\name{CAKE_export} \alias{CAKE_export} \title{ Export a list of datasets format to a CAKE study file } \description{ In addition to the datasets, the pathways in the degradation model can be specified as well. } \usage{ CAKE_export(ds, map = c(parent = "Parent"), links = NA, filename = "CAKE_export.csf", path = ".", overwrite = FALSE, study = "Codlemone aerobic soil degradation", description = "", time_unit = "days", res_unit = "\% AR", comment = "Created using mkin::CAKE_export", date = Sys.Date(), optimiser = "IRLS") } \arguments{ \item{ds}{ A named list of datasets in long format as compatible with \code{\link{mkinfit}}. } \item{map}{ A character vector with CAKE compartment names (Parent, A1, ...), named with the names used in the list of datasets. } \item{links}{ An optional character vector of target compartments, named with the names of the source compartments. In order to make this easier, the names are used as in the datasets supplied. } \item{filename}{ Where to write the result. Should end in .csf in order to be compatible with CAKE. } \item{path}{ An optional path to the output file. } \item{overwrite}{ If TRUE, existing files are overwritten. } \item{study}{ The name of the study. } \item{description}{ An optional description. } \item{time_unit}{ The time unit for the residue data. } \item{res_unit}{ The unit used for the residues. } \item{comment}{ An optional comment. } \item{date}{ The date of file creation. } \item{optimiser}{ Can be OLS or IRLS. } } \value{ The function is called for its side effect. } \author{ Johannes Ranke }