PKGNAME := $(shell sed -n "s/Package: *\([^ ]*\)/\1/p" DESCRIPTION) PKGVERS := $(shell sed -n "s/Version: *\([^ ]*\)/\1/p" DESCRIPTION) PKGSRC := $(shell basename $(PWD)) TGZ := ../$(PKGSRC)_$(PKGVERS).tar.gz TGZVNR := ../$(PKGSRC)_$(PKGVERS)-vignettes-not-rebuilt.tar.gz # Specify the directory holding R binaries. To use an alternate R build (say a # pre-prelease version) use `make RBIN=/path/to/other/R/` or `export RBIN=...` # If no alternate bin folder is specified, the default is to use the folder # containing the first instance of R on the PATH. RBIN ?= $(shell dirname "`which R`") # Specify the directory where the static documentation belongs SDDIR ?= $(HOME)/svn/kinfit.r-forge/www/mkin_static pkgfiles = NEWS \ data/* \ DESCRIPTION \ inst/unitTests* \ inst/staticdocs/README \ man/* \ NAMESPACE \ R/* \ \ tests/* \ TODO \ vignettes/* all: NEWS check clean # convert markdown to R's NEWS format (from knitr package) NEWS: sed -e 's/^-/ -/' -e 's/^## *//' -e 's/^#/\t\t/' < | fmt -80 >NEWS $(TGZ): $(pkgfiles) cd ..;\ "$(RBIN)/R" CMD build $(PKGSRC) $(TGZVNR): $(pkgfiles) cd ..;\ "$(RBIN)/R" CMD build $(PKGSRC) --no-build-vignettes;\ cd $(PKGSRC);\ mv $(TGZ) $(TGZVNR) build: $(TGZ) build-no-vignettes: $(TGZVNR) install: build "$(RBIN)/R" CMD INSTALL $(TGZ) install-no-vignettes: build-no-vignettes "$(RBIN)/R" CMD INSTALL $(TGZVNR) check: build # Vignettes have been rebuilt by the build target "$(RBIN)/R" CMD check --as-cran --no-tests --no-build-vignettes $(TGZ) check-no-vignettes: build-no-vignettes mv $(TGZVNR) $(TGZ) "$(RBIN)/R" CMD check --as-cran --no-tests $(TGZ) mv $(TGZ) $(TGZVNR) clean: $(RM) -r $(PKGNAME).Rcheck/ test: install-no-vignettes cd tests;\ "$(RBIN)/Rscript" doRUnit.R .PHONY: vignettes vignettes: "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "tools::buildVignettes(dir = '.')" sd: "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "library(staticdocs); build_site()" move-sd: rm -rf $(SDDIR)/*;\ cp -r inst/web/* $(SDDIR) winbuilder: build date @echo "Uploading to R-release on win-builder" curl -T $(TGZ) @echo "Uploading to R-devel on win-builder" curl -T $(TGZ) r-forge: @echo "\nHow about make test and make check?" @echo "\nIs the DESCRIPTION file up to date?" @echo "\nTo update the svn repository tied to the local r-forge branch with" @echo "changes in the local master branch, run:" @echo "'git checkout r-forge'" @echo "'git merge --squash -srecursive -Xtheirs --no-commit master'" @echo "'git commit'" @echo "'git svn dcommit'" @echo "\nThen change back to the master branch:" @echo "'git checkout master'" submit: @echo "\nAre you sure you want to release to CRAN?" @echo "\nThen use the form at"