(function() { // some helper functions: using a global object DTWidget so that it can be used // in JS() code, e.g. datatable(options = list(foo = JS('code'))); unlike R's // dynamic scoping, when 'code' is eval'ed, JavaScript does not know objects // from the "parent frame", e.g. JS('DTWidget') will not work unless it was made // a global object var DTWidget = {}; // 123456666.7890 -> 123,456,666.7890 var markInterval = function(d, digits, interval, mark, decMark, precision) { x = precision ? d.toPrecision(digits) : d.toFixed(digits); if (!/^-?[\d.]+$/.test(x)) return x; var xv = x.split('.'); if (xv.length > 2) return x; // should have at most one decimal point xv[0] = xv[0].replace(new RegExp('\\B(?=(\\d{' + interval + '})+(?!\\d))', 'g'), mark); return xv.join(decMark); }; DTWidget.formatCurrency = function(data, currency, digits, interval, mark, decMark, before, zeroPrint) { var d = parseFloat(data); if (isNaN(d)) return ''; if (zeroPrint !== null && d === 0.0) return zeroPrint; var res = markInterval(d, digits, interval, mark, decMark); res = before ? (/^-/.test(res) ? '-' + currency + res.replace(/^-/, '') : currency + res) : res + currency; return res; }; DTWidget.formatString = function(data, prefix, suffix) { var d = data; if (d === null) return ''; return prefix + d + suffix; }; DTWidget.formatPercentage = function(data, digits, interval, mark, decMark, zeroPrint) { var d = parseFloat(data); if (isNaN(d)) return ''; if (zeroPrint !== null && d === 0.0) return zeroPrint; return markInterval(d * 100, digits, interval, mark, decMark) + '%'; }; DTWidget.formatRound = function(data, digits, interval, mark, decMark, zeroPrint) { var d = parseFloat(data); if (isNaN(d)) return ''; if (zeroPrint !== null && d === 0.0) return zeroPrint; return markInterval(d, digits, interval, mark, decMark); }; DTWidget.formatSignif = function(data, digits, interval, mark, decMark, zeroPrint) { var d = parseFloat(data); if (isNaN(d)) return ''; if (zeroPrint !== null && d === 0.0) return zeroPrint; return markInterval(d, digits, interval, mark, decMark, true); }; DTWidget.formatDate = function(data, method, params) { var d = data; if (d === null) return ''; // (new Date('2015-10-28')).toDateString() may return 2015-10-27 because the // actual time created could be like 'Tue Oct 27 2015 19:00:00 GMT-0500 (CDT)', // i.e. the date-only string is treated as UTC time instead of local time if ((method === 'toDateString' || method === 'toLocaleDateString') && /^\d{4,}\D\d{2}\D\d{2}$/.test(d)) { d = d.split(/\D/); d = new Date(d[0], d[1] - 1, d[2]); } else { d = new Date(d); } return d[method].apply(d, params); }; window.DTWidget = DTWidget; // A helper function to update the properties of existing filters var setFilterProps = function(td, props) { // Update enabled/disabled state var $input = $(td).find('input').first(); var searchable = $input.data('searchable'); $input.prop('disabled', !searchable || props.disabled); // Based on the filter type, set its new values var type = td.getAttribute('data-type'); if (['factor', 'logical'].includes(type)) { // Reformat the new dropdown options for use with selectize var new_vals = props.params.options.map(function(item) { return { text: item, value: item }; }); // Find the selectize object var dropdown = $(td).find('.selectized').eq(0)[0].selectize; // Note the current values var old_vals = dropdown.getValue(); // Remove the existing values dropdown.clearOptions(); // Add the new options dropdown.addOption(new_vals); // Preserve the existing values dropdown.setValue(old_vals); } else if (['number', 'integer', 'date', 'time'].includes(type)) { // Apply internal scaling to new limits. Updating scale not yet implemented. var slider = $(td).find('.noUi-target').eq(0); var scale = Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, +slider.data('scale') || 0)); var new_vals = [props.params.min * scale, props.params.max * scale]; // Note what the new limits will be just for this filter var new_lims = new_vals.slice(); // Determine the current values and limits var old_vals = slider.val().map(Number); var old_lims = slider.noUiSlider('options').range; old_lims = [old_lims.min, old_lims.max]; // Preserve the current values if filters have been applied; otherwise, apply no filtering if (old_vals[0] != old_lims[0]) { new_vals[0] = Math.max(old_vals[0], new_vals[0]); } if (old_vals[1] != old_lims[1]) { new_vals[1] = Math.min(old_vals[1], new_vals[1]); } // Update the endpoints of the slider slider.noUiSlider({ start: new_vals, range: {'min': new_lims[0], 'max': new_lims[1]} }, true); } }; var transposeArray2D = function(a) { return a.length === 0 ? a : HTMLWidgets.transposeArray2D(a); }; var crosstalkPluginsInstalled = false; function maybeInstallCrosstalkPlugins() { if (crosstalkPluginsInstalled) return; crosstalkPluginsInstalled = true; $.fn.dataTable.ext.afnFiltering.push( function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) { var ctfilter = oSettings.nTable.ctfilter; if (ctfilter && !ctfilter[iDataIndex]) return false; var ctselect = oSettings.nTable.ctselect; if (ctselect && !ctselect[iDataIndex]) return false; return true; } ); } HTMLWidgets.widget({ name: "datatables", type: "output", renderOnNullValue: true, initialize: function(el, width, height) { // in order that the type=number inputs return a number $.valHooks.number = { get: function(el) { var value = parseFloat(el.value); return isNaN(value) ? "" : value; } }; $(el).html(' '); return { data: null, ctfilterHandle: new crosstalk.FilterHandle(), ctfilterSubscription: null, ctselectHandle: new crosstalk.SelectionHandle(), ctselectSubscription: null }; }, renderValue: function(el, data, instance) { if (el.offsetWidth === 0 || el.offsetHeight === 0) { instance.data = data; return; } instance.data = null; var $el = $(el); $el.empty(); if (data === null) { $el.append(' '); // clear previous Shiny inputs (if any) for (var i in instance.clearInputs) instance.clearInputs[i](); instance.clearInputs = {}; return; } var crosstalkOptions = data.crosstalkOptions; if (!crosstalkOptions) crosstalkOptions = { 'key': null, 'group': null }; if (crosstalkOptions.group) { maybeInstallCrosstalkPlugins(); instance.ctfilterHandle.setGroup(crosstalkOptions.group); instance.ctselectHandle.setGroup(crosstalkOptions.group); } // if we are in the viewer then we always want to fillContainer and // and autoHideNavigation (unless the user has explicitly set these) if (window.HTMLWidgets.viewerMode) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty("fillContainer")) data.fillContainer = true; if (!data.hasOwnProperty("autoHideNavigation")) data.autoHideNavigation = true; } // propagate fillContainer to instance (so we have it in resize) instance.fillContainer = data.fillContainer; var cells = data.data; if (cells instanceof Array) cells = transposeArray2D(cells); $el.append(data.container); var $table = $el.find('table'); if (data.class) $table.addClass(data.class); if (data.caption) $table.prepend(data.caption); if (!data.selection) data.selection = { mode: 'none', selected: null, target: 'row', selectable: null }; if (HTMLWidgets.shinyMode && data.selection.mode !== 'none' && data.selection.target === 'row+column') { if ($table.children('tfoot').length === 0) { $table.append($('')); $table.find('thead tr').clone().appendTo($table.find('tfoot')); } } // column filters var filterRow; switch (data.filter) { case 'top': $table.children('thead').append(data.filterHTML); filterRow = $table.find('thead tr:last td'); break; case 'bottom': if ($table.children('tfoot').length === 0) { $table.append($('')); } $table.children('tfoot').prepend(data.filterHTML); filterRow = $table.find('tfoot tr:first td'); break; } var options = { searchDelay: 1000 }; if (cells !== null) $.extend(options, { data: cells }); // options for fillContainer var bootstrapActive = typeof($.fn.popover) != 'undefined'; if (instance.fillContainer) { // force scrollX/scrollY and turn off autoWidth options.scrollX = true; options.scrollY = "100px"; // can be any value, we'll adjust below // if we aren't paginating then move around the info/filter controls // to save space at the bottom and rephrase the info callback if (data.options.paging === false) { // we know how to do this cleanly for bootstrap, not so much // for other themes/layouts if (bootstrapActive) { options.dom = "<'row'<'col-sm-4'i><'col-sm-8'f>>" + "<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>"; } options.fnInfoCallback = function(oSettings, iStart, iEnd, iMax, iTotal, sPre) { return Number(iTotal).toLocaleString() + " records"; }; } } // auto hide navigation if requested // Note, this only works on client-side processing mode as on server-side, // cells (data.data) is null; In addition, we require the pageLength option // being provided explicitly to enable this. Despite we may be able to deduce // the default value of pageLength, it may complicate things so we'd rather // put this responsiblity to users and warn them on the R side. if (data.autoHideNavigation === true && data.options.paging !== false) { // strip all nav if length >= cells if ((cells instanceof Array) && data.options.pageLength >= cells.length) options.dom = bootstrapActive ? "<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>" : "t"; // alternatively lean things out for flexdashboard mobile portrait else if (bootstrapActive && window.FlexDashboard && window.FlexDashboard.isMobilePhone()) options.dom = "<'row'<'col-sm-12'f>>" + "<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>" + "<'row'<'col-sm-12'p>>"; } $.extend(true, options, data.options || {}); var searchCols = options.searchCols; if (searchCols) { searchCols = searchCols.map(function(x) { return x === null ? '' : x.search; }); // FIXME: this means I don't respect the escapeRegex setting delete options.searchCols; } // server-side processing? var server = options.serverSide === true; // use the dataSrc function to pre-process JSON data returned from R var DT_rows_all = [], DT_rows_current = []; if (server && HTMLWidgets.shinyMode && typeof options.ajax === 'object' && /^session\/[\da-z]+\/dataobj/.test(options.ajax.url) && !options.ajax.dataSrc) { options.ajax.dataSrc = function(json) { DT_rows_all = $.makeArray(json.DT_rows_all); DT_rows_current = $.makeArray(json.DT_rows_current); var data = json.data; if (!colReorderEnabled()) return data; var table = $table.DataTable(), order = table.colReorder.order(), flag = true, i, j, row; for (i = 0; i < order.length; ++i) if (order[i] !== i) flag = false; if (flag) return data; for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { row = data[i].slice(); for (j = 0; j < order.length; ++j) data[i][j] = row[order[j]]; } return data; }; } var thiz = this; if (instance.fillContainer) $table.on('init.dt', function(e) { thiz.fillAvailableHeight(el, $(el).innerHeight()); }); // If the page contains serveral datatables and one of which enables colReorder, // the table.colReorder.order() function will exist but throws error when called. // So it seems like the only way to know if colReorder is enabled or not is to // check the options. var colReorderEnabled = function() { return "colReorder" in options; }; var table = $table.DataTable(options); $el.data('datatable', table); if ('rowGroup' in options) { // Maintain RowGroup dataSrc when columns are reordered (#1109) table.on('column-reorder', function(e, settings, details) { var oldDataSrc = table.rowGroup().dataSrc(); var newDataSrc = details.mapping[oldDataSrc]; table.rowGroup().dataSrc(newDataSrc); }); } // Unregister previous Crosstalk event subscriptions, if they exist if (instance.ctfilterSubscription) { instance.ctfilterHandle.off("change", instance.ctfilterSubscription); instance.ctfilterSubscription = null; } if (instance.ctselectSubscription) { instance.ctselectHandle.off("change", instance.ctselectSubscription); instance.ctselectSubscription = null; } if (!crosstalkOptions.group) { $table[0].ctfilter = null; $table[0].ctselect = null; } else { var key = crosstalkOptions.key; function keysToMatches(keys) { if (!keys) { return null; } else { var selectedKeys = {}; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { selectedKeys[keys[i]] = true; } var matches = {}; for (var j = 0; j < key.length; j++) { if (selectedKeys[key[j]]) matches[j] = true; } return matches; } } function applyCrosstalkFilter(e) { $table[0].ctfilter = keysToMatches(e.value); table.draw(); } instance.ctfilterSubscription = instance.ctfilterHandle.on("change", applyCrosstalkFilter); applyCrosstalkFilter({value: instance.ctfilterHandle.filteredKeys}); function applyCrosstalkSelection(e) { if (e.sender !== instance.ctselectHandle) { table .rows('.' + selClass, {search: 'applied'}) .nodes() .to$() .removeClass(selClass); if (selectedRows) changeInput('rows_selected', selectedRows(), void 0, true); } if (e.sender !== instance.ctselectHandle && e.value && e.value.length) { var matches = keysToMatches(e.value); // persistent selection with plotly (& leaflet) var ctOpts = crosstalk.var("plotlyCrosstalkOpts").get() || {}; if (ctOpts.persistent === true) { var matches = $.extend(matches, $table[0].ctselect); } $table[0].ctselect = matches; table.draw(); } else { if ($table[0].ctselect) { $table[0].ctselect = null; table.draw(); } } } instance.ctselectSubscription = instance.ctselectHandle.on("change", applyCrosstalkSelection); // TODO: This next line doesn't seem to work when renderDataTable is used applyCrosstalkSelection({value: instance.ctselectHandle.value}); } var inArray = function(val, array) { return $.inArray(val, $.makeArray(array)) > -1; }; // search the i-th column var searchColumn = function(i, value) { var regex = false, ci = true; if (options.search) { regex = options.search.regex, ci = options.search.caseInsensitive !== false; } // need to transpose the column index when colReorder is enabled if (table.colReorder) i = table.colReorder.transpose(i); return table.column(i).search(value, regex, !regex, ci); }; if (data.filter !== 'none') { if (!data.hasOwnProperty('filterSettings')) data.filterSettings = {}; filterRow.each(function(i, td) { var $td = $(td), type = $td.data('type'), filter; var $input = $td.children('div').first().children('input'); var disabled = $input.prop('disabled'); var searchable = table.settings()[0].aoColumns[i].bSearchable; $input.prop('disabled', !searchable || disabled); $input.data('searchable', searchable); // for updating later $input.on('input blur', function() { $input.next('span').toggle(Boolean($input.val())); }); // Bootstrap sets pointer-events to none and we won't be able to click // the clear button $input.next('span').css('pointer-events', 'auto').hide().click(function() { $(this).hide().prev('input').val('').trigger('input').focus(); }); var searchCol; // search string for this column if (searchCols && searchCols[i]) { searchCol = searchCols[i]; $input.val(searchCol).trigger('input'); } var $x = $td.children('div').last(); // remove the overflow: hidden attribute of the scrollHead // (otherwise the scrolling table body obscures the filters) // The workaround and the discussion from // https://github.com/rstudio/DT/issues/554#issuecomment-518007347 // Otherwise the filter selection will not be anchored to the values // when the columns number is many and scrollX is enabled. var scrollHead = $(el).find('.dataTables_scrollHead,.dataTables_scrollFoot'); var cssOverflowHead = scrollHead.css('overflow'); var scrollBody = $(el).find('.dataTables_scrollBody'); var cssOverflowBody = scrollBody.css('overflow'); var scrollTable = $(el).find('.dataTables_scroll'); var cssOverflowTable = scrollTable.css('overflow'); if (cssOverflowHead === 'hidden') { $x.on('show hide', function(e) { if (e.type === 'show') { scrollHead.css('overflow', 'visible'); scrollBody.css('overflow', 'visible'); scrollTable.css('overflow-x', 'scroll'); } else { scrollHead.css('overflow', cssOverflowHead); scrollBody.css('overflow', cssOverflowBody); scrollTable.css('overflow-x', cssOverflowTable); } }); $x.css('z-index', 25); } if (inArray(type, ['factor', 'logical'])) { $input.on({ click: function() { $input.parent().hide(); $x.show().trigger('show'); filter[0].selectize.focus(); }, input: function() { var v1 = JSON.stringify(filter[0].selectize.getValue()), v2 = $input.val(); if (v1 === '[]') v1 = ''; if (v1 !== v2) filter[0].selectize.setValue(v2 === '' ? [] : JSON.parse(v2)); } }); var $input2 = $x.children('select'); filter = $input2.selectize($.extend({ options: $input2.data('options').map(function(v, i) { return ({text: v, value: v}); }), plugins: ['remove_button'], hideSelected: true, onChange: function(value) { if (value === null) value = []; // compatibility with jQuery 3.0 $input.val(value.length ? JSON.stringify(value) : ''); if (value.length) $input.trigger('input'); $input.attr('title', $input.val()); if (server) { searchColumn(i, value.length ? JSON.stringify(value) : '').draw(); return; } // turn off filter if nothing selected $td.data('filter', value.length > 0); table.draw(); // redraw table, and filters will be applied } }, data.filterSettings.select)); filter[0].selectize.on('blur', function() { $x.hide().trigger('hide'); $input.parent().show(); $input.trigger('blur'); }); filter.next('div').css('margin-bottom', 'auto'); } else if (type === 'character') { var fun = function() { searchColumn(i, $input.val()).draw(); }; // throttle searching for server-side processing var throttledFun = $.fn.dataTable.util.throttle(fun, options.searchDelay); $input.on('input', function(e, immediate) { // always bypass throttling when immediate = true (via the updateSearch method) (immediate || !server) ? fun() : throttledFun(); }); } else if (inArray(type, ['number', 'integer', 'date', 'time'])) { var $x0 = $x; $x = $x0.children('div').first(); $x0.css({ 'background-color': '#fff', 'border': '1px #ddd solid', 'border-radius': '4px', 'padding': data.vertical ? '35px 20px': '20px 20px 10px 20px' }); var $spans = $x0.children('span').css({ 'margin-top': data.vertical ? '0' : '10px', 'white-space': 'nowrap' }); var $span1 = $spans.first(), $span2 = $spans.last(); var r1 = +$x.data('min'), r2 = +$x.data('max'); // when the numbers are too small or have many decimal places, the // slider may have numeric precision problems (#150) var scale = Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, +$x.data('scale') || 0)); r1 = Math.round(r1 * scale); r2 = Math.round(r2 * scale); var scaleBack = function(x, scale) { if (scale === 1) return x; var d = Math.round(Math.log(scale) / Math.log(10)); // to avoid problems like 3.423/100 -> 0.034230000000000003 return (x / scale).toFixed(d); }; var slider_min = function() { return filter.noUiSlider('options').range.min; }; var slider_max = function() { return filter.noUiSlider('options').range.max; }; $input.on({ focus: function() { $x0.show().trigger('show'); // first, make sure the slider div leaves at least 20px between // the two (slider value) span's $x0.width(Math.max(160, $span1.outerWidth() + $span2.outerWidth() + 20)); // then, if the input is really wide or slider is vertical, // make the slider the same width as the input if ($x0.outerWidth() < $input.outerWidth() || data.vertical) { $x0.outerWidth($input.outerWidth()); } // make sure the slider div does not reach beyond the right margin if ($(window).width() < $x0.offset().left + $x0.width()) { $x0.offset({ 'left': $input.offset().left + $input.outerWidth() - $x0.outerWidth() }); } }, blur: function() { $x0.hide().trigger('hide'); }, input: function() { if ($input.val() === '') filter.val([slider_min(), slider_max()]); }, change: function() { var v = $input.val().replace(/\s/g, ''); if (v === '') return; v = v.split('...'); if (v.length !== 2) { $input.parent().addClass('has-error'); return; } if (v[0] === '') v[0] = slider_min(); if (v[1] === '') v[1] = slider_max(); $input.parent().removeClass('has-error'); // treat date as UTC time at midnight var strTime = function(x) { var s = type === 'date' ? 'T00:00:00Z' : ''; var t = new Date(x + s).getTime(); // add 10 minutes to date since it does not hurt the date, and // it helps avoid the tricky floating point arithmetic problems, // e.g. sometimes the date may be a few milliseconds earlier // than the midnight due to precision problems in noUiSlider return type === 'date' ? t + 3600000 : t; }; if (inArray(type, ['date', 'time'])) { v[0] = strTime(v[0]); v[1] = strTime(v[1]); } if (v[0] != slider_min()) v[0] *= scale; if (v[1] != slider_max()) v[1] *= scale; filter.val(v); } }); var formatDate = function(d) { d = scaleBack(d, scale); if (type === 'number') return d; if (type === 'integer') return parseInt(d); var x = new Date(+d); if (type === 'date') { var pad0 = function(x) { return ('0' + x).substr(-2, 2); }; return x.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + pad0(1 + x.getUTCMonth()) + '-' + pad0(x.getUTCDate()); } else { return x.toISOString(); } }; var opts = type === 'date' ? { step: 60 * 60 * 1000 } : type === 'integer' ? { step: 1 } : {}; opts.orientation = data.vertical ? 'vertical': 'horizontal'; opts.direction = data.vertical ? 'rtl': 'ltr'; filter = $x.noUiSlider($.extend({ start: [r1, r2], range: {min: r1, max: r2}, connect: true }, opts, data.filterSettings.slider)); if (scale > 1) (function() { var t1 = r1, t2 = r2; var val = filter.val(); while (val[0] > r1 || val[1] < r2) { if (val[0] > r1) { t1 -= val[0] - r1; } if (val[1] < r2) { t2 += r2 - val[1]; } filter = $x.noUiSlider($.extend({ start: [t1, t2], range: {min: t1, max: t2}, connect: true }, opts, data.filterSettings.slider), true); val = filter.val(); } r1 = t1; r2 = t2; })(); // format with active column renderer, if defined var colDef = data.options.columnDefs.find(function(def) { return (def.targets === i || inArray(i, def.targets)) && 'render' in def; }); var updateSliderText = function(v1, v2) { // we only know how to use function renderers if (colDef && typeof colDef.render === 'function') { var restore = function(v) { v = scaleBack(v, scale); return inArray(type, ['date', 'time']) ? new Date(+v) : v; } $span1.text(colDef.render(restore(v1), 'display')); $span2.text(colDef.render(restore(v2), 'display')); } else { $span1.text(formatDate(v1)); $span2.text(formatDate(v2)); } }; updateSliderText(r1, r2); var updateSlider = function(e) { var val = filter.val(); // turn off filter if in full range $td.data('filter', val[0] > slider_min() || val[1] < slider_max()); var v1 = formatDate(val[0]), v2 = formatDate(val[1]), ival; if ($td.data('filter')) { ival = v1 + ' ... ' + v2; $input.attr('title', ival).val(ival).trigger('input'); } else { $input.attr('title', '').val(''); } updateSliderText(val[0], val[1]); if (e.type === 'slide') return; // no searching when sliding only if (server) { searchColumn(i, $td.data('filter') ? ival : '').draw(); return; } table.draw(); }; filter.on({ set: updateSlider, slide: updateSlider }); } // server-side processing will be handled by R (or whatever server // language you use); the following code is only needed for client-side // processing if (server) { // if a search string has been pre-set, search now if (searchCol) $input.trigger('input').trigger('change'); return; } var customFilter = function(settings, data, dataIndex) { // there is no way to attach a search function to a specific table, // and we need to make sure a global search function is not applied to // all tables (i.e. a range filter in a previous table should not be // applied to the current table); we use the settings object to // determine if we want to perform searching on the current table, // since settings.sTableId will be different to different tables if (table.settings()[0] !== settings) return true; // no filter on this column or no need to filter this column if (typeof filter === 'undefined' || !$td.data('filter')) return true; var r = filter.val(), v, r0, r1; var i_data = function(i) { if (!colReorderEnabled()) return i; var order = table.colReorder.order(), k; for (k = 0; k < order.length; ++k) if (order[k] === i) return k; return i; // in theory it will never be here... } v = data[i_data(i)]; if (type === 'number' || type === 'integer') { v = parseFloat(v); // how to handle NaN? currently exclude these rows if (isNaN(v)) return(false); r0 = parseFloat(scaleBack(r[0], scale)) r1 = parseFloat(scaleBack(r[1], scale)); if (v >= r0 && v <= r1) return true; } else if (type === 'date' || type === 'time') { v = new Date(v); r0 = new Date(r[0] / scale); r1 = new Date(r[1] / scale); if (v >= r0 && v <= r1) return true; } else if (type === 'factor') { if (r.length === 0 || inArray(v, r)) return true; } else if (type === 'logical') { if (r.length === 0) return true; if (inArray(v === '' ? 'na' : v, r)) return true; } return false; }; $.fn.dataTable.ext.search.push(customFilter); // search for the preset search strings if it is non-empty if (searchCol) $input.trigger('input').trigger('change'); }); } // highlight search keywords var highlight = function() { var body = $(table.table().body()); // removing the old highlighting first body.unhighlight(); // don't highlight the "not found" row, so we get the rows using the api if (table.rows({ filter: 'applied' }).data().length === 0) return; // highlight global search keywords body.highlight($.trim(table.search()).split(/\s+/)); // then highlight keywords from individual column filters if (filterRow) filterRow.each(function(i, td) { var $td = $(td), type = $td.data('type'); if (type !== 'character') return; var $input = $td.children('div').first().children('input'); var column = table.column(i).nodes().to$(), val = $.trim($input.val()); if (type !== 'character' || val === '') return; column.highlight(val.split(/\s+/)); }); }; if (options.searchHighlight) { table .on('draw.dt.dth column-visibility.dt.dth column-reorder.dt.dth', highlight) .on('destroy', function() { // remove event handler table.off('draw.dt.dth column-visibility.dt.dth column-reorder.dt.dth'); }); // Set the option for escaping regex characters in our search string. This will be used // for all future matching. jQuery.fn.highlight.options.escapeRegex = (!options.search || !options.search.regex); // initial highlight for state saved conditions and initial states highlight(); } // run the callback function on the table instance if (typeof data.callback === 'function') data.callback(table); // double click to edit the cell, row, column, or all cells if (data.editable) table.on('dblclick.dt', 'tbody td', function(e) { // only bring up the editor when the cell itself is dbclicked, and ignore // other dbclick events bubbled up (e.g. from the ) if (e.target !== this) return; var target = [], immediate = false; switch (data.editable.target) { case 'cell': target = [this]; immediate = true; // edit will take effect immediately break; case 'row': target = table.cells(table.cell(this).index().row, '*').nodes(); break; case 'column': target = table.cells('*', table.cell(this).index().column).nodes(); break; case 'all': target = table.cells().nodes(); break; default: throw 'The editable parameter must be "cell", "row", "column", or "all"'; } var disableCols = data.editable.disable ? data.editable.disable.columns : null; var numericCols = data.editable.numeric; var areaCols = data.editable.area; var dateCols = data.editable.date; for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) { (function(cell, current) { var $cell = $(cell), html = $cell.html(); var _cell = table.cell(cell), value = _cell.data(), index = _cell.index().column; var $input; if (inArray(index, numericCols)) { $input = $(''); } else if (inArray(index, areaCols)) { $input = $(''); } else if (inArray(index, dateCols)) { $input = $(''); } else { $input = $(''); } if (!immediate) { $cell.data('input', $input).data('html', html); $input.attr('title', 'Hit Ctrl+Enter to finish editing, or Esc to cancel'); } $input.val(value); if (inArray(index, disableCols)) { $input.attr('readonly', '').css('filter', 'invert(25%)'); } $cell.empty().append($input); if (cell === current) $input.focus(); $input.css('width', '100%'); if (immediate) $input.on('blur', function(e) { var valueNew = $input.val(); if (valueNew !== value) { _cell.data(valueNew); if (HTMLWidgets.shinyMode) { changeInput('cell_edit', [cellInfo(cell)], 'DT.cellInfo', null, {priority: 'event'}); } // for server-side processing, users have to call replaceData() to update the table if (!server) table.draw(false); } else { $cell.html(html); } }).on('keyup', function(e) { // hit Escape to cancel editing if (e.keyCode === 27) $input.trigger('blur'); }); // bulk edit (row, column, or all) if (!immediate) $input.on('keyup', function(e) { var removeInput = function($cell, restore) { $cell.data('input').remove(); if (restore) $cell.html($cell.data('html')); } if (e.keyCode === 27) { for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) { removeInput($(target[i]), true); } } else if (e.keyCode === 13 && e.ctrlKey) { // Ctrl + Enter var cell, $cell, _cell, cellData = []; for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) { cell = target[i]; $cell = $(cell); _cell = table.cell(cell); _cell.data($cell.data('input').val()); HTMLWidgets.shinyMode && cellData.push(cellInfo(cell)); removeInput($cell, false); } if (HTMLWidgets.shinyMode) { changeInput('cell_edit', cellData, 'DT.cellInfo', null, {priority: "event"}); } if (!server) table.draw(false); } }); })(target[i], this); } }); // interaction with shiny if (!HTMLWidgets.shinyMode && !crosstalkOptions.group) return; var methods = {}; var shinyData = {}; methods.updateCaption = function(caption) { if (!caption) return; $table.children('caption').replaceWith(caption); } // register clear functions to remove input values when the table is removed instance.clearInputs = {}; var changeInput = function(id, value, type, noCrosstalk, opts) { var event = id; id = el.id + '_' + id; if (type) id = id + ':' + type; // do not update if the new value is the same as old value if (event !== 'cell_edit' && !/_clicked$/.test(event) && shinyData.hasOwnProperty(id) && shinyData[id] === JSON.stringify(value)) return; shinyData[id] = JSON.stringify(value); if (HTMLWidgets.shinyMode && Shiny.setInputValue) { Shiny.setInputValue(id, value, opts); if (!instance.clearInputs[id]) instance.clearInputs[id] = function() { Shiny.setInputValue(id, null); } } // HACK if (event === "rows_selected" && !noCrosstalk) { if (crosstalkOptions.group) { var keys = crosstalkOptions.key; var selectedKeys = null; if (value) { selectedKeys = []; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { // The value array's contents use 1-based row numbers, so we must // convert to 0-based before indexing into the keys array. selectedKeys.push(keys[value[i] - 1]); } } instance.ctselectHandle.set(selectedKeys); } } }; var addOne = function(x) { return x.map(function(i) { return 1 + i; }); }; var unique = function(x) { var ux = []; $.each(x, function(i, el){ if ($.inArray(el, ux) === -1) ux.push(el); }); return ux; } // change the row index of a cell var tweakCellIndex = function(cell) { var info = cell.index(); // some cell may not be valid. e.g, #759 // when using the RowGroup extension, datatables will // generate the row label and the cells are not part of // the data thus contain no row/col info if (info === undefined) return {row: null, col: null}; if (server) { info.row = DT_rows_current[info.row]; } else { info.row += 1; } return {row: info.row, col: info.column}; } var cleanSelectedValues = function() { changeInput('rows_selected', []); changeInput('columns_selected', []); changeInput('cells_selected', transposeArray2D([]), 'shiny.matrix'); } // #828 we should clean the selection on the server-side when the table reloads cleanSelectedValues(); // a flag to indicates if select extension is initialized or not var flagSelectExt = table.settings()[0]._select !== undefined; // the Select extension should only be used in the client mode and // when the selection.mode is set to none if (data.selection.mode === 'none' && !server && flagSelectExt) { var updateRowsSelected = function() { var rows = table.rows({selected: true}); var selected = []; $.each(rows.indexes().toArray(), function(i, v) { selected.push(v + 1); }); changeInput('rows_selected', selected); } var updateColsSelected = function() { var columns = table.columns({selected: true}); changeInput('columns_selected', columns.indexes().toArray()); } var updateCellsSelected = function() { var cells = table.cells({selected: true}); var selected = []; cells.every(function() { var row = this.index().row; var col = this.index().column; selected = selected.concat([[row + 1, col]]); }); changeInput('cells_selected', transposeArray2D(selected), 'shiny.matrix'); } table.on('select deselect', function(e, dt, type, indexes) { updateRowsSelected(); updateColsSelected(); updateCellsSelected(); }) updateRowsSelected(); updateColsSelected(); updateCellsSelected(); } var selMode = data.selection.mode, selTarget = data.selection.target; var selDisable = data.selection.selectable === false; if (inArray(selMode, ['single', 'multiple'])) { var selClass = inArray(data.style, ['bootstrap', 'bootstrap4']) ? 'active' : 'selected'; // selected1: row indices; selected2: column indices var initSel = function(x) { if (x === null || typeof x === 'boolean' || selTarget === 'cell') { return {rows: [], cols: []}; } else if (selTarget === 'row') { return {rows: $.makeArray(x), cols: []}; } else if (selTarget === 'column') { return {rows: [], cols: $.makeArray(x)}; } else if (selTarget === 'row+column') { return {rows: $.makeArray(x.rows), cols: $.makeArray(x.cols)}; } } var selected = data.selection.selected; var selected1 = initSel(selected).rows, selected2 = initSel(selected).cols; // selectable should contain either all positive or all non-positive values, not both // positive values indicate "selectable" while non-positive values means "nonselectable" // the assertion is performed on R side. (only column indicides could be zero which indicates // the row name) var selectable = data.selection.selectable; var selectable1 = initSel(selectable).rows, selectable2 = initSel(selectable).cols; // After users reorder the rows or filter the table, we cannot use the table index // directly. Instead, we need this function to find out the rows between the two clicks. // If user filter the table again between the start click and the end click, the behavior // would be undefined, but it should not be a problem. var shiftSelRowsIndex = function(start, end) { var indexes = server ? DT_rows_all : table.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes().toArray(); start = indexes.indexOf(start); end = indexes.indexOf(end); // if start is larger than end, we need to swap if (start > end) { var tmp = end; end = start; start = tmp; } return indexes.slice(start, end + 1); } var serverRowIndex = function(clientRowIndex) { return server ? DT_rows_current[clientRowIndex] : clientRowIndex + 1; } // row, column, or cell selection var lastClickedRow; if (inArray(selTarget, ['row', 'row+column'])) { // Get the current selected rows. It will also // update the selected1's value based on the current row selection state // Note we can't put this function inside selectRows() directly, // the reason is method.selectRows() will override selected1's value but this // function will add rows to selected1 (keep the existing selection), which is // inconsistent with column and cell selection. var selectedRows = function() { var rows = table.rows('.' + selClass); var idx = rows.indexes().toArray(); if (!server) { selected1 = addOne(idx); return selected1; } idx = idx.map(function(i) { return DT_rows_current[i]; }); selected1 = selMode === 'multiple' ? unique(selected1.concat(idx)) : idx; return selected1; } // Change selected1's value based on selectable1, then refresh the row state var onlyKeepSelectableRows = function() { if (selDisable) { // users can't select; useful when only want backend select selected1 = []; return; } if (selectable1.length === 0) return; var nonselectable = selectable1[0] <= 0; if (nonselectable) { // should make selectable1 positive selected1 = $(selected1).not(selectable1.map(function(i) { return -i; })).get(); } else { selected1 = $(selected1).filter(selectable1).get(); } } // Change selected1's value based on selectable1, then // refresh the row selection state according to values in selected1 var selectRows = function(ignoreSelectable) { if (!ignoreSelectable) onlyKeepSelectableRows(); table.$('tr.' + selClass).removeClass(selClass); if (selected1.length === 0) return; if (server) { table.rows({page: 'current'}).every(function() { if (inArray(DT_rows_current[this.index()], selected1)) { $(this.node()).addClass(selClass); } }); } else { var selected0 = selected1.map(function(i) { return i - 1; }); $(table.rows(selected0).nodes()).addClass(selClass); } } table.on('mousedown.dt', 'tbody tr', function(e) { var $this = $(this), thisRow = table.row(this); if (selMode === 'multiple') { if (e.shiftKey && lastClickedRow !== undefined) { // select or de-select depends on the last clicked row's status var flagSel = !$this.hasClass(selClass); var crtClickedRow = serverRowIndex(thisRow.index()); if (server) { var rowsIndex = shiftSelRowsIndex(lastClickedRow, crtClickedRow); // update current page's selClass rowsIndex.map(function(i) { var rowIndex = DT_rows_current.indexOf(i); if (rowIndex >= 0) { var row = table.row(rowIndex).nodes().to$(); var flagRowSel = !row.hasClass(selClass); if (flagSel === flagRowSel) row.toggleClass(selClass); } }); // update selected1 if (flagSel) { selected1 = unique(selected1.concat(rowsIndex)); } else { selected1 = selected1.filter(function(index) { return !inArray(index, rowsIndex); }); } } else { // js starts from 0 shiftSelRowsIndex(lastClickedRow - 1, crtClickedRow - 1).map(function(value) { var row = table.row(value).nodes().to$(); var flagRowSel = !row.hasClass(selClass); if (flagSel === flagRowSel) row.toggleClass(selClass); }); } e.preventDefault(); } else { $this.toggleClass(selClass); } } else { if ($this.hasClass(selClass)) { $this.removeClass(selClass); } else { table.$('tr.' + selClass).removeClass(selClass); $this.addClass(selClass); } } if (server && !$this.hasClass(selClass)) { var id = DT_rows_current[thisRow.index()]; // remove id from selected1 since its class .selected has been removed if (inArray(id, selected1)) selected1.splice($.inArray(id, selected1), 1); } selectedRows(); // update selected1's value based on selClass selectRows(false); // only keep the selectable rows changeInput('rows_selected', selected1); changeInput('row_last_clicked', serverRowIndex(thisRow.index()), null, null, {priority: 'event'}); lastClickedRow = serverRowIndex(thisRow.index()); }); selectRows(false); // in case users have specified pre-selected rows // restore selected rows after the table is redrawn (e.g. sort/search/page); // client-side tables will preserve the selections automatically; for // server-side tables, we have to *real* row indices are in `selected1` changeInput('rows_selected', selected1); if (server) table.on('draw.dt', function(e) { selectRows(false); }); methods.selectRows = function(selected, ignoreSelectable) { selected1 = $.makeArray(selected); selectRows(ignoreSelectable); changeInput('rows_selected', selected1); } } if (inArray(selTarget, ['column', 'row+column'])) { if (selTarget === 'row+column') { $(table.columns().footer()).css('cursor', 'pointer'); } // update selected2's value based on selectable2 var onlyKeepSelectableCols = function() { if (selDisable) { // users can't select; useful when only want backend select selected2 = []; return; } if (selectable2.length === 0) return; var nonselectable = selectable2[0] <= 0; if (nonselectable) { // need to make selectable2 positive selected2 = $(selected2).not(selectable2.map(function(i) { return -i; })).get(); } else { selected2 = $(selected2).filter(selectable2).get(); } } // update selected2 and then // refresh the col selection state according to values in selected2 var selectCols = function(ignoreSelectable) { if (!ignoreSelectable) onlyKeepSelectableCols(); // if selected2 is not a valide index (e.g., larger than the column number) // table.columns(selected2) will fail and result in a blank table // this is different from the table.rows(), where the out-of-range indexes // doesn't affect at all selected2 = $(selected2).filter(table.columns().indexes()).get(); table.columns().nodes().flatten().to$().removeClass(selClass); if (selected2.length > 0) table.columns(selected2).nodes().flatten().to$().addClass(selClass); } var callback = function() { var colIdx = selTarget === 'column' ? table.cell(this).index().column : $.inArray(this, table.columns().footer()), thisCol = $(table.column(colIdx).nodes()); if (colIdx === -1) return; if (thisCol.hasClass(selClass)) { thisCol.removeClass(selClass); selected2.splice($.inArray(colIdx, selected2), 1); } else { if (selMode === 'single') $(table.cells().nodes()).removeClass(selClass); thisCol.addClass(selClass); selected2 = selMode === 'single' ? [colIdx] : unique(selected2.concat([colIdx])); } selectCols(false); // update selected2 based on selectable changeInput('columns_selected', selected2); } if (selTarget === 'column') { $(table.table().body()).on('click.dt', 'td', callback); } else { $(table.table().footer()).on('click.dt', 'tr th', callback); } selectCols(false); // in case users have specified pre-selected columns changeInput('columns_selected', selected2); if (server) table.on('draw.dt', function(e) { selectCols(false); }); methods.selectColumns = function(selected, ignoreSelectable) { selected2 = $.makeArray(selected); selectCols(ignoreSelectable); changeInput('columns_selected', selected2); } } if (selTarget === 'cell') { var selected3 = [], selectable3 = []; if (selected !== null) selected3 = selected; if (selectable !== null && typeof selectable !== 'boolean') selectable3 = selectable; var findIndex = function(ij, sel) { for (var i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { if (ij[0] === sel[i][0] && ij[1] === sel[i][1]) return i; } return -1; } // Change selected3's value based on selectable3, then refresh the cell state var onlyKeepSelectableCells = function() { if (selDisable) { // users can't select; useful when only want backend select selected3 = []; return; } if (selectable3.length === 0) return; var nonselectable = selectable3[0][0] <= 0; var out = []; if (nonselectable) { selected3.map(function(ij) { // should make selectable3 positive if (findIndex([-ij[0], -ij[1]], selectable3) === -1) { out.push(ij); } }); } else { selected3.map(function(ij) { if (findIndex(ij, selectable3) > -1) { out.push(ij); } }); } selected3 = out; } // Change selected3's value based on selectable3, then // refresh the cell selection state according to values in selected3 var selectCells = function(ignoreSelectable) { if (!ignoreSelectable) onlyKeepSelectableCells(); table.$('td.' + selClass).removeClass(selClass); if (selected3.length === 0) return; if (server) { table.cells({page: 'current'}).every(function() { var info = tweakCellIndex(this); if (findIndex([info.row, info.col], selected3) > -1) $(this.node()).addClass(selClass); }); } else { selected3.map(function(ij) { $(table.cell(ij[0] - 1, ij[1]).node()).addClass(selClass); }); } }; table.on('click.dt', 'tbody td', function() { var $this = $(this), info = tweakCellIndex(table.cell(this)); if ($this.hasClass(selClass)) { $this.removeClass(selClass); selected3.splice(findIndex([info.row, info.col], selected3), 1); } else { if (selMode === 'single') $(table.cells().nodes()).removeClass(selClass); $this.addClass(selClass); selected3 = selMode === 'single' ? [[info.row, info.col]] : unique(selected3.concat([[info.row, info.col]])); } selectCells(false); // must call this to update selected3 based on selectable3 changeInput('cells_selected', transposeArray2D(selected3), 'shiny.matrix'); }); selectCells(false); // in case users have specified pre-selected columns changeInput('cells_selected', transposeArray2D(selected3), 'shiny.matrix'); if (server) table.on('draw.dt', function(e) { selectCells(false); }); methods.selectCells = function(selected, ignoreSelectable) { selected3 = selected ? selected : []; selectCells(ignoreSelectable); changeInput('cells_selected', transposeArray2D(selected3), 'shiny.matrix'); } } } // expose some table info to Shiny var updateTableInfo = function(e, settings) { // TODO: is anyone interested in the page info? // changeInput('page_info', table.page.info()); var updateRowInfo = function(id, modifier) { var idx; if (server) { idx = modifier.page === 'current' ? DT_rows_current : DT_rows_all; } else { var rows = table.rows($.extend({ search: 'applied', page: 'all' }, modifier)); idx = addOne(rows.indexes().toArray()); } changeInput('rows' + '_' + id, idx); }; updateRowInfo('current', {page: 'current'}); updateRowInfo('all', {}); } table.on('draw.dt', updateTableInfo); updateTableInfo(); // state info table.on('draw.dt column-visibility.dt', function() { changeInput('state', table.state()); }); changeInput('state', table.state()); // search info var updateSearchInfo = function() { changeInput('search', table.search()); if (filterRow) changeInput('search_columns', filterRow.toArray().map(function(td) { return $(td).find('input').first().val(); })); } table.on('draw.dt', updateSearchInfo); updateSearchInfo(); var cellInfo = function(thiz) { var info = tweakCellIndex(table.cell(thiz)); info.value = table.cell(thiz).data(); return info; } // the current cell clicked on table.on('click.dt', 'tbody td', function() { changeInput('cell_clicked', cellInfo(this), null, null, {priority: 'event'}); }) changeInput('cell_clicked', {}); // do not trigger table selection when clicking on links unless they have classes table.on('mousedown.dt', 'tbody td a', function(e) { if (this.className === '') e.stopPropagation(); }); methods.addRow = function(data, rowname, resetPaging) { var n = table.columns().indexes().length, d = n - data.length; if (d === 1) { data = rowname.concat(data) } else if (d !== 0) { console.log(data); console.log(table.columns().indexes()); throw 'New data must be of the same length as current data (' + n + ')'; }; table.row.add(data).draw(resetPaging); } methods.updateSearch = function(keywords) { if (keywords.global !== null) $(table.table().container()).find('input[type=search]').first() .val(keywords.global).trigger('input'); var columns = keywords.columns; if (!filterRow || columns === null) return; filterRow.toArray().map(function(td, i) { var v = typeof columns === 'string' ? columns : columns[i]; if (typeof v === 'undefined') { console.log('The search keyword for column ' + i + ' is undefined') return; } // Update column search string and values on linked filter widgets. // 'input' for factor and char filters, 'change' for numeric filters. $(td).find('input').first().val(v).trigger('input', [true]).trigger('change'); }); table.draw(); } methods.hideCols = function(hide, reset) { if (reset) table.columns().visible(true, false); table.columns(hide).visible(false); } methods.showCols = function(show, reset) { if (reset) table.columns().visible(false, false); table.columns(show).visible(true); } methods.colReorder = function(order, origOrder) { table.colReorder.order(order, origOrder); } methods.selectPage = function(page) { if (table.page.info().pages < page || page < 1) { throw 'Selected page is out of range'; }; table.page(page - 1).draw(false); } methods.reloadData = function(resetPaging, clearSelection) { // empty selections first if necessary if (methods.selectRows && inArray('row', clearSelection)) methods.selectRows([]); if (methods.selectColumns && inArray('column', clearSelection)) methods.selectColumns([]); if (methods.selectCells && inArray('cell', clearSelection)) methods.selectCells([]); table.ajax.reload(null, resetPaging); } // update table filters (set new limits of sliders) methods.updateFilters = function(newProps) { // loop through each filter in the filter row filterRow.each(function(i, td) { var k = i; if (filterRow.length > newProps.length) { if (i === 0) return; // first column is row names k = i - 1; } // Update the filters to reflect the updated data. // Allow "falsy" (e.g. NULL) to signify a no-op. if (newProps[k]) { setFilterProps(td, newProps[k]); } }); }; table.shinyMethods = methods; }, resize: function(el, width, height, instance) { if (instance.data) this.renderValue(el, instance.data, instance); // dynamically adjust height if fillContainer = TRUE if (instance.fillContainer) this.fillAvailableHeight(el, height); this.adjustWidth(el); }, // dynamically set the scroll body to fill available height // (used with fillContainer = TRUE) fillAvailableHeight: function(el, availableHeight) { // see how much of the table is occupied by header/footer elements // and use that to compute a target scroll body height var dtWrapper = $(el).find('div.dataTables_wrapper'); var dtScrollBody = $(el).find($('div.dataTables_scrollBody')); var framingHeight = dtWrapper.innerHeight() - dtScrollBody.innerHeight(); var scrollBodyHeight = availableHeight - framingHeight; // we need to set `max-height` to none as datatables library now sets this // to a fixed height, disabling the ability to resize to fill the window, // as it will be set to a fixed 100px under such circumstances, e.g., RStudio IDE, // or FlexDashboard // see https://github.com/rstudio/DT/issues/951#issuecomment-1026464509 dtScrollBody.css('max-height', 'none'); // set the height dtScrollBody.height(scrollBodyHeight + 'px'); }, // adjust the width of columns; remove the hard-coded widths on table and the // scroll header when scrollX/Y are enabled adjustWidth: function(el) { var $el = $(el), table = $el.data('datatable'); if (table) table.columns.adjust(); $el.find('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner').css('width', '') .children('table').css('margin-left', ''); } }); if (!HTMLWidgets.shinyMode) return; Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('datatable-calls', function(data) { var id = data.id; var el = document.getElementById(id); var table = el ? $(el).data('datatable') : null; if (!table) { console.log("Couldn't find table with id " + id); return; } var methods = table.shinyMethods, call = data.call; if (methods[call.method]) { methods[call.method].apply(table, call.args); } else { console.log("Unknown method " + call.method); } }); })();