evaluated or returned as a call
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
-#' fit <- mkinfit("DFOP", subset(FOCUS_2006_D, value != 0), quiet = TRUE)
-#' update(fit, error_model = "tc")
+#' fit <- mkinfit("SFO", subset(FOCUS_2006_D, value != 0), quiet = TRUE)
+#' parms(fit)
+#' plot_err(fit)
+#' fit_2 <- update(fit, error_model = "tc")
+#' parms(fit_2)
+#' plot_err(fit_2)
#' }
#' @export
update.mkinfit <- function(object, ..., evaluate = TRUE)
diff --git a/docs/404.html b/docs/404.html
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--- a/docs/404.html
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--- a/docs/authors.html
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--- a/docs/index.html
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--- a/docs/news/index.html
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@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
@@ -129,6 +129,14 @@
+- ‘confint.mkinfit’: Make the quadratic approximation the default, as the likelihood profiling takes too much time for any with more than three parameters
#> Warning: Optimisation did not converge:
-#> false convergence (8)
#> [1] 55.28197
+#> false convergence (8)
#> [1] 55.28197
#> [1] 55.28197
#> df AIC
@@ -182,12 +185,18 @@ column.
#> DFOP 5 59.28197
#> df AIC
#> SFO 3 49.28197
#> FOMC 4 49.28202
-#> DFOP 5 49.28197
+#> DFOP 5 49.28197
#> df BIC
+#> SFO 3 55.52030
+#> FOMC 4 57.59979
+#> DFOP 5 59.67918
#> df AIC
#> SFO 3 59.29336
#> FOMC 4 44.68652
-#> DFOP 5 29.02372
+#> DFOP 5 29.02372
#> df BIC
+#> SFO 3 59.88504
+#> FOMC 4 45.47542
+#> DFOP 5 30.00984
diff --git a/docs/reference/confint.mkinfit.html b/docs/reference/confint.mkinfit.html
index 54696ff5..6015fbf6 100644
--- a/docs/reference/confint.mkinfit.html
+++ b/docs/reference/confint.mkinfit.html
@@ -36,9 +36,14 @@
@@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ could likely be improved by using the method of Venzon and Moolgavkar (1988)." /
@@ -135,14 +140,19 @@ could likely be improved by using the method of Venzon and Moolgavkar (1988)." /
The default method 'profile' is based on the profile likelihood for each
-parameter. The method uses two nested optimisations. The speed of the method
-could likely be improved by using the method of Venzon and Moolgavkar (1988).
The default method 'quadratic' is based on the quadratic approximation of
+the curvature of the likelihood function at the maximum likelihood parameter
+The alternative method 'profile' is based on the profile likelihood for each
+parameter. The method uses two nested optimisations and can take a very long
+time, even if parallelized by specifying 'cores' on unixoid platforms. The
+speed of the method could likely be improved by using the method of Venzon
+and Moolgavkar (1988).
# S3 method for mkinfit
confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, alpha = 1 -
- level, cutoff, method = c("profile", "quadratic"),
+ level, cutoff, method = c("quadratic", "profile"),
transformed = TRUE, backtransform = TRUE,
cores = round(detectCores()/2), quiet = FALSE, ...)
@@ -174,11 +184,11 @@ cutoff value overrides arguments 'level' and 'alpha'
method |
- The 'profile' method searches the parameter space for the
-cutoff of the confidence intervals by means of a likelihood ratio test.
-The 'quadratic' method approximates the likelihood function at the
-optimised parameters using the second term of the Taylor expansion, using
-a second derivative (hessian) contained in the object. |
+ The 'quadratic' method approximates the likelihood function at
+the optimised parameters using the second term of the Taylor expansion,
+using a second derivative (hessian) contained in the object.
+The 'profile' method searches the parameter space for the
+cutoff of the confidence intervals by means of a likelihood ratio test. |
transformed |
@@ -231,20 +241,27 @@ machines, cores > 1 is not supported.
#> parent_0 73.0641834 92.1392181
#> k_parent_sink 0.2170293 0.4235348
#> sigma 3.1307772 8.0628314#> User System verstrichen
-#> 51.646 0.000 51.673
# The following does not save much time, as parent_0 takes up most of the time
-# system.time(ci_profile <- confint(f_d_1, cores = 5))
-# system.time(ci_profile <- confint(f_d_1,
-# c("k_parent_sink", "k_parent_m1", "k_m1_sink", "sigma"), cores = 1))
-# If we exclude parent_0 (the confidence of which is often of minor interest), we get a nice
-# performance improvement from about 30 seconds to about 12 seconds
-# system.time(ci_profile_no_parent_0 <- confint(f_d_1,
-# c("k_parent_sink", "k_parent_m1", "k_m1_sink", "sigma"), cores = 4))
#> 2.5% 97.5%
ci_profile <- confint(
method = "profile",
cores = 1,
quiet = TRUE))
#> User System verstrichen
+#> 51.297 0.000 51.328
#> Profiling the likelihood
#> User System verstrichen
+#> 0.006 0.003 11.435
#> 2.5% 97.5%
#> parent_0 96.456003650 1.027703e+02
#> k_parent_sink 0.040762501 5.549764e-02
#> k_parent_m1 0.046786482 5.500879e-02
@@ -267,29 +284,26 @@ machines, cores > 1 is not supported.
# interval based on the untransformed fit for k_m1_sink
rel_diffs_transformed <- abs((
ci_quadratic_transformed -
rel_diffs_untransformed <- abs((
ci_quadratic_untransformed -
rel_diffs_transformed#> 2.5% 97.5%
-#> parent_0 0.0005407854 0.0002218012
-#> k_parent_sink 0.0066452394 0.0083795930
-#> k_parent_m1 0.0001833903 0.0020092090
-#> k_m1_sink 0.0307278240 0.0290580487
-#> sigma 0.0550252516 0.0327066836
#> 2.5% 97.5%
-#> parent_0 0.0005407854 0.0002218011
-#> k_parent_sink 0.0067996407 0.0025717594
-#> k_parent_m1 0.0037382781 0.0011843074
-#> k_m1_sink 0.0146745610 0.0025299672
-#> sigma 0.0550252516 0.0327066836
#> 2.5% 97.5%
+#> parent_0 FALSE FALSE
+#> k_parent_sink TRUE FALSE
+#> k_parent_m1 TRUE FALSE
+#> k_m1_sink FALSE FALSE
+#> sigma FALSE FALSE
#> 2.5% 97.5%
+#> parent_0 0.000541 0.000222
+#> k_parent_sink 0.006650 0.008380
+#> k_parent_m1 0.000183 0.002010
+#> k_m1_sink 0.030700 0.029100
+#> sigma 0.055000 0.032700
#> 2.5% 97.5%
+#> parent_0 0.000541 0.000222
+#> k_parent_sink 0.006800 0.002570
+#> k_parent_m1 0.003740 0.001180
+#> k_m1_sink 0.014700 0.002530
+#> sigma 0.055000 0.032700
#> Profiling the likelihood
#> 2.5% 97.5%
ci_profile_ff <- confint(
method = "profile",
cores = n_cores)
#> Profiling the likelihood
#> 2.5% 97.5%
#> parent_0 96.456003650 1.027703e+02
#> k_parent 0.090911032 1.071578e-01
#> k_m1 0.003892605 6.702778e-03
@@ -310,9 +324,14 @@ machines, cores > 1 is not supported.
rel_diffs_untransformed_ff <- abs((
ci_quadratic_untransformed_ff -
# While the confidence interval for the parent rate constant is closer to
# the profile based interval when using the internal parameter
# transformation, the intervals for the other parameters are 'better
# transformation, the interval for the metabolite rate constant is 'better
# without internal parameter transformation.
rel_diffs_transformed_ff#> 2.5% 97.5%
+rel_diffs_transformed_ff < rel_diffs_untransformed_ff
#> 2.5% 97.5%
+#> parent_0 TRUE TRUE
+#> k_parent TRUE TRUE
+#> k_m1 FALSE FALSE
+#> f_parent_to_m1 TRUE FALSE
+#> sigma FALSE TRUE
#> 2.5% 97.5%
#> parent_0 0.0005408012 0.0002217857
#> k_parent 0.0009596303 0.0009003981
#> k_m1 0.0307277425 0.0290579163
diff --git a/docs/reference/index.html b/docs/reference/index.html
index 4279f6de..1c9975e0 100644
--- a/docs/reference/index.html
+++ b/docs/reference/index.html
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--- a/docs/reference/parms.html
+++ b/docs/reference/parms.html
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ considering the error structure that was assumed for the fit." />
@@ -167,12 +167,29 @@ as used internally during the optimisation?
A numeric vector of fitted model parameters
+ Examples
+ #> Ordinary least squares optimisation
#> Sum of squared residuals at call 1: 2388.077
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 3: 2388.077
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 4: 247.1962
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 7: 200.6791
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 10: 197.7231
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 11: 197.0872
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 14: 196.535
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 15: 196.535
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 16: 196.535
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 17: 196.5334
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 20: 196.5334
+#> Sum of squared residuals at call 25: 196.5334
+#> Negative log-likelihood at call 31: 26.64668
#> Optimisation successfully terminated.
#> parent_0 k_parent_sink sigma
+#> 82.4921598 0.3060633 4.6730124
parms(fit, transformed = TRUE)
#> parent_0 log_k_parent_sink sigma
+#> 82.492160 -1.183963 4.673012
diff --git a/docs/reference/residuals.mkinfit.html b/docs/reference/residuals.mkinfit.html
index 7dd25012..96b02908 100644
--- a/docs/reference/residuals.mkinfit.html
+++ b/docs/reference/residuals.mkinfit.html
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
object |
- An mkinfit object |
+ A mkinfit object |
standardized |
diff --git a/docs/reference/update.mkinfit-1.png b/docs/reference/update.mkinfit-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cbefa56
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/reference/update.mkinfit-1.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f432f6f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/reference/update.mkinfit-2.png differ
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--- a/docs/reference/update.mkinfit.html
+++ b/docs/reference/update.mkinfit.html
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ override these starting values." />
@@ -167,349 +167,11 @@ remove arguments given in the original call
#> $par
-#> parent_0 log_k1 log_k2 g_ilr sigma_low rsd_high
-#> 100.85489822 8.84468217 -2.29693632 -14.95263998 0.00375222 0.06763435
-#> $objective
-#> [1] 19.40656
-#> $convergence
-#> [1] 0
-#> $iterations
-#> [1] 120
-#> $evaluations
-#> function gradient
-#> 144 847
-#> $message
-#> [1] "relative convergence (4)"
-#> $logLik
-#> [1] -19.40656
-#> $d_3_message
-#> threestep
-#> "Three-step fitting yielded a higher likelihood than direct fitting"
-#> $hessian
-#> parent_0 log_k1 log_k2 g_ilr sigma_low
-#> parent_0 3.662473e-01 -2.914408e-16 -7.241561e+01 -3.021629e-08 1.923504e+01
-#> log_k1 -2.914408e-16 0.000000e+00 -2.215935e-13 -7.291307e-25 3.416474e-15
-#> log_k2 -7.241561e+01 -2.215935e-13 3.127457e+04 6.766544e-06 -1.495826e+04
-#> g_ilr -3.021629e-08 -7.291307e-25 6.766544e-06 3.122099e-09 -1.797429e-06
-#> sigma_low 1.923504e+01 3.416474e-15 -1.495826e+04 -1.797429e-06 7.759299e+04
-#> rsd_high 3.902119e+00 -1.801019e-16 -1.685343e+02 -3.750713e-07 3.984179e+03
-#> rsd_high
-#> parent_0 3.902119e+00
-#> log_k1 -1.801019e-16
-#> log_k2 -1.685343e+02
-#> g_ilr -3.750713e-07
-#> sigma_low 3.984179e+03
-#> rsd_high 7.188991e+03
-#> $hessian_notrans
-#> parent_0 k1 k2 g sigma_low
-#> parent_0 3.662473e-01 -3.714445e-19 -7.201669e+02 -3.261485e+01 1.923504e+01
-#> k1 -3.714445e-19 0.000000e+00 -4.258512e-15 7.218123e-21 4.355854e-18
-#> k2 -7.201669e+02 -4.258512e-15 3.092510e+06 7.263235e+04 -1.456870e+05
-#> g -3.261485e+01 7.218123e-21 7.263235e+04 3.291750e+03 -1.939948e+03
-#> sigma_low 1.923504e+01 4.355854e-18 -1.456870e+05 -1.939948e+03 7.759299e+04
-#> rsd_high 3.902119e+00 -2.259812e-19 -1.779680e+03 -4.048658e+02 3.984179e+03
-#> rsd_high
-#> parent_0 3.902119e+00
-#> k1 -2.259812e-19
-#> k2 -1.779680e+03
-#> g -4.048658e+02
-#> sigma_low 3.984179e+03
-#> rsd_high 7.188991e+03
-#> $call
-#> mkinfit(mkinmod = "DFOP", observed = subset(FOCUS_2006_D, value !=
-#> 0), parms.ini = c(k1 = 0.699298911979803, k2 = 0.0899931270871125,
-#> g = 0.0923391681138686), state.ini = c(parent = 101.948852047129),
-#> quiet = TRUE, error_model = "tc")
-#> $error_model_algorithm
-#> [1] "d_3"
-#> $solution_type
-#> [1] "analytical"
-#> $transform_rates
-#> [1] TRUE
-#> $transform_fractions
-#> [1] TRUE
-#> $reweight.tol
-#> [1] 1e-08
-#> $reweight.max.iter
-#> [1] 10
-#> $control
-#> $control$eval.max
-#> [1] 300
-#> $control$iter.max
-#> [1] 200
-#> $calls
-#> [1] 3105
-#> $time
-#> User System verstrichen
-#> 10.251 0.000 10.257
-#> $mkinmod
-#> <mkinmod> model generated with
-#> Use of formation fractions $use_of_ff: min
-#> Specification $spec:
-#> $parent
-#> $type: DFOP; $sink: TRUE
-#> Differential equations:
-#> d_parent/dt = - ((k1 * g * exp(-k1 * time) + k2 * (1 - g) * exp(-k2 *
-#> time)) / (g * exp(-k1 * time) + (1 - g) * exp(-k2 * time)))
-#> * parent
-#> $observed
-#> name time value
-#> 1 parent 0 99.46
-#> 2 parent 0 102.04
-#> 3 parent 1 93.50
-#> 4 parent 1 92.50
-#> 5 parent 3 63.23
-#> 6 parent 3 68.99
-#> 7 parent 7 52.32
-#> 8 parent 7 55.13
-#> 9 parent 14 27.27
-#> 10 parent 14 26.64
-#> 11 parent 21 11.50
-#> 12 parent 21 11.64
-#> 13 parent 35 2.85
-#> 14 parent 35 2.91
-#> 15 parent 50 0.69
-#> 16 parent 50 0.63
-#> 17 parent 75 0.05
-#> 18 parent 75 0.06
-#> $obs_vars
-#> [1] "parent"
-#> $predicted
-#> name time value
-#> 1 parent 0.0000000 100.85489822
-#> 2 parent 0.7575758 93.45650191
-#> 3 parent 1.0000000 91.20560523
-#> 4 parent 1.5151515 86.60082860
-#> 5 parent 2.2727273 80.24806580
-#> 6 parent 3.0000000 74.58828105
-#> 7 parent 3.0303030 74.36132158
-#> 8 parent 3.7878788 68.90641029
-#> 9 parent 4.5454545 63.85165403
-#> 10 parent 5.3030303 59.16769870
-#> 11 parent 6.0606061 54.82734352
-#> 12 parent 6.8181818 50.80538306
-#> 13 parent 7.0000000 49.88485755
-#> 14 parent 7.5757576 47.07846089
-#> 15 parent 8.3333333 43.62493394
-#> 16 parent 9.0909091 40.42474681
-#> 17 parent 9.8484848 37.45931528
-#> 18 parent 10.6060606 34.71141842
-#> 19 parent 11.3636364 32.16509858
-#> 20 parent 12.1212121 29.80556871
-#> 21 parent 12.8787879 27.61912649
-#> 22 parent 13.6363636 25.59307475
-#> 23 parent 14.0000000 24.67405211
-#> 24 parent 14.3939394 23.71564776
-#> 25 parent 15.1515152 21.97594287
-#> 26 parent 15.9090909 20.36385722
-#> 27 parent 16.6666667 18.87002909
-#> 28 parent 17.4242424 17.48578345
-#> 29 parent 18.1818182 16.20308170
-#> 30 parent 18.9393939 15.01447489
-#> 31 parent 19.6969697 13.91306051
-#> 32 parent 20.4545455 12.89244241
-#> 33 parent 21.0000000 12.20428157
-#> 34 parent 21.2121212 11.94669362
-#> 35 parent 21.9696970 11.07032198
-#> 36 parent 22.7272727 10.25823818
-#> 37 parent 23.4848485 9.50572628
-#> 38 parent 24.2424242 8.80841627
-#> 39 parent 25.0000000 8.16225872
-#> 40 parent 25.7575758 7.56350125
-#> 41 parent 26.5151515 7.00866672
-#> 42 parent 27.2727273 6.49453311
-#> 43 parent 28.0303030 6.01811471
-#> 44 parent 28.7878788 5.57664485
-#> 45 parent 29.5454545 5.16755983
-#> 46 parent 30.3030303 4.78848399
-#> 47 parent 31.0606061 4.43721595
-#> 48 parent 31.8181818 4.11171583
-#> 49 parent 32.5757576 3.81009336
-#> 50 parent 33.3333333 3.53059697
-#> 51 parent 34.0909091 3.27160354
-#> 52 parent 34.8484848 3.03160906
-#> 53 parent 35.0000000 2.98576554
-#> 54 parent 35.6060606 2.80921981
-#> 55 parent 36.3636364 2.60314433
-#> 56 parent 37.1212121 2.41218590
-#> 57 parent 37.8787879 2.23523557
-#> 58 parent 38.6363636 2.07126576
-#> 59 parent 39.3939394 1.91932426
-#> 60 parent 40.1515152 1.77852870
-#> 61 parent 40.9090909 1.64806147
-#> 62 parent 41.6666667 1.52716489
-#> 63 parent 42.4242424 1.41513691
-#> 64 parent 43.1818182 1.31132694
-#> 65 parent 43.9393939 1.21513214
-#> 66 parent 44.6969697 1.12599389
-#> 67 parent 45.4545455 1.04339454
-#> 68 parent 46.2121212 0.96685442
-#> 69 parent 46.9696970 0.89592904
-#> 70 parent 47.7272727 0.83020652
-#> 71 parent 48.4848485 0.76930520
-#> 72 parent 49.2424242 0.71287140
-#> 73 parent 50.0000000 0.66057741
-#> 74 parent 50.7575758 0.61211954
-#> 75 parent 51.5151515 0.56721639
-#> 76 parent 52.2727273 0.52560719
-#> 77 parent 53.0303030 0.48705031
-#> 78 parent 53.7878788 0.45132184
-#> 79 parent 54.5454545 0.41821430
-#> 80 parent 55.3030303 0.38753542
-#> 81 parent 56.0606061 0.35910705
-#> 82 parent 56.8181818 0.33276409
-#> 83 parent 57.5757576 0.30835357
-#> 84 parent 58.3333333 0.28573373
-#> 85 parent 59.0909091 0.26477320
-#> 86 parent 59.8484848 0.24535028
-#> 87 parent 60.6060606 0.22735216
-#> 88 parent 61.3636364 0.21067432
-#> 89 parent 62.1212121 0.19521992
-#> 90 parent 62.8787879 0.18089921
-#> 91 parent 63.6363636 0.16762901
-#> 92 parent 64.3939394 0.15533228
-#> 93 parent 65.1515152 0.14393759
-#> 94 parent 65.9090909 0.13337879
-#> 95 parent 66.6666667 0.12359454
-#> 96 parent 67.4242424 0.11452804
-#> 97 parent 68.1818182 0.10612662
-#> 98 parent 68.9393939 0.09834151
-#> 99 parent 69.6969697 0.09112749
-#> 100 parent 70.4545455 0.08444266
-#> 101 parent 71.2121212 0.07824822
-#> 102 parent 71.9696970 0.07250818
-#> 103 parent 72.7272727 0.06718920
-#> 104 parent 73.4848485 0.06226042
-#> 105 parent 74.2424242 0.05769319
-#> 106 parent 75.0000000 0.05346100
-#> $rss
-#> function (P)
-#> cost_function(P, OLS = TRUE, update_data = FALSE)
-#> <bytecode: 0x555558e48258>
-#> <environment: 0x55555caa08e0>
-#> $ll
-#> function (P, fixed_degparms = FALSE, fixed_errparms = FALSE)
-#> {
-#> -cost_function(P, trans = FALSE, fixed_degparms = fixed_degparms,
-#> fixed_errparms = fixed_errparms, OLS = FALSE, update_data = FALSE)
-#> }
-#> <bytecode: 0x555558e47e30>
-#> <environment: 0x55555caa08e0>
-#> $start
-#> value type
-#> parent_0 101.94885205 state
-#> k1 0.69929891 deparm
-#> k2 0.08999313 deparm
-#> g 0.09233917 deparm
-#> sigma_low 0.10000000 error
-#> rsd_high 0.10000000 error
-#> $start_transformed
-#> value lower upper
-#> parent_0 101.948852 -Inf Inf
-#> log_k1 -0.357677 -Inf Inf
-#> log_k2 -2.408022 -Inf Inf
-#> g_ilr -1.616024 -Inf Inf
-#> sigma_low 0.100000 0 Inf
-#> rsd_high 0.100000 0 Inf
-#> $fixed
-#> [1] value type
-#> <0 Zeilen> (oder row.names mit Länge 0)
-#> $data
-#> time variable observed predicted residual
-#> 1 0 parent 99.46 100.8548982 -1.39489822
-#> 2 0 parent 102.04 100.8548982 1.18510178
-#> 3 1 parent 93.50 91.2056052 2.29439477
-#> 4 1 parent 92.50 91.2056052 1.29439477
-#> 5 3 parent 63.23 74.5882810 -11.35828105
-#> 6 3 parent 68.99 74.5882810 -5.59828105
-#> 7 7 parent 52.32 49.8848576 2.43514245
-#> 8 7 parent 55.13 49.8848576 5.24514245
-#> 9 14 parent 27.27 24.6740521 2.59594789
-#> 10 14 parent 26.64 24.6740521 1.96594789
-#> 11 21 parent 11.50 12.2042816 -0.70428157
-#> 12 21 parent 11.64 12.2042816 -0.56428157
-#> 13 35 parent 2.85 2.9857655 -0.13576554
-#> 14 35 parent 2.91 2.9857655 -0.07576554
-#> 15 50 parent 0.69 0.6605774 0.02942259
-#> 16 50 parent 0.63 0.6605774 -0.03057741
-#> 17 75 parent 0.05 0.0534610 -0.00346100
-#> 18 75 parent 0.06 0.0534610 0.00653900
-#> $atol
-#> [1] 1e-08
-#> $rtol
-#> [1] 1e-10
-#> $err_mod
-#> [1] "tc"
-#> $bparms.optim
-#> parent_0 k1 k2 g
-#> 1.008549e+02 6.937399e+03 1.005665e-01 6.551046e-10
-#> $bparms.fixed
-#> numeric(0)
-#> $bparms.ode
-#> k1 k2 g
-#> 6.937399e+03 1.005665e-01 6.551046e-10
-#> $bparms.state
-#> parent
-#> 100.8549
-#> $errparms
-#> sigma_low rsd_high
-#> 0.00375222 0.06763435
-#> $df.residual
-#> [1] 12
-#> $date
-#> [1] "Fri Nov 1 10:10:42 2019"
-#> $version
-#> [1] ""
-#> $Rversion
-#> [1] "3.6.1"
-#> attr(,"class")
-#> [1] "mkinfit" "modFit"
#> parent_0 k_parent_sink sigma
+#> 99.44423886 0.09793574 3.39632469
#> parent_0 k_parent_sink sigma_low rsd_high
+#> 1.008549e+02 1.005665e-01 3.752222e-03 6.763434e-02
# }