#' Perform a hierarchical model fit with multiple starting values #' #' The purpose of this method is to check if a certain algorithm for fitting #' nonlinear hierarchical models (also known as nonlinear mixed-effects models) #' will reliably yield results that are sufficiently similar to each other, if #' started with a certain range of reasonable starting parameters. It is #' inspired by the article on practical identifiabiliy in the frame of nonlinear #' mixed-effects models by Duchesne et al (2021). #' #' Currently, parallel execution of the fits is only supported using #' [parallel::mclapply], i.e. not available on Windows. #' #' @param object The fit object to work with #' @param n How many different combinations of starting parameters should be #' used? #' @param cores How many fits should be run in parallel? #' @param \dots Passed to the update function. #' @return A list of [saem.mmkin] objects, with class attributes #' 'multistart.saem.mmkin' and 'multistart'. #' #' @references Duchesne R, Guillemin A, Gandrillon O, Crauste F. Practical #' identifiability in the frame of nonlinear mixed effects models: the example #' of the in vitro erythropoiesis. BMC Bioinformatics. 2021 Oct 4;22(1):478. #' doi: 10.1186/s12859-021-04373-4. #' @export multistart <- function(object, n = 50, cores = 1, ...) { UseMethod("multistart", object) } #' @rdname multistart #' @export multistart.saem.mmkin <- function(object, n = 50, cores = 1, ...) { start_parms <- apply( parms(object$mmkin, errparms = FALSE), 1, function(x) stats::runif(n, min(x), max(x)) ) res <- parallel::mclapply(1:n, function(x) { update(object, degparms_start = start_parms[x, ], ...) }, mc.cores = cores) class(res) <- c("multistart.saem.mmkin", "multistart") return(res) } #' @rdname multistart #' @export print.multistart <- function(x, ...) { cat("Multistart object with", length(x), "fits of the following type:\n\n") print(x[[1]]) } #' @rdname multistart #' @export summary.multistart.saem.mmkin <- function(object) { parm_matrix <- sapply(object, parms) parm_matrix }