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Defauls to all observed variables in the model. </dd> <dt>xlab</dt> <dd> Label for the x axis. </dd> <dt>ylab</dt> <dd> Label for the y axis. </dd> <dt>xlim</dt> <dd> Plot range in x direction. </dd> <dt>ylim</dt> <dd> Plot range in y direction. </dd> <dt>col_obs</dt> <dd> Colors used for plotting the observed data and the corresponding model prediction lines. </dd> <dt>pch_obs</dt> <dd> Symbols to be used for plotting the data. </dd> <dt>lty_obs</dt> <dd> Line types to be used for the model predictions. </dd> <dt>add</dt> <dd> Should the plot be added to an existing plot? </dd> <dt>legend</dt> <dd> Should a legend be added to the plot? </dd> <dt>show_residuals</dt> <dd> Should residuals be shown? If only one plot of the fits is shown, the residual plot is in the lower third of the plot? Otherwise, i.e. if "sep_obs" is given, the residual plots will be located to the right of the plots of the fitted curves. </dd> <dt>maxabs</dt> <dd> Maximum absolute value of the residuals. This is used for the scaling of the y axis and defaults to "auto". </dd> <dt>sep_obs</dt> <dd> Should the observed variables be shown in separate subplots? If yes, residual plots requested by "show_residuals" will be shown next to, not below the plot of the fits. </dd> <dt>rel.height.middle</dt> <dd> The relative height of the middle plot, if more than two rows of plots are shown. </dd> <dt>lpos</dt> <dd> Position(s) of the legend(s). Passed to <code>legend</code> as the first argument. If not length one, this should be of the same length as the obs_var argument. </dd> <dt>inset</dt> <dd> Passed to <code>legend</code> if applicable. </dd> <dt>show_errmin</dt> <dd> Should the FOCUS chi2 error value be shown in the upper margin of the plot? </dd> <dt>errmin_digits</dt> <dd> The number of significant digits for rounding the FOCUS chi2 error percentage. </dd> <dt>&#8230;</dt> <dd> Further arguments passed to <code>plot</code>. </dd> </dl> <h2 class="hasAnchor" id="value"><a class="anchor" href="#value"></a>Value</h2> <p>The function is called for its side effect.</p> <h2 class="hasAnchor" id="examples"><a class="anchor" href="#examples"></a>Examples</h2> <pre class="examples"><div class='input'><span class='co'># One parent compound, one metabolite, both single first order, path from</span> <span class='co'># parent to sink included, use Levenberg-Marquardt for speed</span> <span class='no'>SFO_SFO</span> <span class='kw'><-</span> <span class='fu'><a href='mkinmod.html'>mkinmod</a></span>(<span class='kw'>parent</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'><a href='mkinsub.html'>mkinsub</a></span>(<span class='st'>"SFO"</span>, <span class='st'>"m1"</span>, <span class='kw'>full</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"Parent"</span>), <span class='kw'>m1</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'><a href='mkinsub.html'>mkinsub</a></span>(<span class='st'>"SFO"</span>, <span class='kw'>full</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"Metabolite M1"</span> ))</div><div class='output co'>#> <span class='message'>Successfully compiled differential equation model from auto-generated C code.</span></div><div class='input'><span class='no'>fit</span> <span class='kw'><-</span> <span class='fu'><a href='mkinfit.html'>mkinfit</a></span>(<span class='no'>SFO_SFO</span>, <span class='no'>FOCUS_2006_D</span>, <span class='kw'>quiet</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>, <span class='kw'>method.modFit</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>"Marq"</span>) <span class='fu'>plot</span>(<span class='no'>fit</span>)</div><img src='plot.mkinfit-4.png' alt='' width='540' height='400' /><div class='input'><span class='fu'>plot</span>(<span class='no'>fit</span>, <span class='kw'>show_residuals</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>)</div><img src='plot.mkinfit-6.png' alt='' width='540' height='400' /><div class='input'> <span class='co'># Show the observed variables separately</span> <span class='fu'>plot</span>(<span class='no'>fit</span>, <span class='kw'>sep_obs</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>, <span class='kw'>lpos</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'>c</span>(<span class='st'>"topright"</span>, <span class='st'>"bottomright"</span>))</div><img src='plot.mkinfit-8.png' alt='' width='540' height='400' /><div class='input'> <span class='co'># Show the observed variables separately, with residuals</span> <span class='fu'>plot</span>(<span class='no'>fit</span>, <span class='kw'>sep_obs</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>, <span class='kw'>show_residuals</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>, <span class='kw'>lpos</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'>c</span>(<span class='st'>"topright"</span>, <span class='st'>"bottomright"</span>), <span class='kw'>show_errmin</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>)</div><img src='plot.mkinfit-10.png' alt='' width='540' height='400' /><div class='input'> <span class='co'># The same can be obtained with less typing, using the convenience function plot_sep</span> <span class='fu'>plot_sep</span>(<span class='no'>fit</span>, <span class='kw'>lpos</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fu'>c</span>(<span class='st'>"topright"</span>, <span class='st'>"bottomright"</span>))</div></pre> </div> <div class="col-md-3 hidden-xs hidden-sm" id="sidebar"> <h2>Contents</h2> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked"> <li><a href="#arguments">Arguments</a></li> <li><a href="#value">Value</a></li> <li><a href="#examples">Examples</a></li> </ul> <h2>Author</h2> Johannes Ranke </div> </div> <footer> <div class="copyright"> <p>Developed by Johannes Ranke.</p> </div> <div class="pkgdown"> <p>Site built with <a href="http://hadley.github.io/pkgdown/">pkgdown</a>.</p> </div> </footer> </div> </body> </html>