# Simple gWidgetsWWW2 GUI for mkin w <- gwindow("Simple R GUI for kinetic evaluations") sb <- gstatusbar("Powered by gWidgetsWWW2 and Rook", cont = w) g <- gframe("Simple R GUI for kinetic evaluations", cont = w, use.scrollwindow = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE) # Project definition {{{1 prg <- gexpandgroup("Project definition", cont = g) visible(prg) <- TRUE make_observed <- function(observed.df) { if (!exists("observed.df")) { n.observed <- 2 observed.names = c("parent", paste("M", 1:(n.observed - 1), sep="")) observed.df = data.frame(Index = 1:n.observed, Name = observed.names, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) } observed.gdf <- gdf(observed.df, name = "Names of observed variables", width = 500, height = 250, cont = prg) observed.gdf$set_column_width(1, 40) } f <- gfile(text = "Set project file", cont = prg, handler = function(h, ...) { tmpfile <- normalizePath(svalue(h$obj), winslash = "/") load(tmpfile) make_observed(observed.df) }) # Editable table of studies {{{1 stg <- gexpandgroup("Studies", cont = g) visible(stg) <- FALSE studies.df <- data.frame(Index = as.integer(1), Author = "FOCUS kinetics workgroup", Year = "2006", Title = "FOCUS Kinetics", Datasets = as.integer(3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) studies.gdf <- gdf(studies.df, name = "Editable list of studies in the project", width = "auto", cont = stg) studies.gdf$set_column_width(1, 40) studies.gdf$set_column_width(2, 200) # Table of datasets to select them for editing {{{1 dsg <- gexpandgroup("Datasets", cont = g) visible(dsg) <- FALSE ds.df <- data.frame(Index = 1:3, Study = as.integer(1), Title = paste("FOCUS dataset", c("A", "B", "C")), icon = asIcon(c("editor", "editor", "editor")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ds.gtable <- gtable(ds.df, width = "auto", cont = dsg) ds.gtable$set_column_width(1, 40) ds.gtable$set_column_width(2, 40) ds.gtable$set_column_width(3, 200) # 1}}} # vim: set foldmethod=marker ts=2 sw=2 expandtab: