% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/confint.mkinfit.R \name{confint.mkinfit} \alias{confint.mkinfit} \title{Confidence intervals for parameters of mkinfit objects} \usage{ \method{confint}{mkinfit}(object, parm, level = 0.95, alpha = 1 - level, method = c("profile", "quadratic"), transformed = TRUE, backtransform = TRUE, distribution = c("student_t", "normal"), quiet = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An \code{\link{mkinfit}} object} \item{parm}{A vector of names of the parameters which are to be given confidence intervals. If missing, all parameters are considered.} \item{level}{The confidence level required} \item{alpha}{The allowed error probability, overrides 'level' if specified.} \item{method}{The 'profile' method searches the parameter space for the cutoff of the confidence intervals by means of a likelihood ratio test. The 'quadratic' method approximates the likelihood function at the optimised parameters using the second term of the Taylor expansion, using a second derivative (hessian) contained in the object.} \item{transformed}{If the quadratic approximation is used, should it be applied to the likelihood based on the transformed parameters?} \item{backtransform}{If we approximate the likelihood in terms of the transformed parameters, should we backtransform the parameters with their confidence intervals?} \item{distribution}{For the quadratic approximation, should we use the student t distribution or assume normal distribution for the parameter estimate} \item{quiet}{Should we suppress messages?} \item{\dots}{Not used} } \value{ A matrix with columns giving lower and upper confidence limits for each parameter. } \description{ Confidence intervals for parameters of mkinfit objects } \examples{ f <- mkinfit("SFO", FOCUS_2006_C, quiet = TRUE) confint(f, method = "quadratic") \dontrun{ confint(f, method = "profile") } } \references{ Pawitan Y (2013) In all likelihood - Statistical modelling and inference using likelihood. Clarendon Press, Oxford. }