#' Create degradation functions for known analytical solutions #' #' @param spec List of model specifications as contained in mkinmod objects #' @param use_of_ff Minimum or maximum use of formation fractions #' @return Degradation function to be attached to mkinmod objects #' @examples #' #' SFO_SFO <- mkinmod( #' parent = mkinsub("SFO", "m1"), #' m1 = mkinsub("SFO")) #' FOCUS_D <- subset(FOCUS_2006_D, value != 0) # to avoid warnings #' fit_1 <- mkinfit(SFO_SFO, FOCUS_D, solution_type = "analytical", quiet = TRUE) #' \dontrun{ #' fit_2 <- mkinfit(SFO_SFO, FOCUS_D, solution_type = "deSolve", quiet = TRUE) #' if (require(rbenchmark)) #' benchmark( #' analytical = mkinfit(SFO_SFO, FOCUS_D, solution_type = "analytical", quiet = TRUE), #' deSolve = mkinfit(SFO_SFO, FOCUS_D, solution_type = "deSolve", quiet = TRUE), #' replications = 2) #' DFOP_SFO <- mkinmod( #' parent = mkinsub("DFOP", "m1"), #' m1 = mkinsub("SFO")) #' benchmark( #' analytical = mkinfit(DFOP_SFO, FOCUS_D, solution_type = "analytical", quiet = TRUE), #' deSolve = mkinfit(DFOP_SFO, FOCUS_D, solution_type = "deSolve", quiet = TRUE), #' replications = 2) #' } #' @export create_deg_func <- function(spec, use_of_ff = c("min", "max")) { use_of_ff <- match.arg(use_of_ff) min_ff <- use_of_ff == "min" obs_vars <- names(spec) parent <- obs_vars[1] parent_type <- spec[[1]]$type supported <- TRUE # This may be modified below predicted_text <- character(0) if (parent_type == "SFO") { if (min_ff) { targets <- c(spec[[1]]$to, if (spec[[1]]$sink) "sink" else NULL) k_parent <- paste(paste0("k_", parent, "_", targets), collapse = " + ") } else { k_parent <- paste0("k_", parent) } } predicted_text[parent] <- paste0(parent_type, ".solution(t, odeini['", parent, if (parent_type == "SFORB") "_free", "'], ", switch(parent_type, SFO = k_parent, FOMC = "alpha, beta", IORE = paste0("k__iore_", parent, if (min_ff) "_sink" else "", ", N_", parent), DFOP = "k1, k2, g", SFORB = paste0("k_", parent, "_free_bound, k_", parent, "_bound_free, k_", parent, "_free", if (min_ff) "_sink" else ""), HS = "k1, k2, tb", logistic = "kmax, k0, r" ), ")") if (length(obs_vars) >= 2) supported <- FALSE # Except for the following cases: if (length(obs_vars) == 2) { n1 <- obs_vars[1] n2 <- obs_vars[2] n10 <- paste0("odeini['", parent, "']") n20 <- paste0("odeini['", n2, "']") # sfo_sfo if (all( spec[[1]]$sink == FALSE, spec[[1]]$type == "SFO", spec[[2]]$type == "SFO", is.null(spec[[2]]$to))) { supported <- TRUE k1 <- k_parent k2 <- paste0("k_", n2, if(min_ff) "_sink" else "") predicted_text[n2] <- paste0( "(((", k2, "-", k1, ")*", n20, "-", k1, "*", n10, ")*exp(-", k2, "*t)+", k1, "*", n10, "*exp(-", k1, "*t))/(", k2, "-", k1, ")") } # sfo_f12_sfo if (all( use_of_ff == "max", spec[[1]]$sink == TRUE, spec[[1]]$type == "SFO", spec[[2]]$type == "SFO", is.null(spec[[2]]$to))) { supported <- TRUE k1 <- k_parent k2 <- paste0("k_", n2) f12 <- paste0("f_", n1, "_to_", n2) predicted_text[n2] <- paste0( "(((", k2, "-", k1, ")*", n20, "-", f12, "*", k1, "*", n10, ")*exp(-", k2, "*t)+", f12, "*", k1, "*", n10, "*exp(-", k1, "*t))/(", k2, "-", k1, ")") } # sfo_k120_sfo if (all( use_of_ff == "min", spec[[1]]$sink == TRUE, spec[[1]]$type == "SFO", spec[[2]]$type == "SFO", is.null(spec[[2]]$to))) { supported <- TRUE k12 <- paste0("k_", n1, "_", n2) k10 <- paste0("k_", n1, "_sink") k2 <- paste0("k_", n2, "_sink") predicted_text[n2] <- paste0( "(((", k2, "-", k12, "-", k10, ")*", n20, "-", k12, "*", n10, ")*exp(-", k2, "*t)+", k12, "*", n10, "*exp(-(", k_parent, ")*t))/(", k2, "-(", k_parent, "))") } # dfop_f12_sfo if (all( use_of_ff == "max", spec[[1]]$sink == TRUE, spec[[1]]$type == "DFOP", spec[[2]]$type == "SFO", is.null(spec[[2]]$to))) { supported <- TRUE f12 <- paste0("f_", n1, "_to_", n2) k2 <- paste0("k_", n2) predicted_text[n2] <- paste0( "((", f12, "* g - ", f12, ") * k2 * ", n10, " * exp(- k2 * t))/(k2 - ", k2, ") - ", "((", f12, "* g) * k1 * ", n10, " * exp(- k1 * t))/(k1 - ", k2, ") + ", "(((k1 - ", k2, ") * k2 - ", k2, "* k1 + ", k2, "^2) * ", n20, "+", "((", f12, "* k1 + (", f12, "*g - ", f12, ") * ", k2, ") * k2 - ", f12, " * g * ", k2, " * k1) * ", n10, ") * ", "exp( - ", k2, " * t)/((k1 - ", k2, ") * k2 - ", k2, " * k1 + ", k2, "^2)") } } if (supported) { deg_func <- function(observed, odeini, odeparms) {} f_body <- paste0("{\n", "predicted <- numeric(0)\n", "with(as.list(odeparms), {\n") for (obs_var in obs_vars) { f_body <- paste0(f_body, "t <- observed[observed$name == '", obs_var, "', 'time']\n", "predicted <<- c(predicted, ", predicted_text[obs_var], ")\n") } f_body <- paste0(f_body, "})\n", "return(predicted)\n}\n") body(deg_func) <- parse(text = f_body) return(deg_func) } else { return(NULL) } }