Plot predictions from a fitted nonlinear mixed model obtained via an mmkin row object
# S3 method for mixed.mmkin
i = 1:ncol(x$mmkin),
obs_vars = names(x$mkinmod$map),
standardized = TRUE,
xlab = "Time",
xlim = range(x$data$time),
resplot = c("predicted", "time"),
pred_over = NULL,
test_log_parms = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.6,
default_log_parms = NA,
ymax = "auto",
maxabs = "auto",
ncol.legend = ifelse(length(i) <= 3, length(i) + 1, ifelse(length(i) <= 8, 3, 4)),
nrow.legend = ceiling((length(i) + 1)/ncol.legend),
rel.height.legend = 0.02 + 0.07 * nrow.legend,
rel.height.bottom = 1.1,
pch_ds = 1:length(i),
col_ds = pch_ds + 1,
lty_ds = col_ds,
frame = TRUE,
An object of class mixed.mmkin, saem.mmkin or nlme.mmkin
A numeric index to select datasets for which to plot the individual predictions, in case plots get too large
A character vector of names of the observed variables for which the data and the model should be plotted. Defauls to all observed variables in the model.
Should the residuals be standardized? Only takes effect if
resplot = "time"
Label for the x axis.
Plot range in x direction.
Should the residuals plotted against time or against predicted values?
Named list of alternative predictions as obtained from mkinpredict with a compatible mkinmod.
Passed to mean_degparms in the case of an mixed.mmkin object
Passed to mean_degparms in the case of an mixed.mmkin object
Passed to mean_degparms in the case of an mixed.mmkin object
Vector of maximum y axis values
Maximum absolute value of the residuals. This is used for the scaling of the y axis and defaults to "auto".
Number of columns to use in the legend
Number of rows to use in the legend
The relative height of the legend shown on top
The relative height of the bottom plot row
Symbols to be used for plotting the data.
Colors used for plotting the observed data and the corresponding model prediction lines for the different datasets.
Line types to be used for the model predictions.
Should a frame be drawn around the plots?
Further arguments passed to plot
The function is called for its side effect.
ds <- lapply(experimental_data_for_UBA_2019[6:10],
function(x) x$data[c("name", "time", "value")])
names(ds) <- paste0("ds ", 6:10)
dfop_sfo <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("DFOP", "A1"),
A1 = mkinsub("SFO"), quiet = TRUE)
# \dontrun{
f <- mmkin(list("DFOP-SFO" = dfop_sfo), ds, quiet = TRUE)
plot(f[, 3:4], standardized = TRUE)
# For this fit we need to increase pnlsMaxiter, and we increase the
# tolerance in order to speed up the fit for this example evaluation
# It still takes 20 seconds to run
f_nlme <- nlme(f, control = list(pnlsMaxIter = 120, tolerance = 1e-3))
f_saem <- saem(f, transformations = "saemix")
f_obs <- mmkin(list("DFOP-SFO" = dfop_sfo), ds, quiet = TRUE, error_model = "obs")
f_nlmix <- nlmix(f_obs)
#> Error in nlmix(f_obs): could not find function "nlmix"
#> Error in plot(f_nlmix): object 'f_nlmix' not found
# We can overlay the two variants if we generate predictions
pred_nlme <- mkinpredict(dfop_sfo,
c(parent = f_nlme$bparms.optim[[1]], A1 = 0),
seq(0, 180, by = 0.2))
plot(f_saem, pred_over = list(nlme = pred_nlme))
# }