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  Johannes Ranke

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  Convert a dataframe from long to wide format

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    <pre><div>mkin_long_to_wide(long_data, time&nbsp;=&nbsp;"time", outtime&nbsp;=&nbsp;"time")</div></pre>
  The dataframe must contain one variable called "time" with the time values specified by the 
  <code>time</code> argument, one column called "name" with the grouping of the observed values, and 
  finally one column of observed values called "value".
  The name of the time variable in the long input data.
  The name of the time variable in the wide output data.
    <div class="Description">

      <p>This function takes a dataframe in the long form as required by <code><a href='http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/FME/docs/modCost'>modCost</a></code> 
  and converts it into a dataframe with one independent variable and several 
  dependent variables as columns.</p>

    <div class="Value">

  Dataframe in wide format.
    <h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
    <pre class="examples"><div class='input'>mkin_long_to_wide(FOCUS_2006_D)
<div class='output'>   time parent    m1
1     0  99.46  0.00
2     0 102.04  0.00
3     1  93.50  4.84
4     1  92.50  5.64
5     3  63.23 12.91
6     3  68.99 12.96
7     7  52.32 22.97
8     7  55.13 24.47
9    14  27.27 41.69
10   14  26.64 33.21
11   21  11.50 44.37
12   21  11.64 46.44
13   35   2.85 41.22
14   35   2.91 37.95
15   50   0.69 41.19
16   50   0.63 40.01
17   75   0.05 40.09
18   75   0.06 33.85
19  100     NA 31.04
20  100     NA 33.13
21  120     NA 25.15
22  120     NA 33.31
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  Johannes Ranke

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