Time course of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and the corresponding 2,4,5-trichlorophenol and 2,4,5-trichloroanisole as recovered in diethylether extracts.



A dataframe containing the following variables.


the name of the compound observed. Note that T245 is used as an acronym for 2,4,5-T. T245 is a legitimate object name in R, which is necessary for specifying models using mkinmod.


a numeric vector containing sampling times in days after treatment


a numeric vector containing concentrations in percent of applied radioactivity


a factor containing the name of the soil


McCall P, Vrona SA, Kelley SS (1981) Fate of uniformly carbon-14 ring labeled 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. J Agric Chem 29, 100-107 http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf00103a026


SFO_SFO_SFO <- mkinmod(T245 = list(type = "SFO", to = "phenol"), phenol = list(type = "SFO", to = "anisole"), anisole = list(type = "SFO"))
#> Successfully compiled differential equation model from auto-generated C code.
fit.1 <- mkinfit(SFO_SFO_SFO, subset(mccall81_245T, soil == "Commerce"), quiet = TRUE) summary(fit.1)$bpar
#> Warning: Could not estimate covariance matrix; singular system.
#> Estimate se_notrans t value Pr(>t) Lower #> T245_0 1.038550e+02 2.4256088519 4.281607e+01 7.235908e-20 NA #> k_T245_sink 1.636106e-02 0.0183803090 8.901408e-01 1.925667e-01 NA #> k_T245_phenol 2.700936e-02 0.0179604385 1.503825e+00 7.498498e-02 NA #> k_phenol_sink 1.286034e-11 0.2810970202 4.575054e-11 5.000000e-01 NA #> k_phenol_anisole 4.050581e-01 0.1608928349 2.517564e+00 1.075371e-02 NA #> k_anisole_sink 6.678742e-03 0.0008199239 8.145563e+00 9.469402e-08 NA #> Upper #> T245_0 NA #> k_T245_sink NA #> k_T245_phenol NA #> k_phenol_sink NA #> k_phenol_anisole NA #> k_anisole_sink NA
#> $ff #> T245_sink T245_phenol phenol_sink phenol_anisole anisole_sink #> 3.772401e-01 6.227599e-01 3.174937e-11 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 #> #> $SFORB #> logical(0) #> #> $distimes #> DT50 DT90 #> T245 15.982025 53.09114 #> phenol 1.711229 5.68458 #> anisole 103.784093 344.76330 #>
# No convergence, no covariance matrix ... # k_phenol_sink is really small, therefore fix it to zero fit.2 <- mkinfit(SFO_SFO_SFO, subset(mccall81_245T, soil == "Commerce"), parms.ini = c(k_phenol_sink = 0), fixed_parms = "k_phenol_sink", quiet = TRUE) summary(fit.2)$bpar
#> Estimate se_notrans t value Pr(>t) Lower #> T245_0 1.038550e+02 2.3517950656 44.159900 6.461715e-21 98.932670927 #> k_T245_sink 1.636106e-02 0.0021685502 7.544701 1.978480e-07 0.012397413 #> k_T245_phenol 2.700936e-02 0.0013511301 19.990199 1.606634e-14 0.024324422 #> k_phenol_anisole 4.050581e-01 0.1238660786 3.270129 2.013627e-03 0.213574853 #> k_anisole_sink 6.678742e-03 0.0007468908 8.942059 1.543812e-08 0.005284957 #> Upper #> T245_0 1.087774e+02 #> k_T245_sink 2.159195e-02 #> k_T245_phenol 2.999066e-02 #> k_phenol_anisole 7.682180e-01 #> k_anisole_sink 8.440105e-03
#> $ff #> T245_sink T245_phenol phenol_sink phenol_anisole anisole_sink #> 3.772401e-01 6.227599e-01 3.174937e-11 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 #> #> $SFORB #> logical(0) #> #> $distimes #> DT50 DT90 #> T245 15.982025 53.09114 #> phenol 1.711229 5.68458 #> anisole 103.784093 344.76330 #>