#' A dataset class for mkin #' #' A dataset class for mkin #' #' @name mkinds #' @docType class #' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object. #' @section Fields: #' #' \describe{ \item{list("title")}{A full title for the dataset} #' #' \item{list("sampling")}{times The sampling times} #' #' \item{list("time_unit")}{The time unit} #' #' \item{list("observed")}{Names of the observed compounds} #' #' \item{list("unit")}{The unit of the observations} #' #' \item{list("replicates")}{The number of replicates} #' #' \item{list("data")}{A dataframe with at least the columns name, time and #' value in order to be compatible with mkinfit} } #' @importFrom R6 R6Class #' @keywords datasets #' @examples #' #' mds <- mkinds$new("FOCUS A", FOCUS_2006_A) #' #' @export mkinds <- R6Class("mkinds", public = list( title = NULL, sampling_times = NULL, time_unit = NULL, observed = NULL, unit = NULL, replicates = NULL, data = NULL, initialize = function(title = "", data, time_unit = NA, unit = NA) { self$title <- title self$sampling_times <- sort(unique(data$time)) self$time_unit <- time_unit self$observed <- unique(data$name) self$unit <- unit self$replicates <- max(by(data, list(data$name, data$time), nrow)) if (is.null(data$override)) data$override <- NA if (is.null(data$err)) data$err <- 1 self$data <- data } ) ) #' Print mkinds objects #' #' Print mkinds objects. #' #' @param x An \code{\link{mkinds}} object. #' @param \dots Not used. #' @export print.mkinds <- function(x, ...) { cat("<mkinds> with $title: ", x$title, "\n") cat("Observed compounds $observed: ", paste(x$observed, collapse = ", "), "\n") cat("Sampling times $sampling_times: ", paste(x$sampling_times, collapse = ", "), "\n") cat("With a maximum of ", x$replicates, " replicates\n") if (!is.na(x$time_unit)) cat("Time unit: ", x$time_unit, "\n") if (!is.na(x$unit)) cat("Observation unit: ", x$unit, "\n") }