\name{max_twa_parent} \alias{max_twa_parent} \alias{max_twa_sfo} \alias{max_twa_fomc} \alias{max_twa_dfop} \alias{max_twa_hs} \title{ Function to calculate maximum time weighted average concentrations from kinetic models fitted with mkinfit } \description{ This function calculates maximum moving window time weighted average concentrations (TWAs) for kinetic models fitted with \code{\link{mkinfit}}. Currently, only calculations for the parent are implemented for the SFO, FOMC, DFOP and HS models, using the analytical formulas given in the PEC soil section of the FOCUS guidance.} \usage{ max_twa_parent(fit, windows) max_twa_sfo(M0 = 1, k, t) max_twa_fomc(M0 = 1, alpha, beta, t) max_twa_dfop(M0 = 1, k1, k2, g, t) max_twa_hs(M0 = 1, k1, k2, tb, t) } \arguments{ \item{fit}{ An object of class \code{\link{mkinfit}}. } \item{windows}{ The width of the time windows for which the TWAs should be calculated. } \item{M0}{ The initial concentration for which the maximum time weighted average over the decline curve should be calculated. The default is to use a value of 1, which means that a relative maximum time weighted average factor (f_twa) is calculated. } \item{k}{ The rate constant in the case of SFO kinetics. } \item{t}{ The width of the time window. } \item{alpha}{ Parameter of the FOMC model. } \item{beta}{ Parameter of the FOMC model. } \item{k1}{ The first rate constant of the DFOP or the HS kinetics. } \item{k2}{ The second rate constant of the DFOP or the HS kinetics. } \item{g}{ Parameter of the DFOP model. } \item{tb}{ Parameter of the HS model. } } \value{ For \code{max_twa_parent}, a numeric vector, named using the \code{windows} argument. For the other functions, a numeric vector of length one (also known as 'a number'). } \examples{ fit <- mkinfit("FOMC", FOCUS_2006_C, quiet = TRUE) max_twa_parent(fit, c(7, 21)) } \references{ FOCUS (2006) \dQuote{Guidance Document on Estimating Persistence and Degradation Kinetics from Environmental Fate Studies on Pesticides in EU Registration} Report of the FOCUS Work Group on Degradation Kinetics, EC Document Reference Sanco/10058/2005 version 2.0, 434 pp, \url{http://esdac.jrc.ec.europa.eu/projects/degradation-kinetics} } \author{ Johannes Ranke } \keyword{ manip }