Lists model equations, initial parameter values, optimised parameters for fixed effects (population), random effects (deviations from the population mean) and residual error model, as well as the resulting endpoints such as formation fractions and DT50 values. Optionally (default is FALSE), the data are listed in full.
# S3 method for nlmixr.mmkin summary(object, data = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, distimes = TRUE, ...) # S3 method for summary.nlmixr.mmkin print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), verbose = x$verbose, ...)
object | an object of class nlmixr.mmkin |
data | logical, indicating whether the full data should be included in the summary. |
verbose | Should the summary be verbose? |
distimes | logical, indicating whether DT50 and DT90 values should be included. |
... | optional arguments passed to methods like |
x | an object of class summary.nlmixr.mmkin |
digits | Number of digits to use for printing |
The summary function returns a list obtained in the fit, with at least the following additional components
The nlmixr, mkin and R versions used
The dates where the fit and the summary were produced
The differential equations used in the degradation model
Was maximum or minimum use made of formation fractions
The data
Backtransformed parameters, with confidence intervals if available
The estimated formation fractions derived from the fitted model.
The DT50 and DT90 values for each observed variable.
If applicable, eigenvalues of SFORB components of the model.
Johannes Ranke for the mkin specific parts nlmixr authors for the parts inherited from nlmixr.
# Generate five datasets following DFOP-SFO kinetics sampling_times = c(0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 60, 90, 120) dfop_sfo <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("DFOP", "m1"), m1 = mkinsub("SFO"), quiet = TRUE) set.seed(1234) k1_in <- rlnorm(5, log(0.1), 0.3) k2_in <- rlnorm(5, log(0.02), 0.3) g_in <- plogis(rnorm(5, qlogis(0.5), 0.3)) f_parent_to_m1_in <- plogis(rnorm(5, qlogis(0.3), 0.3)) k_m1_in <- rlnorm(5, log(0.02), 0.3) pred_dfop_sfo <- function(k1, k2, g, f_parent_to_m1, k_m1) { mkinpredict(dfop_sfo, c(k1 = k1, k2 = k2, g = g, f_parent_to_m1 = f_parent_to_m1, k_m1 = k_m1), c(parent = 100, m1 = 0), sampling_times) } ds_mean_dfop_sfo <- lapply(1:5, function(i) { mkinpredict(dfop_sfo, c(k1 = k1_in[i], k2 = k2_in[i], g = g_in[i], f_parent_to_m1 = f_parent_to_m1_in[i], k_m1 = k_m1_in[i]), c(parent = 100, m1 = 0), sampling_times) }) names(ds_mean_dfop_sfo) <- paste("ds", 1:5) ds_syn_dfop_sfo <- lapply(ds_mean_dfop_sfo, function(ds) { add_err(ds, sdfunc = function(value) sqrt(1^2 + value^2 * 0.07^2), n = 1)[[1]] }) # \dontrun{ # Evaluate using mmkin and nlmixr f_mmkin_dfop_sfo <- mmkin(list(dfop_sfo), ds_syn_dfop_sfo, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "tc", cores = 5) f_saemix_dfop_sfo <- mkin::saem(f_mmkin_dfop_sfo)#> Running main SAEM algorithm #> [1] "Thu Sep 16 14:35:21 2021" #> .... #> Minimisation finished #> [1] "Thu Sep 16 14:35:33 2021"#> Warning: Iteration 4, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)#> Warning: Iteration 6, LME step: nlminb() did not converge (code = 1). PORT message: false convergence (8)#>#>#>#>#>#>#> Error in configsaem(model = model, data = dat, inits = inits, mcmc = .mcmc, ODEopt = .ODEopt, seed = .seed, distribution = .dist, DEBUG = .DEBUG, addProp = .addProp, tol = .tol, itmax = .itmax, type = .type, powRange = .powRange, lambdaRange = .lambdaRange): covariate(s) not found: f_parent_to_m1#># The following takes a very long time but gives f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei <- nlmixr(f_mmkin_dfop_sfo, est = "focei")#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #> #>#>#>#> Error in (function (data, inits, PKpars, model = NULL, pred = NULL, err = NULL, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, fixed = NULL, skipCov = NULL, control = foceiControl(), thetaNames = NULL, etaNames = NULL, etaMat = NULL, ..., env = NULL, keep = NULL, drop = NULL) { set.seed(control$seed) .pt <- proc.time() RxODE::.setWarnIdSort(FALSE) on.exit(RxODE::.setWarnIdSort(TRUE)) loadNamespace("n1qn1") if (!RxODE::rxIs(control, "foceiControl")) { control <-, control) } if (is.null(env)) { .ret <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) } else { .ret <- env } .ret$origData <- data .ret$etaNames <- etaNames .ret$thetaFixed <- fixed .ret$control <- control .ret$control$ <- integer(0) if (is(model, "RxODE") || is(model, "character")) { .ret$ODEmodel <- TRUE if (class(pred) != "function") { stop("pred must be a function specifying the prediction variables in this model.") } } else { .ret$ODEmodel <- TRUE model <- RxODE::rxGetLin(PKpars) pred <- eval(parse(text = "function(){return(Central);}")) } .square <- function(x) x * x .ret$diagXformInv <- c(sqrt = ".square", log = "exp", identity = "identity")[control$diagXform] if (is.null(err)) { err <- eval(parse(text = paste0("function(){err", paste(inits$ERROR[[1]], collapse = ""), "}"))) } .covNames <- .parNames <- c() .ret$adjLik <- control$adjLik .mixed <- !is.null(inits$OMGA) && length(inits$OMGA) > 0 if (!exists("noLik", envir = .ret)) { .atol <- rep(control$atol, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(model)$state)) .rtol <- rep(control$rtol, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(model)$state)) .ssAtol <- rep(control$ssAtol, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(model)$state)) .ssRtol <- rep(control$ssRtol, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(model)$state)) .ret$model <- RxODE::rxSymPySetupPred(model, pred, PKpars, err, grad = (control$derivMethod == 2L), pred.minus.dv = TRUE, = control$sumProd, theta.derivs = FALSE, optExpression = control$optExpression, interaction = (control$interaction == 1L), only.numeric = !.mixed, run.internal = TRUE, addProp = control$addProp) if (!is.null(.ret$model$inner)) { .atol <- c(.atol, rep(control$atolSens, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(.ret$model$inner)$state) - length(.atol))) .rtol <- c(.rtol, rep(control$rtolSens, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(.ret$model$inner)$state) - length(.rtol))) .ret$control$rxControl$atol <- .atol .ret$control$rxControl$rtol <- .rtol .ssAtol <- c(.ssAtol, rep(control$ssAtolSens, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(.ret$model$inner)$state) - length(.ssAtol))) .ssRtol <- c(.ssRtol, rep(control$ssRtolSens, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(.ret$model$inner)$state) - length(.ssRtol))) .ret$control$rxControl$ssAtol <- .ssAtol .ret$control$rxControl$ssRtol <- .ssRtol } .covNames <- .parNames <- RxODE::rxParams(.ret$model$pred.only) .covNames <- .covNames[regexpr(rex::rex(start, or("THETA", "ETA"), "[", numbers, "]", end), .covNames) == -1] colnames(data) <- sapply(names(data), function(x) { if (any(x == .covNames)) { return(x) } else { return(toupper(x)) } }) .lhs <- c(names(RxODE::rxInits(.ret$model$pred.only)), RxODE::rxLhs(.ret$model$pred.only)) if (length(.lhs) > 0) { .covNames <- .covNames[regexpr(rex::rex(start, or(.lhs), end), .covNames) == -1] } if (length(.covNames) > 0) { if (!all(.covNames %in% names(data))) { message("Model:") RxODE::rxCat(.ret$model$pred.only) message("Needed Covariates:") nlmixrPrint(.covNames) stop("Not all the covariates are in the dataset.") } message("Needed Covariates:") print(.covNames) } .extraPars <- .ret$model$ } else { if (.ret$noLik) { .atol <- rep(control$atol, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(model)$state)) .rtol <- rep(control$rtol, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(model)$state)) .ret$model <- RxODE::rxSymPySetupPred(model, pred, PKpars, err, grad = FALSE, pred.minus.dv = TRUE, = control$sumProd, theta.derivs = FALSE, optExpression = control$optExpression, run.internal = TRUE, only.numeric = TRUE, addProp = control$addProp) if (!is.null(.ret$model$inner)) { .atol <- c(.atol, rep(control$atolSens, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(.ret$model$inner)$state) - length(.atol))) .rtol <- c(.rtol, rep(control$rtolSens, length(RxODE::rxModelVars(.ret$model$inner)$state) - length(.rtol))) .ret$control$rxControl$atol <- .atol .ret$control$rxControl$rtol <- .rtol } .covNames <- .parNames <- RxODE::rxParams(.ret$model$pred.only) .covNames <- .covNames[regexpr(rex::rex(start, or("THETA", "ETA"), "[", numbers, "]", end), .covNames) == -1] colnames(data) <- sapply(names(data), function(x) { if (any(x == .covNames)) { return(x) } else { return(toupper(x)) } }) .lhs <- c(names(RxODE::rxInits(.ret$model$pred.only)), RxODE::rxLhs(.ret$model$pred.only)) if (length(.lhs) > 0) { .covNames <- .covNames[regexpr(rex::rex(start, or(.lhs), end), .covNames) == -1] } if (length(.covNames) > 0) { if (!all(.covNames %in% names(data))) { message("Model:") RxODE::rxCat(.ret$model$pred.only) message("Needed Covariates:") nlmixrPrint(.covNames) stop("Not all the covariates are in the dataset.") } message("Needed Covariates:") print(.covNames) } .extraPars <- .ret$model$ } else { .extraPars <- NULL } } .ret$skipCov <- skipCov if (is.null(skipCov)) { if (is.null(fixed)) { .tmp <- rep(FALSE, length(inits$THTA)) } else { if (length(fixed) < length(inits$THTA)) { .tmp <- c(fixed, rep(FALSE, length(inits$THTA) - length(fixed))) } else { .tmp <- fixed[1:length(inits$THTA)] } } if (exists("uif", envir = .ret)) { .uifErr <- .ret$uif$ini$err[!$uif$ini$ntheta)] .uifErr <- sapply(.uifErr, function(x) { if ( { return(FALSE) } return(!any(x == c("pow2", "tbs", "tbsYj"))) }) .tmp <- (.tmp | .uifErr) } .ret$skipCov <- c(.tmp, rep(TRUE, length(.extraPars))) .ret$control$ <- .ret$uif$ } if (is.null(.extraPars)) { .nms <- c(sprintf("THETA[%s]", seq_along(inits$THTA))) } else { .nms <- c(sprintf("THETA[%s]", seq_along(inits$THTA)), sprintf("ERR[%s]", seq_along(.extraPars))) } if (!is.null(thetaNames) && (length(inits$THTA) + length(.extraPars)) == length(thetaNames)) { .nms <- thetaNames } .ret$thetaNames <- .nms .thetaReset$thetaNames <- .nms if (length(lower) == 1) { lower <- rep(lower, length(inits$THTA)) } else if (length(lower) != length(inits$THTA)) { print(inits$THTA) print(lower) stop("Lower must be a single constant for all the THETA lower bounds, or match the dimension of THETA.") } if (length(upper) == 1) { upper <- rep(upper, length(inits$THTA)) } else if (length(lower) != length(inits$THTA)) { stop("Upper must be a single constant for all the THETA lower bounds, or match the dimension of THETA.") } if (!is.null(.extraPars)) { .ret$model$ <- eval(call(control$diagXform, .ret$model$ if (length(.ret$model$ > 0) { inits$THTA <- c(inits$THTA, .ret$model$ .lowerErr <- rep(control$atol[1] * 10, length(.ret$model$ .upperErr <- rep(Inf, length(.ret$model$ lower <- c(lower, .lowerErr) upper <- c(upper, .upperErr) } } if (is.null(data$ID)) stop("\"ID\" not found in data") if (is.null(data$DV)) stop("\"DV\" not found in data") if (is.null(data$EVID)) data$EVID <- 0 if (is.null(data$AMT)) data$AMT <- 0 for (.v in c("TIME", "AMT", "DV", .covNames)) { data[[.v]] <- as.double(data[[.v]]) } .ret$dataSav <- data .ds <- data[data$EVID != 0 & data$EVID != 2, c("ID", "TIME", "AMT", "EVID", .covNames)] .w <- which(tolower(names(data)) == "limit") .limitName <- NULL if (length(.w) == 1L) { .limitName <- names(data)[.w] } .censName <- NULL .w <- which(tolower(names(data)) == "cens") if (length(.w) == 1L) { .censName <- names(data[.w]) } data <- data[data$EVID == 0 | data$EVID == 2, c("ID", "TIME", "DV", "EVID", .covNames, .limitName, .censName)] .w <- which(!(names(.ret$dataSav) %in% c(.covNames, keep))) names(.ret$dataSav)[.w] <- tolower(names(.ret$dataSav[.w])) if (.mixed) { .lh <- .parseOM(inits$OMGA) .nlh <- sapply(.lh, length) .osplt <- rep(1:length(.lh), .nlh) .lini <- list(inits$THTA, unlist(.lh)) .nlini <- sapply(.lini, length) .nsplt <- rep(1:length(.lini), .nlini) .om0 <- .genOM(.lh) if (length(etaNames) == dim(.om0)[1]) { .ret$etaNames <- .ret$etaNames } else { .ret$etaNames <- sprintf("ETA[%d]", seq(1, dim(.om0)[1])) } .ret$rxInv <- RxODE::rxSymInvCholCreate(mat = .om0, diag.xform = control$diagXform) .ret$xType <- .ret$rxInv$xType .om0a <- .om0 .om0a <- .om0a/control$diagOmegaBoundLower .om0b <- .om0 .om0b <- .om0b * control$diagOmegaBoundUpper .om0a <- RxODE::rxSymInvCholCreate(mat = .om0a, diag.xform = control$diagXform) .om0b <- RxODE::rxSymInvCholCreate(mat = .om0b, diag.xform = control$diagXform) .omdf <- data.frame(a = .om0a$theta, m = .ret$rxInv$theta, b = .om0b$theta, diag = .om0a$theta.diag) .omdf$lower <- with(.omdf, ifelse(a > b, b, a)) .omdf$lower <- with(.omdf, ifelse(lower == m, -Inf, lower)) .omdf$lower <- with(.omdf, ifelse(!diag, -Inf, lower)) .omdf$upper <- with(.omdf, ifelse(a < b, b, a)) .omdf$upper <- with(.omdf, ifelse(upper == m, Inf, upper)) .omdf$upper <- with(.omdf, ifelse(!diag, Inf, upper)) .ret$control$nomega <- length(.omdf$lower) .ret$control$neta <- sum(.omdf$diag) .ret$control$ntheta <- length(lower) .ret$control$nfixed <- sum(fixed) lower <- c(lower, .omdf$lower) upper <- c(upper, .omdf$upper) } else { .ret$control$nomega <- 0 .ret$control$neta <- 0 .ret$xType <- -1 .ret$control$ntheta <- length(lower) .ret$control$nfixed <- sum(fixed) } .ret$lower <- lower .ret$upper <- upper .ret$thetaIni <- inits$THTA .scaleC <- double(length(lower)) if (is.null(control$scaleC)) { .scaleC <- rep(NA_real_, length(lower)) } else { .scaleC <- as.double(control$scaleC) if (length(lower) > length(.scaleC)) { .scaleC <- c(.scaleC, rep(NA_real_, length(lower) - length(.scaleC))) } else if (length(lower) < length(.scaleC)) { .scaleC <- .scaleC[seq(1, length(lower))] warning("scaleC control option has more options than estimated population parameters, please check.") } } .ret$scaleC <- .scaleC if (exists("uif", envir = .ret)) { .ini <-$uif$ini)[!$uif$ini$err), c("est", "err", "ntheta")] for (.i in seq_along(.ini$err)) { if ($scaleC[.ini$ntheta[.i]])) { if (any(.ini$err[.i] == c("boxCox", "yeoJohnson", "pow2", "tbs", "tbsYj"))) { .ret$scaleC[.ini$ntheta[.i]] <- 1 } else if (any(.ini$err[.i] == c("prop", "add", "norm", "dnorm", "logn", "dlogn", "lnorm", "dlnorm"))) { .ret$scaleC[.ini$ntheta[.i]] <- 0.5 * abs(.ini$est[.i]) } } } for (.i in .ini$model$extraProps$powTheta) { if ($scaleC[.i])) .ret$scaleC[.i] <- 1 } .ini <-$uif$ini) for (.i in .ini$model$extraProps$factorial) { if ($scaleC[.i])) .ret$scaleC[.i] <- abs(1/digamma(.ini$est[.i] + 1)) } for (.i in .ini$model$extraProps$gamma) { if ($scaleC[.i])) .ret$scaleC[.i] <- abs(1/digamma(.ini$est[.i])) } for (.i in .ini$model$extraProps$log) { if ($scaleC[.i])) .ret$scaleC[.i] <- log(abs(.ini$est[.i])) * abs(.ini$est[.i]) } for (.i in .ret$logitThetas) { .b <- .ret$logitThetasLow[.i] .c <- .ret$logitThetasHi[.i] .a <- .ini$est[.i] if ($scaleC[.i])) { .ret$scaleC[.i] <- 1 * (-.b + .c) * exp(-.a)/((1 + exp(-.a))^2 * (.b + 1 * (-.b + .c)/(1 + exp(-.a)))) } } } names(.ret$thetaIni) <- sprintf("THETA[%d]", seq_along(.ret$thetaIni)) if (is.null(etaMat) & !is.null(control$etaMat)) { .ret$etaMat <- control$etaMat } else { .ret$etaMat <- etaMat } .ret$setupTime <- (proc.time() - .pt)["elapsed"] if (exists("uif", envir = .ret)) { .tmp <- .ret$uif$logThetasList .ret$logThetas <- .tmp[[1]] .ret$logThetasF <- .tmp[[2]] .tmp <- .ret$uif$logitThetasList .ret$logitThetas <- .tmp[[1]] .ret$logitThetasF <- .tmp[[2]] .tmp <- .ret$uif$logitThetasListLow .ret$logitThetasLow <- .tmp[[1]] .ret$logitThetasLowF <- .tmp[[2]] .tmp <- .ret$uif$logitThetasListHi .ret$logitThetasHi <- .tmp[[1]] .ret$logitThetasHiF <- .tmp[[2]] .tmp <- .ret$uif$probitThetasList .ret$probitThetas <- .tmp[[1]] .ret$probitThetasF <- .tmp[[2]] .tmp <- .ret$uif$probitThetasListLow .ret$probitThetasLow <- .tmp[[1]] .ret$probitThetasLowF <- .tmp[[2]] .tmp <- .ret$uif$probitThetasListHi .ret$probitThetasHi <- .tmp[[1]] .ret$probitThetasHiF <- .tmp[[2]] } else { .ret$logThetasF <- integer(0) .ret$logitThetasF <- integer(0) .ret$logitThetasHiF <- numeric(0) .ret$logitThetasLowF <- numeric(0) .ret$logitThetas <- integer(0) .ret$logitThetasHi <- numeric(0) .ret$logitThetasLow <- numeric(0) .ret$probitThetasF <- integer(0) .ret$probitThetasHiF <- numeric(0) .ret$probitThetasLowF <- numeric(0) .ret$probitThetas <- integer(0) .ret$probitThetasHi <- numeric(0) .ret$probitThetasLow <- numeric(0) } if (exists("noLik", envir = .ret)) { if (!.ret$noLik) { .ret$.params <- c(sprintf("THETA[%d]", seq_along(.ret$thetaIni)), sprintf("ETA[%d]", seq(1, dim(.om0)[1]))) .ret$.thetan <- length(.ret$thetaIni) .ret$nobs <- sum(data$EVID == 0) } } .ret$control$printTop <- TRUE .ret$control$nF <- 0 .est0 <- .ret$thetaIni if (!is.null(.ret$model$pred.nolhs)) { .ret$control$predNeq <- length(.ret$model$pred.nolhs$state) } else { .ret$control$predNeq <- 0L } .fitFun <- function(.ret) { this.env <- environment() assign("err", "theta reset", this.env) while (this.env$err == "theta reset") { assign("err", "", this.env) .ret0 <- tryCatch({ foceiFitCpp_(.ret) }, error = function(e) { if (regexpr("theta reset", e$message) != -1) { assign("zeroOuter", FALSE, this.env) assign("zeroGrad", FALSE, this.env) if (regexpr("theta reset0", e$message) != -1) { assign("zeroGrad", TRUE, this.env) } else if (regexpr("theta resetZ", e$message) != -1) { assign("zeroOuter", TRUE, this.env) } assign("err", "theta reset", this.env) } else { assign("err", e$message, this.env) } }) if (this.env$err == "theta reset") { .nm <- names(.ret$thetaIni) .ret$thetaIni <- setNames(.thetaReset$thetaIni + 0, .nm) .ret$rxInv$theta <- .thetaReset$omegaTheta .ret$control$printTop <- FALSE .ret$etaMat <- .thetaReset$etaMat .ret$control$etaMat <- .thetaReset$etaMat .ret$control$maxInnerIterations <- .thetaReset$maxInnerIterations .ret$control$nF <- .thetaReset$nF .ret$control$gillRetC <- .thetaReset$gillRetC .ret$control$gillRet <- .thetaReset$gillRet .ret$control$gillRet <- .thetaReset$gillRet .ret$control$gillDf <- .thetaReset$gillDf .ret$control$gillDf2 <- .thetaReset$gillDf2 .ret$control$gillErr <- .thetaReset$gillErr .ret$control$rEps <- .thetaReset$rEps .ret$control$aEps <- .thetaReset$aEps .ret$control$rEpsC <- .thetaReset$rEpsC .ret$control$aEpsC <- .thetaReset$aEpsC .ret$control$c1 <- .thetaReset$c1 .ret$control$c2 <- .thetaReset$c2 if (this.env$zeroOuter) { message("Posthoc reset") .ret$control$maxOuterIterations <- 0L } else if (this.env$zeroGrad) { message("Theta reset (zero gradient values); Switch to bobyqa") RxODE::rxReq("minqa") .ret$control$outerOptFun <- .bobyqa .ret$control$outerOpt <- -1L } else { message("Theta reset (ETA drift)") } } } if (this.env$err != "") { stop(this.env$err) } else { return(.ret0) } } .ret0 <- try(.fitFun(.ret)) .n <- 1 while (inherits(.ret0, "try-error") && control$maxOuterIterations != 0 && .n <= control$nRetries) { message(sprintf("Restart %s", .n)) .ret$control$nF <- 0 .estNew <- .est0 + 0.2 * .n * abs(.est0) * stats::runif(length(.est0)) - 0.1 * .n .estNew <- sapply(seq_along(.est0), function(.i) { if (.ret$thetaFixed[.i]) { return(.est0[.i]) } else if (.estNew[.i] < lower[.i]) { return(lower + (.Machine$double.eps)^(1/7)) } else if (.estNew[.i] > upper[.i]) { return(upper - (.Machine$double.eps)^(1/7)) } else { return(.estNew[.i]) } }) .ret$thetaIni <- .estNew .ret0 <- try(.fitFun(.ret)) .n <- .n + 1 } if (inherits(.ret0, "try-error")) stop("Could not fit data.") .ret <- .ret0 if (exists("parHistData", .ret)) { .tmp <- .ret$parHistData .tmp <- .tmp[.tmp$type == "Unscaled", names(.tmp) != "type"] .iter <- .tmp$iter .tmp <- .tmp[, names(.tmp) != "iter"] .ret$parHistStacked <- data.frame(stack(.tmp), iter = .iter) names(.ret$parHistStacked) <- c("val", "par", "iter") .ret$parHist <- data.frame(iter = .iter, .tmp) } if (.mixed) { .etas <- .ret$ranef .thetas <- .ret$fixef .pars <- .Call(`_nlmixr_nlmixrParameters`, .thetas, .etas) .ret$shrink <- .Call(`_nlmixr_calcShrinkOnly`, .ret$omega, .pars$eta.lst, length(.etas$ID)) .updateParFixed(.ret) } else { .updateParFixed(.ret) } if (!exists("table", .ret)) { .ret$table <- tableControl() } if (control$calcTables) { .ret <- addTable(.ret, updateObject = "no", keep = keep, drop = drop, table = .ret$table) } .ret})(data = dat, inits = .FoceiInits, PKpars = .pars, model = .mod, pred = function() { return(nlmixr_pred) }, err = uif$error, lower = uif$focei.lower, upper = uif$focei.upper, fixed = uif$focei.fixed, thetaNames = uif$focei.names, etaNames = uif$eta.names, control = control, env = env, keep = .keep, drop = .drop): Not all the covariates are in the dataset.#>#> Error in AIC(f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_saem$nm, f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_focei$nm): object 'f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_saem' not found#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'summary': object 'f_nlmixr_dfop_sfo_sfo' not found# }