This functions sets up a nonlinear mixed effects model for an mmkin row object. An mmkin row object is essentially a list of mkinfit objects that have been obtained by fitting the same model to a list of datasets.

# S3 method for mmkin
  data = sys.frame(sys.parent()),
  random = fixed,
  correlation = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  method = c("ML", "REML"),
  na.action =,
  control = list(),
  verbose = FALSE

# S3 method for nlme.mmkin
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)

# S3 method for nlme.mmkin
update(object, ...)



An mmkin row object.


Ignored, data are taken from the mmkin model


Ignored, all degradation parameters fitted in the mmkin model are used as fixed parameters


If not specified, correlated random effects are set up for all optimised degradation model parameters using the log-Cholesky parameterization nlme::pdLogChol that is also the default of the generic nlme method.


See the documentation of nlme


If not specified, mean values of the fitted degradation parameters taken from the mmkin object are used


See the documentation of nlme


passed to nlme


passed to nlme


passed to nlme


passed to nlme


passed to nlme


passed to nlme


passed to nlme


An nlme.mmkin object to print


Number of digits to use for printing


Update specifications passed to update.nlme


An nlme.mmkin object to update


Upon success, a fitted 'nlme.mmkin' object, which is an nlme object with additional elements. It also inherits from 'mixed.mmkin'.


As the object inherits from nlme::nlme, there is a wealth of methods that will automatically work on 'nlme.mmkin' objects, such as nlme::intervals(), nlme::anova.lme() and nlme::coef.lme().

See also


ds <- lapply(experimental_data_for_UBA_2019[6:10], function(x) subset(x$data[c("name", "time", "value")], name == "parent")) f <- mmkin(c("SFO", "DFOP"), ds, quiet = TRUE, cores = 1) library(nlme) f_nlme_sfo <- nlme(f["SFO", ])
#> Warning: Iteration 1, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
# \dontrun{ f_nlme_dfop <- nlme(f["DFOP", ]) anova(f_nlme_sfo, f_nlme_dfop)
#> Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value #> f_nlme_sfo 1 6 622.0677 637.0666 -305.0338 #> f_nlme_dfop 2 15 487.0134 524.5105 -228.5067 1 vs 2 153.0543 <.0001
#> Kinetic nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood #> #> Structural model: #> d_parent/dt = - ((k1 * g * exp(-k1 * time) + k2 * (1 - g) * exp(-k2 * #> time)) / (g * exp(-k1 * time) + (1 - g) * exp(-k2 * time))) #> * parent #> #> Data: #> 90 observations of 1 variable(s) grouped in 5 datasets #> #> Log-likelihood: -228.5067 #> #> Fixed effects: #> list(parent_0 ~ 1, log_k1 ~ 1, log_k2 ~ 1, g_qlogis ~ 1) #> parent_0 log_k1 log_k2 g_qlogis #> 94.18273 -1.82135 -4.16872 0.08949 #> #> Random effects: #> Formula: list(parent_0 ~ 1, log_k1 ~ 1, log_k2 ~ 1, g_qlogis ~ 1) #> Level: ds #> Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization #> StdDev Corr #> parent_0 2.4656397 prnt_0 log_k1 log_k2 #> log_k1 0.7950788 0.240 #> log_k2 1.2605419 0.150 0.984 #> g_qlogis 0.5013272 -0.075 0.843 0.834 #> Residual 2.3308100 #>
#> $distimes #> DT50 DT90 DT50back DT50_k1 DT50_k2 #> parent 10.57119 101.0652 30.42366 4.283776 44.80015 #>
ds_2 <- lapply(experimental_data_for_UBA_2019[6:10], function(x) x$data[c("name", "time", "value")]) m_sfo_sfo <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("SFO", "A1"), A1 = mkinsub("SFO"), use_of_ff = "min", quiet = TRUE) m_sfo_sfo_ff <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("SFO", "A1"), A1 = mkinsub("SFO"), use_of_ff = "max", quiet = TRUE) m_dfop_sfo <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("DFOP", "A1"), A1 = mkinsub("SFO"), quiet = TRUE) f_2 <- mmkin(list("SFO-SFO" = m_sfo_sfo, "SFO-SFO-ff" = m_sfo_sfo_ff, "DFOP-SFO" = m_dfop_sfo), ds_2, quiet = TRUE) f_nlme_sfo_sfo <- nlme(f_2["SFO-SFO", ])
#> Warning: Iteration 1, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 2, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
# With formation fractions this does not coverge with defaults # f_nlme_sfo_sfo_ff <- nlme(f_2["SFO-SFO-ff", ]) #plot(f_nlme_sfo_sfo_ff) # With the log-Cholesky parameterization, this converges in 11 # iterations and around 100 seconds, but without tweaking control # parameters (with pdDiag, increasing the tolerance and pnlsMaxIter was # necessary) f_nlme_dfop_sfo <- nlme(f_2["DFOP-SFO", ])
#> Warning: Iteration 1, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 2, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 3, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 4, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
anova(f_nlme_dfop_sfo, f_nlme_sfo_sfo)
#> Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value #> f_nlme_dfop_sfo 1 28 811.7199 899.5222 -377.8599 #> f_nlme_sfo_sfo 2 15 1075.1934 1122.2304 -522.5967 1 vs 2 289.4736 <.0001
#> $ff #> parent_sink parent_A1 A1_sink #> 0.6512742 0.3487258 1.0000000 #> #> $distimes #> DT50 DT90 #> parent 18.03144 59.89916 #> A1 102.72949 341.25997 #>
#> $ff #> parent_A1 parent_sink #> 0.2762167 0.7237833 #> #> $distimes #> DT50 DT90 DT50back DT50_k1 DT50_k2 #> parent 11.15024 133.9652 40.32755 4.688015 62.16017 #> A1 235.83191 783.4167 NA NA NA #>
if (length(findFunction("varConstProp")) > 0) { # tc error model for nlme available # Attempts to fit metabolite kinetics with the tc error model are possible, # but need tweeking of control values and sometimes do not converge f_tc <- mmkin(c("SFO", "DFOP"), ds, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "tc") f_nlme_sfo_tc <- nlme(f_tc["SFO", ]) f_nlme_dfop_tc <- nlme(f_tc["DFOP", ]) AIC(f_nlme_sfo, f_nlme_sfo_tc, f_nlme_dfop, f_nlme_dfop_tc) print(f_nlme_dfop_tc) }
#> Warning: Iteration 1, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 14, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 1, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 2, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 4, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 5, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 6, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 7, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 8, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 9, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 10, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 11, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 12, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 14, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 15, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 16, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 17, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 18, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Kinetic nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood #> #> Structural model: #> d_parent/dt = - ((k1 * g * exp(-k1 * time) + k2 * (1 - g) * exp(-k2 * #> time)) / (g * exp(-k1 * time) + (1 - g) * exp(-k2 * time))) #> * parent #> #> Data: #> 90 observations of 1 variable(s) grouped in 5 datasets #> #> Log-likelihood: -228.3575 #> #> Fixed effects: #> list(parent_0 ~ 1, log_k1 ~ 1, log_k2 ~ 1, g_qlogis ~ 1) #> parent_0 log_k1 log_k2 g_qlogis #> 93.6695 -1.9187 -4.4253 0.2215 #> #> Random effects: #> Formula: list(parent_0 ~ 1, log_k1 ~ 1, log_k2 ~ 1, g_qlogis ~ 1) #> Level: ds #> Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization #> StdDev Corr #> parent_0 2.8574651 prnt_0 log_k1 log_k2 #> log_k1 0.9689083 0.506 #> log_k2 1.5798002 0.446 0.997 #> g_qlogis 0.5761569 -0.457 0.247 0.263 #> Residual 1.0000000 #> #> Variance function: #> Structure: Constant plus proportion of variance covariate #> Formula: ~fitted(.) #> Parameter estimates: #> const prop #> 2.0376990 0.0221686
f_2_obs <- mmkin(list("SFO-SFO" = m_sfo_sfo, "DFOP-SFO" = m_dfop_sfo), ds_2, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "obs") f_nlme_sfo_sfo_obs <- nlme(f_2_obs["SFO-SFO", ])
#> Warning: Iteration 1, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Kinetic nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood #> #> Structural model: #> d_parent/dt = - k_parent_sink * parent - k_parent_A1 * parent #> d_A1/dt = + k_parent_A1 * parent - k_A1_sink * A1 #> #> Data: #> 170 observations of 2 variable(s) grouped in 5 datasets #> #> Log-likelihood: -462.2203 #> #> Fixed effects: #> list(parent_0 ~ 1, log_k_parent_sink ~ 1, log_k_parent_A1 ~ 1, log_k_A1_sink ~ 1) #> parent_0 log_k_parent_sink log_k_parent_A1 log_k_A1_sink #> 88.682 -3.664 -4.164 -4.665 #> #> Random effects: #> Formula: list(parent_0 ~ 1, log_k_parent_sink ~ 1, log_k_parent_A1 ~ 1, log_k_A1_sink ~ 1) #> Level: ds #> Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization #> StdDev Corr #> parent_0 4.9153305 prnt_0 lg_k__ l___A1 #> log_k_parent_sink 1.8158570 0.956 #> log_k_parent_A1 1.0514548 0.821 0.907 #> log_k_A1_sink 0.4924122 0.035 0.315 0.533 #> Residual 6.3987599 #> #> Variance function: #> Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum #> Formula: ~1 | name #> Parameter estimates: #> parent A1 #> 1.0000000 0.2040647
f_nlme_dfop_sfo_obs <- nlme(f_2_obs["DFOP-SFO", ])
#> Warning: Iteration 1, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 2, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 3, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 4, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
f_2_tc <- mmkin(list("SFO-SFO" = m_sfo_sfo, "DFOP-SFO" = m_dfop_sfo), ds_2, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "tc") # f_nlme_sfo_sfo_tc <- nlme(f_2_tc["SFO-SFO", ]) # stops with error message f_nlme_dfop_sfo_tc <- nlme(f_2_tc["DFOP-SFO", ])
#> Warning: Iteration 1, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 2, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 3, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 4, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). Do increase 'msMaxIter'!
#> Warning: Iteration 6, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 7, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 8, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 9, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 11, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 12, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 15, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
#> Warning: Iteration 25, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)
# We get warnings about false convergence in the LME step in several iterations # but as the last such warning occurs in iteration 25 and we have 28 iterations # we can ignore these anova(f_nlme_dfop_sfo, f_nlme_dfop_sfo_obs, f_nlme_dfop_sfo_tc)
#> Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value #> f_nlme_dfop_sfo 1 28 811.7199 899.5222 -377.8599 #> f_nlme_dfop_sfo_obs 2 29 784.1304 875.0685 -363.0652 1 vs 2 29.5895 <.0001 #> f_nlme_dfop_sfo_tc 3 29 791.9981 882.9362 -366.9990
# }