#' @importFrom lmtest lrtest #' @export lmtest::lrtest #' Likelihood ratio test for mkinfit models #' #' Compare two mkinfit models based on their likelihood. If two fitted #' mkinfit objects are given as arguments, it is checked if they have been #' fitted to the same data. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure #' that the models are nested, i.e. one of them has less degrees of freedom #' and can be expressed by fixing the parameters of the other. #' #' Alternatively, an argument to mkinfit can be given which is then passed #' to \code{\link{update.mkinfit}} to obtain the alternative model. #' #' The comparison is then made by the \code{\link[lmtest]{lrtest.default}} #' method from the lmtest package. The model with the higher number of fitted #' parameters (alternative hypothesis) is listed first, then the model with the #' lower number of fitted parameters (null hypothesis). #' #' @importFrom stats logLik update #' @param object An \code{\link{mkinfit}} object #' @param object_2 Optionally, another mkinfit object fitted to the same data. #' @param \dots Argument to \code{\link{mkinfit}}, passed to #' \code{\link{update.mkinfit}} for creating the alternative fitted object. #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' test_data <- subset(synthetic_data_for_UBA_2014[[12]]$data, name == "parent") #' sfo_fit <- mkinfit("SFO", test_data, quiet = TRUE) #' dfop_fit <- mkinfit("DFOP", test_data, quiet = TRUE) #' lrtest(dfop_fit, sfo_fit) #' lrtest(sfo_fit, dfop_fit) #' #' # The following two examples are commented out as they fail during #' # generation of the static help pages by pkgdown #' #lrtest(dfop_fit, error_model = "tc") #' #lrtest(dfop_fit, fixed_parms = c(k2 = 0)) #' #' # However, this equivalent syntax works for static help pages #' lrtest(dfop_fit, update(dfop_fit, error_model = "tc")) #' lrtest(dfop_fit, update(dfop_fit, fixed_parms = c(k2 = 0))) #' } #' @export lrtest.mkinfit <- function(object, object_2 = NULL, ...) { name_function <- function(x) { object_name <- paste(x$mkinmod$name, "with error model", x$err_mod) if (length(x$bparms.fixed) > 0) { object_name <- paste(object_name, "and fixed parameter(s)", paste(names(x$bparms.fixed), collapse = ", ")) } return(object_name) } if (is.null(object_2)) { object_2 <- update(object, ...) } else { data_object <- object$data[c("time", "variable", "observed")] data_object_2 <- object_2$data[c("time", "variable", "observed")] if (!identical(data_object, data_object_2)) { stop("It seems that the mkinfit objects have not been fitted to the same data") } } if (attr(logLik(object), "df") > attr(logLik(object_2), "df")) { lmtest::lrtest.default(object, object_2, name = name_function) } else { lmtest::lrtest.default(object_2, object, name = name_function) } }