PKGNAME := $(shell sed -n "s/Package: *\([^ ]*\)/\1/p" DESCRIPTION) PKGVERS := $(shell sed -n "s/Version: *\([^ ]*\)/\1/p" DESCRIPTION) PKGSRC := $(shell basename $(PWD)) TGZ := $(PKGSRC)_$(PKGVERS).tar.gz TGZVNR := $(PKGSRC)_$(PKGVERS)-vignettes-not-rebuilt.tar.gz WINBIN := $(PKGSRC)_$(PKGVERS).zip # Specify the directory holding R binaries. To use an alternate R build (say a # pre-prelease version) use `make RBIN=/path/to/other/R/` or `export RBIN=...` # If no alternate bin folder is specified, the default is to use the folder # containing the first instance of R on the PATH. RBIN ?= $(shell dirname "`which R`") RDEVBIN=/home/jranke/svn/R/r-devel/build/bin # Specify package and static documentation directories for subversion on r-forge RFSVN ?= $(HOME)/svn/r-forge/kinfit RFDIR ?= $(RFSVN)/pkg/mkin SDDIR ?= $(RFSVN)/www/mkin_static # Vignettes are listed in the build target pkgfiles = \ .Rbuildignore \ data/* \ DESCRIPTION \ inst/WORDLIST \ inst/dataset_generation/* \ inst/rmarkdown/templates/hierarchical_kinetics/template.yaml \ inst/rmarkdown/templates/hierarchical_kinetics/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd \ inst/testdata/* \ man/* \ NAMESPACE \ \ R/* \ tests/* \ tests/testthat* all: build $(TGZ): $(pkgfiles) vignettes $(RM) Rplots.pdf "$(RBIN)/R" CMD build . 2>&1 | tee log/build.log roxygen: "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e 'devtools::document()' $(TGZVNR): $(pkgfiles) "$(RBIN)/R" CMD build . --no-build-vignettes;\ mv $(TGZ) $(TGZVNR) build: roxygen $(TGZ) build-no-vignettes: $(TGZVNR) install: build "$(RBIN)/R" CMD INSTALL $(TGZ) devinstall: build "$(RDEVBIN)/R" CMD INSTALL $(TGZ) quickinstall: build-no-vignettes "$(RBIN)/R" CMD INSTALL $(TGZVNR) check: roxygen build _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_REMOTE_=false "$(RBIN)/R" CMD check --as-cran --no-tests $(TGZ) 2>&1 | tee log/check.log devcheck: roxygen build _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_REMOTE_=false "$(RDEVBIN)/R" CMD check --as-cran --no-tests $(TGZ) 2>&1 | tee log/check_dev.log quickcheck: roxygen build-no-vignettes mv $(TGZVNR) $(TGZ) "$(RBIN)/R" CMD check --no-tests --no-build-vignettes --no-vignettes $(TGZ) mv $(TGZ) $(TGZVNR) clean: $(RM) -r vignettes/*_cache $(RM) -r vignettes/*_files $(RM) -r vignettes/*.R $(RM) -r vignettes/web_only/*.R $(RM) Rplots.pdf # We set PROCESSX_NOTIFY_OLD_SIGCHILD in order to avoid the message # "Error while shutting down parallel: unable to terminate some child processes", # which is said to be harmless, see # and test: install PROCESSX_NOTIFY_OLD_SIGCHLD=true "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e 'options(cli.dynamic = TRUE); devtools::test()' 2>&1 | tee log/test.log sed -i -e "s/.*\r.*\r//" log/test.log devtest: devinstall PROCESSX_NOTIFY_OLD_SIGCHLD=true "$(RDEVBIN)/Rscript" -e 'options(cli.dynamic = TRUE); devtools::test()' 2>&1 | tee log/test_dev.log sed -i -e "s/\r.*\r//" log/test_dev.log slowtests: install NOT_CRAN=true "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e 'cli.dynamic = TRUE); library(mkin); testthat::test_dir("tests/testthat/slow")' 2>&1 | tee log/tests_slow.log sed -i -e "s/\r.*\r//" log/tests_slow.log testcheck: roxygen test check README.html: "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "rmarkdown::render('', output_format = 'html_document', output_options = list(mathjax = NULL))" vignettes/%.pdf: vignettes/references.bib vignettes/%.rnw "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "tools::buildVignette(file = 'vignettes/$*.rnw', dir = 'vignettes')" vignettes/%.html: vignettes/mkin_vignettes.css vignettes/references.bib vignettes/%.rmd "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "tools::buildVignette(file = 'vignettes/$*.rmd', dir = 'vignettes')" vignettes: vignettes/mkin.html vignettes/FOCUS_D.html vignettes/FOCUS_L.html vignettes/twa.html vignettes/web_only/%.html: vignettes/references.bib vignettes/web_only/%.rmd "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "tools::buildVignette(file = 'vignettes/web_only/$*.rmd', dir = 'vignettes/web_only', keep=c('mkin_benchmarks.rda', 'saem_benchmarks.rda'))" vignettes/prebuilt/%.pdf: vignettes/prebuilt/references.bib vignettes/prebuilt/%.rmd "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "rmarkdown::render('vignettes/prebuilt/$*.rmd')" pd: roxygen "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "pkgdown::build_site(run_dont_run = TRUE, lazy = TRUE)" git add -A pd_all: roxygen "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "pkgdown::build_site(run_dont_run = TRUE)" git add -A r-forge: git archive main > $(HOME)/git/mkin/mkin.tar;\ cd $(RFDIR) && rm -r `ls` && tar -xf $(HOME)/git/mkin/mkin.tar;\ rm -r $(SDDIR)/*;\ cp -a docs/* $(SDDIR);\ svn add --force .; svn rm --force `svn status | grep "\!" | cut -d " " -f 8`; cd $(RFSVN) && svn commit -m 'sync with git' winbuilder: build date @echo "Uploading to R-release on win-builder" curl -T $(TGZ) @echo "Uploading to R-devel on win-builder" curl -T $(TGZ) drat: build "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "drat::insertPackage('$(TGZ)', commit = TRUE)" $(WINBIN): build @echo "Building windows binary package..." "$(RBIN)/R" CMD INSTALL $(TGZ) --build @echo "DONE." winbin: $(WINBIN) dratwin: winbin "$(RBIN)/Rscript" -e "drat::insertPackage('$(WINBIN)', '~/git/drat/', commit = TRUE)" submit: @echo "\nHow about make test, make check, make pd, make winbuilder" @echo "\nIs the DESCRIPTION file up to date?" @echo "\nIs the file up to date?" @echo "\nAre you sure you want to release to CRAN?" @echo "\nThen make r-forge, commit leftover changes if any, tag the release and use the form at"