The datasets were used for the comparative validation of several kinetic evaluation software packages (Ranke, 2014).



A list containing three datasets as an R6 class defined by mkinds. Each dataset has, among others, the following components


The name of the dataset, e.g. UBA_2014_WS_river


A data frame with the data in the form expected by mkinfit


Ranke (2014) Prüfung und Validierung von Modellierungssoftware als Alternative zu ModelMaker 4.0, Umweltbundesamt Projektnummer 27452


# NOT RUN { # This is a level P-II evaluation of the dataset according to the FOCUS kinetics # guidance. Due to the strong correlation of the parameter estimates, the # covariance matrix is not returned. Note that level P-II evaluations are # generally considered deprecated due to the frequent occurrence of such # large parameter correlations, among other reasons (e.g. the adequacy of the # model). m_ws <- mkinmod(parent_w = mkinsub("SFO", "parent_s"), parent_s = mkinsub("SFO", "parent_w")) f_river <- mkinfit(m_ws, test_data_from_UBA_2014[[1]]$data, quiet = TRUE) plot_sep(f_river) summary(f_river)$bpar mkinerrmin(f_river) # This is the evaluation used for the validation of software packages # in the expertise from 2014 m_soil <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("SFO", c("M1", "M2")), M1 = mkinsub("SFO", "M3"), M2 = mkinsub("SFO", "M3"), M3 = mkinsub("SFO"), use_of_ff = "max") f_soil <- mkinfit(m_soil, test_data_from_UBA_2014[[3]]$data, quiet = TRUE) plot_sep(f_soil, lpos = c("topright", "topright", "topright", "bottomright")) summary(f_soil)$bpar mkinerrmin(f_soil) # }