#' Aerobic soil degradation data on 2,4-D from the EU assessment in 2014 #' #' The five datasets were extracted from the active substance evaluation dossier #' published by EFSA. Kinetic evaluations shown for these datasets are intended #' to illustrate and advance kinetic modelling. The fact that these data and #' some results are shown here does not imply a license to use them in the #' context of pesticide registrations, as the use of the data may be #' constrained by data protection regulations. #' #' Data for the first dataset are from p. 685. Data for the other four #' datasets were used in the preprocessed versions given in the kinetics #' section (p. 761ff.), with the exception of residues smaller than 1 for DCP #' in the soil from Site I2, where the values given on p. 694 were used. #' #' The R code used to create this data object is installed with this package #' in the 'dataset_generation' directory. In the code, page numbers are given for #' specific pieces of information in the comments. #' #' @format An [mkindsg] object grouping five datasets #' @source Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Agriculture (2014) #' Final addendum to the Renewal Assessment Report - public version - 2,4-D #' Volume 3 Annex B.8 Fate and behaviour in the environment #' \url{http://registerofquestions.efsa.europa.eu/roqFrontend/outputLoader?output=ON-3812} #' @examples #' print(D24_2014) #' print(D24_2014$ds[[1]], data = TRUE) #' m_D24 = mkinmod(D24 = mkinsub("SFO", to = "DCP"), #' DCP = mkinsub("SFO", to = "DCA"), #' DCA = mkinsub("SFO")) #' print(D24_2014) "D24_2014"