#' Method to get status information for fit array objects #' #' @param object The object to investigate #' @param x The object to be printed #' @param \dots For potential future extensions #' @return An object with the same dimensions as the fit array #' suitable printing method. #' @export status <- function(object, ...) { UseMethod("status", object) } #' @rdname status #' @export #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' fits <- mmkin( #' c("SFO", "FOMC"), #' list("FOCUS A" = FOCUS_2006_A, #' "FOCUS B" = FOCUS_2006_C), #' quiet = TRUE) #' status(fits) #' } status.mmkin <- function(object, ...) { all_summary_warnings <- character() sww <- 0 # Counter for Shapiro-Wilks warnings result <- lapply(object, function(fit) { if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) return("E") sw <- fit$summary_warnings swn <- names(sw) if (length(sw) > 0) { if (any(grepl("S", swn))) { sww <<- sww + 1 swn <- gsub("S", paste0("S", sww), swn) } warnstring <- paste(swn, collapse = ", ") names(sw) <- swn all_summary_warnings <<- c(all_summary_warnings, sw) return(warnstring) } else { return("OK") } }) result <- unlist(result) dim(result) <- dim(object) dimnames(result) <- dimnames(object) u_swn <- unique(names(all_summary_warnings)) attr(result, "unique_warnings") <- all_summary_warnings[u_swn] class(result) <- "status.mmkin" return(result) } #' @rdname status #' @export print.status.mmkin <- function(x, ...) { u_w <- attr(x, "unique_warnings") attr(x, "unique_warnings") <- NULL class(x) <- NULL print(x, quote = FALSE) cat("\n") for (i in seq_along(u_w)) { cat(names(u_w)[i], ": ", u_w[i], "\n", sep = "") } if (any(x == "OK")) cat("OK: No warnings\n") if (any(x == "E")) cat("E: Error\n") } #' @rdname status #' @export status.mhmkin <- function(object, ...) { if (inherits(object[[1]], "saem.mmkin")) { test_func <- function(fit) { if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) { return("E") } else { if (inherits(fit$so, "try-error")) { return("E") } else { if (!is.null(fit$FIM_failed)) { return_values <- c("fixed effects" = "Fth", "random effects and error model parameters" = "FO") return(paste(return_values[fit$FIM_failed], collapse = ", ")) } else { return("OK") } } } } } else { stop("Only mhmkin objects containing saem.mmkin objects currently supported") } result <- lapply(object, test_func) result <- unlist(result) dim(result) <- dim(object) dimnames(result) <- dimnames(object) class(result) <- "status.mhmkin" return(result) } #' @rdname status #' @export print.status.mhmkin <- function(x, ...) { class(x) <- NULL print(x, quote = FALSE) cat("\n") if (any(x == "OK")) cat("OK: Fit terminated successfully\n") if (any(x == "Fth")) cat("Fth: Could not invert FIM for fixed effects\n") if (any(x == "FO")) cat("FO: Could not invert FIM for random effects and error model parameters\n") if (any(x == "Fth, FO")) cat("Fth, FO: Could not invert FIM for fixed effects, nor for random effects and error model parameters\n") if (any(x == "E")) cat("E: Error\n") }